
  • 网络bacchus;Backs;bax
  1. 金夫人是韩国巴克斯酒女的一员&老年妇女靠向男性推销巴克斯酒(Bacchus,一种功能饮料)为生。

    Mrs Kim is one of South Korea 's Bacchus Ladies - older women who make a living by selling tiny bottles of the popular Bacchus energy drink to male customers .

  2. 不久,派出去抓巴克斯的随从回来了。

    Soon the attendants returned who had been dispatched to seize Bacchus .

  3. 去年10月他被巴克斯公司挖走了,负责组建一个广告团队。

    He was headhunted by Barkers last October to build an advertising team

  4. 不管你是什么年龄、有什么兴趣,都能在巴克斯顿见到一些东西,做一些事情,这些能让你对这次旅行非常难忘。

    Whatever your age or interests , Buxton has something to see or do to make your visit truly memorable .

  5. 上周二,米歇尔在康涅狄格州的威廉姆·W·巴克斯医院产下一名重14镑13盎司(约13斤5两)的男婴。

    Michel gave birth to a14-pound , 13-ounce boy last Tuesday at William W.Backus Hospital , Connecticut .

  6. ⑷设计并实现了NHX的查询处理模块,详细给出了查询语言的巴克斯范式。

    ⑷ We design and implement the inquiry processing module and describe the Backus normal form of query language in detail .

  7. 《巴克斯托姆》(Backstrom),Fox,1月22日播出。去年,福克斯推出根据一部澳大利亚电视剧《法庭浪子》(Rake),由格雷格·金尼尔(GregKinnear)主演,讲述一个自毁律师的故事。

    BACKSTROM ( Fox , Jan. 22 ) Last year , Fox tried a show about a self-destructive lawyer ( " Rake , " starring Greg Kinnear ) that was based on an Australian TV series .

  8. 他乘坐空军一号从萨拉索塔-布雷登顿国际机场的巴克斯代尔空军基地,路易斯安那州,然后Offutt空军基地内布拉斯加州,然后返回华盛顿。

    Heflew on Air Force One from Sarasota-Bradenton International Airport toBarksdale Air Force Base in Louisiana and then to Offutt Air Force Basein Nebraska before returning to Washington .

  9. 巴克斯证实大约一半肝磷脂由美国供应。

    Baxter accounts for about half the U.S. supply of heparin .

  10. 现在的巴克斯有一个更有理由爱羊驼。

    The Barkers now have one more reason to love alpacas .

  11. 噢!巴克斯先生答道,面露喜色。

    ' Ah !' replied Mr Barkis , looking very pleased .

  12. 他们总算抓到一个巴克斯的信徒。

    They had succeeded in taking one of the bacchanals prisoner .

  13. 但我敢说他一定是消失在往巴克斯登的方向。

    But I am betting he disappeared in the direction of Buxton .

  14. 这就形成了巴克斯县的职业链。

    That 's where the Bucks County CareerLink comes in .

  15. 看见站在那里的那些巴克斯酒女了吗?

    You see those Bacchus Ladies standing over there ?

  16. 像巴克斯登这样的乡下地方,会有多少牧草地?

    How many hayfields are there in a small rural town like Buxton ?

  17. 弗朗西斯。菲利浦撰于英国巴克斯。

    Francis Philips writes from bucks in the uk .

  18. 他们说,这里一半的男人找过巴克斯酒女。

    About half the men here use the Bacchus Ladies , they say .

  19. 酒神节为表示尊敬巴克斯的古罗马喜庆日。

    The ancient Roman festival in honor of bacchus .

  20. 哈姆走后,我上楼去看可怜的巴克斯。

    As ham went out , I went upstairs to see poor Barkis .

  21. (希腊和罗马神话)酒神巴克斯的牧师或信仰者。

    ( Greek & Roman mythology ) a priest or votary of Bacchus .

  22. 你的大卫。附:他说此事很重要&巴克斯很愿意。

    Yours , David P.S. He says it 's important & Barkis is willing .

  23. 到达雅茅斯后,我径直来到了巴克斯家。

    When I arrived in Yarmouth , I went straight to Barkis 's house .

  24. 巴克斯静静地躺着,一动不动。

    Barkis lay silently there , not moving .

  25. 你的大卫。附:他说此事很重要——巴克斯很愿意。

    Yours , David P.S. He says it 's important - Barkis is willing .

  26. 我和伊芙琳·巴克斯联系过了

    I got in touch with Evelyn Baxter .

  27. 说完这些,巴克斯先生一路上就完全沉默了。

    After this conversation Mr Barkis was completely silent for the rest of the journey .

  28. 去年巴克斯公司检查了这二个工厂,并没有发现质量问题。

    Baxter inspected both facilities last year and found no quality issues , Gardiner said .

  29. 如果没有你和巴克斯勋爵的婚姻。

    Without your marriage to Lord barkis .

  30. ‘巴克斯很愿意’,我天真地重复道,捉摸着这句话的意思。

    ' Barkis is willing ,' I repeated innocently , wondering what the message meant .