
xuè qīn
  • consanguinity;blood relation;blood kin
血亲 [xuè qīn]
  • [blood kin;blood relation] 基于血统关系的亲属

血亲[xuè qīn]
  1. 夸张是谎言的血亲,应同样受到责备。

    An exaggeration be a blood relation to falsehood and nearly as blamable .

  2. 医生说只有血亲捐献骨髓才能救我。

    My doctor said only a blood relation can save me .

  3. 他们是血亲。

    They are of the same blood .

  4. 第十一条被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡的,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲代位继承。

    Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child , the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation .

  5. 目的:探讨人类精子库管理办法中AID受孕数目可能引发的血亲结合和社会伦理问题。

    Objective : To explore some serious problems probably occured , such as integrating consanguinity and social ethics , which was caused by gestational amounts of artificial insemination donor ( AID ) in human sperm bank .

  6. 儒家孝治对血亲复仇的扬抑

    On Confucian Filial Piety 's Development and Repression of Blood Revenge

  7. 他是我的血亲,我健壮的大哥。

    He was my own blood , my big strong brother .

  8. 你们是血亲可以强化咒语的感应效果

    You 're blood-related . It 'll make the connection stronger .

  9. 我们是非常相似的,毕竟我们是血亲关系。

    We 're very similar-we 're blood relatives , after all .

  10. 从血亲复仇到财产赔偿;

    Revenge from the blood kin the to property compensation ;

  11. 语言接触所产生的蒙古族直系血亲亲属称谓词地区差异

    Region Differences of Mongoloid Kinsfolk Names Originated from Language Contact

  12. 人被不被允许和某种程度血亲关系的人结婚。

    People are not allowed to marry within certain degrees of consanguinity .

  13. 血亲婚配的观念,也是如此。

    The same is true of the conception of incest .

  14. 家庭法中自然血亲拟制化的比较研究

    The Comparative Investigation of Fictional Natural Consanguinity in Family Law

  15. 包括核心家庭和血亲的家庭。

    A family consisting of the nuclear family and their blood relatives .

  16. 当我们还以血亲手足相称时。

    By the time we were piaying at biood brothers .

  17. 乔是我的血亲,他是我的侄子。

    He is my nephew , not my son .

  18. 在现代,狼人之血是血亲继承的。

    In modern terms , werewolf blood is inherited .

  19. 他们不是血亲,只是姻亲而已。

    They 're not blood relations . they 're only connected by marriage .

  20. 同宗的来自于共同祖先的;同血亲的。

    Coming from a common source ; akin .

  21. ??竟然拿枪指著我?你的血亲?而且还是你亲爱的爸爸?

    You point a gun at me ? Your own kin ? Your dear papa ?

  22. 她的基因似乎存在于现今所有人类的身上:她有着五十亿的血亲。

    Hers seem to be in all humans living today : 5 billion blood relatives .

  23. 配偶继承人与血亲继承人现代继承制度的两类主要的继承人。

    Spouse heirs and consanguineous heirs are two kinds of main heirs in modern inheritance system .

  24. 我的血亲和我的背叛者。

    My blood and my betrayer .

  25. 亲属关系包括血亲、姻亲,但主要是通过婚姻建立和扩大的。

    Kinship consisted of blood kin and affinal kin and it established and extended chiefly through marriage .

  26. 有些照顾通过指挥灵魂&一般称为血亲幽魂,去看护他们的孩子。

    Some do so by commanding spirits , commonly called Kin-Fetches , to watch over their children .

  27. 最内层的同心圆代表父母和孩子,然后是血亲,其次是朋友和邻居。

    The innermost circles represented parents and children , then blood relatives , followed by friends and neighbours .

  28. 我国现行继承法规定的法定继承人的范围基本上符合民间对继承人的选择,除法定继承人外,人们更注重是否是自己的直系血亲或者是否对自己给予了较多照顾。

    The limits of heirs in statutory succession of China 's Law of Succession accord with the civilian choice .

  29. 我们不禁会想,如果血亲中有更多女性,企业家是否就能不那么绝望。

    One cannot help wondering if entrepreneurs would be less hopeless at relationships if more of them were female .

  30. 血亲与分封制度相结合,将同姓贵族紧紧联系在一起。

    Thus by combining blood relationship with an enfeoffment policy , the nobles bearing the same surname were united .