
náng zhǒng
  • hydatoncus;cystis;hygroma;hygromata
囊肿[náng zhǒng]
  1. [目的]结合文献探讨骶部硬膜外囊肿(SEC)的临床表现、影像学特点与外科治疗,以便提高对该病的临床诊断和治疗水平。

    [ Objective ] To analyze the clinical diagnosis and therapic level , the clinical manifestation , image manifestation and surgical treatment of the sacral epidural cystis .

  2. 结果:手术时间A组少于B组(P<0·001);A组淋巴潴留囊肿3例,B组有2例,无差异;

    Results : The operative duration in group A was shorter than that in group B ( P < 0.001 ), there was 3 cases lymph cystis retentionis and 2 ones in group A and B respectively ( P > 0.05 ) .

  3. 他做了个切除囊肿的小手术。

    He had a minor operation to remove a cyst .

  4. 那个囊肿正在引起肿胀,压迫着她的大脑。

    The cyst was causing swelling and exerting pressure on her brain .

  5. 我们发现了一个囊肿,我把其中的液体吸了出来。

    We found a cyst and I suctioned off the liquid within .

  6. 较大的病儿则以囊肿感染为常见。

    In older infants and children infection in the cyst is common .

  7. 在发生穿孔的时候可有腹膜的钙化和假囊肿形成

    Peritoneal calcification and pseudocyst are described when perforation occurs .

  8. 结论腹腔镜下卵巢囊肿剥出术创伤小,术后恢复快并发症少,集诊断与治疗为一体,临床应用价值比较肯定

    Conclusion The patients performed laparoscopic ovarian cyst divesting surgery had less complication and recovered soon .

  9. 方法对87例卵巢囊肿进行腹腔镜下剥出手术,严格把握操作要领

    Methods : The indication , methods and outcome of87 patients undergone laparoscopic ovarian cyst divesting surgery were analyzed .

  10. 成人支气管囊肿的CT诊断

    The Value of CT in the Diagnosis of Adult Bronchogenic Cyst

  11. 颌骨多发性角化囊肿的CT诊断&附5例报告

    Diagnosis of multiple mandibular keratocyst using CT : 5 cases report

  12. 阑尾粘液囊肿的CT诊断及其临床价值

    Diagnostic value of CT Findings in Mucocele of the Appendix

  13. 支气管源性囊肿CT误诊2例分析

    CT misdiagnosed bronchiogenic cyst : a report of 2 cases

  14. 急性胰腺炎性假囊肿的CT动态描述

    The image of dynamic CT examination in pancreatic pseudocyst

  15. 肝囊肿CT导向经皮穿刺注射无水酒精硬化治疗

    CT guided percutaneous aspiration and sclerotherapy of hepatic cysts

  16. 颅内表皮样囊肿的CT诊断探讨

    Discussion of CT Diagnosis of Intracranial Epidermoid Cyst

  17. 阑尾黏液囊肿X线、CT表现

    Appendical Mucous Cyst : X-ray and CT Appearance

  18. 目的研究椎管内肠源性囊肿的MRI表现。

    Objective To study the MRI manifestations of intraspinal enterogenous cysts .

  19. 弥散MRI诊断颅内表皮样囊肿的价值

    The Value of Diffusion-weighted MRI in Diagnosis of Intracranial Epidermoid Cysts

  20. CT导引下穿刺肾囊肿的治疗

    Renal Cyst of Puncture Under CT Guide

  21. 椎管内脊膜囊肿的MRI诊断价值

    Diagnosis value of MRI in spinal meningeal cyst

  22. 结论MRI是诊断松果体先天性囊肿的有效方法。

    Conclusion MRI is an effective method for the diagnosis of congenital pineal cyst .

  23. 材料与方法搜集38例松果体先天性囊肿,回顾性对照分析其CT与MRI表现。

    Materials and Methods CT and MRI findings in 38 cases with congenital pineal cyst were retrospectively analyzed .

  24. 目的:评估阑尾粘液囊肿CT检查的术前诊断价值。

    Objective : To assess the value of computed tomography ( CT ) in the preoperative diagnosis of appendical mucous cyst .

  25. 结论B超和MRI是诊断前列腺囊肿的重要方法。

    [ Conclusion ] B sonography and MRI are excellent imaging modalities for accurately depicting prostatic utricle cyst .

  26. 喉气囊肿的MRI诊断

    MRI Diagnosis in Laryngocele

  27. 目的:总结CT导引下肝肾囊肿穿刺抽吸硬化治疗的疗效和操作经验。

    Purpose : To summarize the efficiency and the experience of the puncture aspiration and sclerosing therapy of hepatic and renal cysts .

  28. 结果41例假性囊肿CT共检出44个囊性病灶,其中41个病灶为单房囊肿,3个病灶囊内见分隔。

    Results In 41 patients with pseudocyst , a total of 44 cysts were detected , of which 41 was unilocular and 3 multilocular .

  29. 并对6例低后位卵巢囊肿患者采用CT导引经骶尾侧途径穿刺治疗。

    Six patients with ovarian cyst diagnosed by ultrasound and CT were treated through trans-sacral puncture therapy , which safety and feasibility were evaluated .

  30. 方法:收集我院经手术病理证实的表皮样囊肿11例,男6例,女5例,行MR检查。

    Methods Eleven patients ( 6 male , 5 female ) with histologically proven epidermoid tumor of the cerebellopontine angle area were studied with MR equipment .