
  • 网络Blood supply;vascularity;dsa
  1. 桡神经及其血供的显微外科解剖学研究

    Study on Microscopical Anatomy of Radial Nerve And Blood Supply

  2. 红外偏振光照射星状神经节对改善肩-手综合征患者的上肢血供的影响

    To increase blood supply : stellate ganglion block by polarized infrared light for the shoulder hand syndrome

  3. 个月大婴儿的横向能量多普勒图像示一个大的,血供丰富的不均质回声团

    Transverse power Doppler image in a 10-month-old shows a large heterogeneous liver mass with marked vascularity . 10

  4. 通过增强后无血供的肾断片或梗塞灶无增强,CT可以间接诊断血管撕裂或动脉闭塞;

    Renal vascular avulsion and arterial occlusion could be demonstrated in CT after contrast enhancement .

  5. 结论:胶质瘤MR灌注图像、曲线及灌注各指标相应数值,可以提供常规MR图像所无法获得的肿瘤血供信息;

    Conclusion : MR perfusion imaging can provide useful vascular information not available with conventional MR imaging .

  6. 肝细胞癌动态增强MRI定量分析的血供基础实验研究

    Blood supply analysis based on quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in hepatocellular carcinoma

  7. 螺旋CT增强三期扫描对原发性小肝癌血供的影像学观察

    The radiographic observation of thi-phase spiral CT of the blood supply in primary small hepatic carcinoma

  8. 肺癌幕上脑转移瘤与血供关系的MRI研究

    Study of Relation between MRI Findings of Supratentorial Metastasis of Lung Cancer and Blood Distribution

  9. HCC的DSA不同血供类型之间有明显的肿瘤微血管特征差异。

    HCC with different blood supply shows significant differences in features of tumor microvessels .

  10. 目的:运用动态钆增强MR成像技术,评价正常股骨头骨骺及髋关节外展固定体位时股骨头骨骺的不同解剖区域的血供特征。

    Objective : To evaluate the characterization of blood perfusion of femoral head epiphysis with hips in neutral and abduction position by using dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MR imaging .

  11. C组:受体肝动脉结扎,供肝动脉和门静脉血供均建立,其他手术内容与A组相同。

    Group C : host 's liver artery was ligated , both portal vein supply and arterial blood supply were constructed , other operation procedures being the same with group A.

  12. 目的分析肝动脉化疗栓塞术(TACE)治疗富血供肝转移瘤的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the treatment of hypervascular hepatic metastasis with TACE .

  13. 结论:螺旋CT多期增强扫描能反映早期肝癌的血供变化特点,从而为本病的诊断和治疗提供了可靠的影像学依据。

    Conclusions : Multi phase helical CT could reflect the blood supply of the early hepatocellular carcinoma , it provids reliable imaging for the diagnosis and treatment of the disease .

  14. Graves病甲状腺的血供分析及动脉栓塞治疗

    Study on the Blood Supply to Thyroid and Arterial Embolization for the Treatment of Graves ' Disease

  15. 螺旋CT血管造影可显示隔离肺及异常动脉血供及静脉回流,为首选无创检查方法。

    Spiral CT angiography delineated the anomalous systemic artery and venous drainage , the CT examination might be the procedure of perfect choice in the diagnosis and assessment of pulmonary sequestration .

  16. 肿瘤的生物学行为与其血供有密切的关系,即与肿瘤组织的微血管密度(MVD)紧密相关。

    Biological behavior of tumor has a close relationship with its blood supply from the tumor microvessels .

  17. 耳廓复合组织游离移植矫治中度杯状耳畸形(2)应用监测皮岛,对深部移植组织瓣的血供监测3d是足够的。

    Treating congenital cup ear using auricular composite tissue free grafts ( 2 ) Three days ' clinical observation may be sufficient for evaluating the circulation of the buried free grafts .

  18. 结论MRI可以监测栓塞术后肌瘤体积变化、坏死及血供情况,指导临床治疗及判断疗效。

    Conclusion MRI can evaluate the volume changes , necrosis and the blood supply of the post-UAE myoma , and guide the clinical treatment and decide the response of treatment .

  19. 此外,VEGF能改善缺血性疾病的局部组织血供,促进组织愈合,还具有抗炎作用。

    In addition , VEGF can improve local blood supply of ischemic disease . It also can hasten wound to heal and it is an anti-inflammatory factor .

  20. 跟腱内侧区血供来自胫后动脉,此动脉分出3-4个穿动脉,直径约(1.0±0.2)mm,到达跟腱前内侧腱旁组织。

    On the lateral side of the Achilles tendon , the blood was supplied by posterior tibial artery . The diameter of perforating branch was about ( 1.0 ± 0.2 ) mm .

  21. 结论:肺癌CT增强的幅度及模式与其血供及微血管密度有关,动态增强可以反映肺癌的强化特征,有助于诊断。

    Conclusion : The degrees and patterns of enhancement correlated closely with the blood supply and MVDs of lung carcinoma . Spiral dynamic CT scan can demonstrate the enhancement characteristics of lung carcinoma and might be helpful in diagnosis .

  22. 目的分析21例共63个富血供肝转移灶在螺旋CT双期扫描中的表现,探讨螺旋CT在该病诊断中的价值和限度。

    Objective To analyze the contrast enhancement appearances and patterns on dual phase helical CT scans in 21 cases with hepatic hypervascular metastases , and to discuss the value and pitfall of helical CT in diagnosing hepatic hypervascular metastases .

  23. 目的探讨带血供肌瓣作为骨形态发生蛋白(BMP)载体修复骨缺损的可行性。

    Objective To investigate the effect of vascular muscle flap as a carrier of bone morphogenetic protein ( BMP ) to repair long bone defect .

  24. 首次TACE时病灶单支血供83例,多支(2支或以上)21例。

    The blood supply of the tumor is single branch in 83 cases , multiple branches in 21 cases when the first TACE was done .

  25. 目的探讨针刺推拿综合治疗方案对椎动脉型颈椎病(CSA)患者椎-基底动脉血供异常的影响。

    Objective To observe the efficacy of an acupuncture-tuina synthetical therapy on improving blood supply of vertebral-basilar artery in Cervical Spondylosis of Arterial Type ( CSA ) patients .

  26. 研究者们从蜕膜血供、药流后的纤溶系统、生长因子、蜕膜雌激素受体(ER)、孕激素受体(PR)等多方面进行了研究。

    To seek for the mechanism of prolonged uterine bleeding after medical abortion , investigators have studied on decidua blood supply , fibrinolysis system , growing factors , estrogen receptor and progesterone receptor .

  27. 末次TACE时单支血供57例,多支血供47例。

    But in the end of the TACE the blood supply of the tumor is single branch in 57 cases , multiple ones in 47 cases .

  28. 方法180例转移性肝癌患者经造影后根据血供情况分别采用单纯灌注化疗(HAI)、化疗并用稠度不同的碘油化疗药乳剂栓塞治疗(TACE),并观察其临床效果。

    Methods According to the differences of blood supply in the lesions revealed by angiography , 180 patients with clinically proved MLC underwent HAI and TACE , respectively .

  29. 结果CDFI显示2例睾丸肿瘤为少血供。其余均为多血供,并呈条带状、树枝状及网状分布,且84.2%(16/19)的睾丸肿瘤血流形态不规则。

    Results : The CDFI showed that 3 tumors were hypovasculars and others were hypervasculars , and that there was irregular blood flow patterns in 16 / 19 cases .

  30. 结论:平扫和动态增强MRI检查能较全面显示FNH的病理特征和血供特点,明显地提高与其他富血管恶性肿瘤的鉴别诊断能力。

    Conclusion : The unenhanced and dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI scanning can fully show the pathologic and the blood supplying characteristics of FNH and improve differentiating ability from other malignant hypervascular tumors .