
náng wěi yòu chóng
  • bladder worm;cysticercus;measle
囊尾幼虫[náng wěi yòu chóng]
  1. “囊尾幼虫:许多绦虫的幼虫时期,由在充满液体的囊中单个的肠套头结构成.”

    " cysticercus : The larval stage of many tapeworms , consisting of a single invaginated scolex enclosed in a fluid-filled cyst . "

  2. 中蜂囊状幼虫病病毒特异性半套式RT-PCR检测方法的建立及应用囊虫病被囊尾幼虫传染的病

    Establishment and Application of a Specific Semi-nested RT-PCR Assay for the Detection of Chinese Bee ( Apis sinensis ) sacbrood virus

  3. 未煮熟的猪肉也许含有猪绦虫活的囊尾幼虫。

    Undercooked pork may contain living " bladder worms " of the pig tapeworm .

  4. 剖检由于间发性疾病死亡的病牛,凡是囊尾幼虫侵袭的组织应该一律通过焚化或深埋予以销毁。

    At necropsy cattle dead from intercurrent disease , cysticerci infested tissues should be destroyed by incineration or deep burial .