
xūn jué
  • lord;a feudal title of nobility conferred for meritorious service;title conferred for meritorious service
勋爵 [xūn jué]
  • [lord;tille conferned for meritorious service] 朝廷赐予臣僚的爵位

勋爵[xūn jué]
  1. 她告诉我们她是某苏格兰勋爵的后裔。

    She told us she was descended from some Scottish Lord .

  2. 其他董事都因为霍利克勋爵被挤了出去而显得很高兴。

    Other directors appear happy that Lord Hollick has been squeezed out

  3. 几年前,索尔兹伯里勋爵在伦敦拍得了这幅画。

    Lord Salisbury bought the picture at auction in London some years ago

  4. 斯旺勋爵于1981年受封终身贵族。

    Lord Swan was made a life peer in 1981 .

  5. 弗雷泽勋爵的讲演发人深省。

    Lord Fraser 's speech offers much food for thought

  6. 几天前,他收到劳埃德勋爵发来的一封电报。

    A few days earlier he had received a telegram from Lord Lloyd .

  7. 她嫁给了一位勋爵,住在科茨沃尔德的这幢大房子里。

    She married a lord and lives in this huge house in the Cotswolds

  8. 卡林顿勋爵对自己取得的成绩非常谦虚。

    Lord Carrington is modest about his achievements .

  9. 怀特勋爵和其他千万富商一样,外表时髦,举止优雅。

    Lord White is as sleek and elegant as any other multi millionaire businessman .

  10. 克拉伦登勋爵的自由主义信条是他从事政治活动的一大基础。

    Lord Clarendon 's liberal credo was one of the foundations of his political conduct .

  11. 玛格丽特公主与斯诺登勋爵离婚了。

    Princess Margaret is divorced from Lord Snowdon

  12. 直言不讳地说,比弗布鲁克勋爵将皇家空军的作战方针搞得一团糟。

    Lord Beaverbrook , to put it bluntly , played hell with the war policy of the R.A.F

  13. 不幸的是,巴思勋爵和他的继任者之间的关系只能用“积怨已久”来概括。

    Sadly , the feud sums up the relationship between Lord Bath and the man who succeeds him .

  14. 正在进行的管理层变更将最终为福特勋爵辉煌的职业生涯画上句号。

    Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte 's extraordinary working life .

  15. 我丈夫的堂兄认识诺思克利夫勋爵。

    My husband 's cousin is an acquaintance of Lord northcliffe .

  16. 我们也许只能一致认定;这位高贵的勋爵作为一位大臣不一定算得全善全美。

    We may have to agree that the noble Lord is not precisely a nonpareil as a departmental minister .

  17. “这是个有趣的问题,”亨利勋爵说,他觉得嘲弄这孩子不自觉的自负能获得极大的乐趣。

    " it is an interesting question ," said Lord henry , who found an exquisite pleasure in playing on the lad 's unconscious egotism .

  18. 亨利勋爵伸手摊脚地躺在沙发椅上,笑着。

    Lord Henry stretched himself out on the divan and laughed .

  19. 准备工作对科勋爵(LordCoe)那天在新加坡取得成功至关重要。

    Preparation was key to Lord Coe 's success that day in Singapore as well .

  20. 通讯大臣卡特勋爵(LordCarter)及本届政府认为问题十分严重。

    Lord Carter , communications minister , and the current government agree that it is profoundly serious .

  21. 最早彻底正确掌握了这一过程的经济学家,当然是凯恩斯勋爵(LordKeynes)。

    The economist who first got the process right in a big way was , of course , Lord Keynes .

  22. 作为HBOS的董事长,史蒂文森勋爵(LordStevenson)在英国人脉极广。

    As chairman of HBOS , Lord Stevenson was Britain 's supreme networker .

  23. 利物浦勋爵(lordliverpool)1825年威胁说,如果投机者得到拯救,他将辞去财政大臣的职务,但最后投机者还是得救了。

    Lord Liverpool threatened to resign as chancellor of the Exchequer in 1825 if the speculators were bailed out - but eventually they were .

  24. 英国前贸易部长琼斯勋爵(lordjones)表示,弗雷德爵士的行为“相当糟糕”,他应当放弃一半的养老金。

    Lord Jones , former trade minister , said Sir Fred had behaved " fairly dreadfully " and should give up half his pension .

  25. 长期担任英国财政部首席经济学家的伯恩斯勋爵(LordBurns),试图用名义框架的说法来替代新型政策。

    Lord Burns , long-time UK Treasury chief economist , tried to substitute the expression " nominal framework " for the new type policies .

  26. 当年布莱尔任命赫顿勋爵(LordHutton)领导调查工作。

    Mr Blair appointed Lord Hutton .

  27. 曾因作伪证而入狱的畅销小说作家阿彻勋爵(LordArcher)依然留在上议院。

    Lord Archer , the popular novelist who served a jail term for perjury , remains in the House of Lords .

  28. 《哈利波特》作者JK罗琳被英皇室授予“荣誉勋爵”

    J.K. Rowling Receives a Rare Honor From Prince William at Buckingham Palace

  29. 日前,《哈利·波特》原作J·K·罗琳被英国皇室授予“荣誉勋爵”,这是英国的勋章和爵位的最高等级,除了罗琳以外,目前只有64人获此殊荣。

    J.K. Rowling was awarded a rare distinction by the royal family - so extraordinary that there are only 64 other people currently holding the title .

  30. 世界银行(worldbank)前首席经济学家、伦敦经济学院(londonschoolofeconomics)学者斯特恩勋爵(lordstern)表示,伯南克所说的不确定性切实存在。

    Lord Stern , former chief economist of the world bank and academic at the London School of economics , says the uncertainties spoken about by Mr Bernanke are all too real .
