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  • cystic fibrosis
  1. 囊性纤维化是美国最常见的致命遗传疾病。

    Cystic fibrosis is the most common fatal genetic disease in the United States .

  2. 在这篇文章中,他和同事使用了囊性纤维化的例子,该疾病在非裔人身上易漏诊,因为这被认为是“白种人”的疾病。

    In the paper , he and his colleagues used the example of cystic fibrosis , which is underdiagnosed in people of African ancestry because it is thought of as a " white " disease .

  3. 在囊性纤维化儿童和青少年中补充维生素K对成骨生化标记物的作用

    The effect of vitamin K supplementation on biochemical markers of bone formation in children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis

  4. 最重要的是,这些酵母有四分之一的基因与人类基因相同,生物学家以此可生成一整个DNA组,用于预防囊性纤维化一类的可怕疾病。

    More importantly yeast shares a quarter of its genes with humans so may allow biologists to build whole sections of DNA to prevent devastating diseases like cystic fibrosis .

  5. 特发性胰腺炎ERCP的检查结果:囊性纤维化基因阳性及阴性患者

    ERCP findings in idiopathic pancreatitis : Patients who are cystic fibrosis gene positive and negative

  6. 他也是OneRepublic的粉丝。Bryan在MV里说,囊性纤维化是一种侵袭消化系统并且缓慢减弱肺部功能的疾病。

    Bryan says in the music video : Cystic fibrosis is a disease that attacks the digestive system and slowly shuts down the lungs .

  7. 囊性纤维化基金会(CysticFibrosisFoundation)使罕见疾病药物的开发方式发生了变革,多发性骨髓瘤研究基金会(MultipleMyelomaResearchFoundation)已经帮助医生改变了血癌的治疗方法。

    The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation has revolutionized the way drugs for rare diseases are developed and the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation has helped change the way that blood cancer is treated .

  8. 最近发现,survivin在从囊性纤维化病人分离得到的终末分化的中性粒细胞中有较高的表达。

    Most recently , it was found that survivin was expressed in terminally differentiated neutrophils that were isolated from the patients with cystic fibrosis , a chronic inflammatory disease .

  9. 正常人与囊性纤维化病人汗腺细胞膜单离子通道对Forskolin的反应

    Single Ion Channel Responses of Sweat Gland Cell Membrane from Normal Individuals and Patients with Cystic Fibrosis to Forskolin

  10. CFTR与囊性纤维化

    CFTR and cystic fibrosis

  11. 对这个新的卵子进行刺激从而让它分裂产生胚胎,可以取出其中的携带了囊性纤维化遗传标记的ESCs供研究。

    This new egg is stimulated to divide , producing the embryo from which ESCs with the genetic indicators of cystic fibrosis can be taken and studied .

  12. PGD适用于特殊遗传病的筛查,如囊性纤维化和神经节苷脂病,而且PGD也可以用于性别选择。

    PGD is good for screening for specific genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis and Tay-Sachs disease , and also can be used to select gender .

  13. 囊性纤维化跨膜传导调节因子(CFTR)是一种cAMP激活的ATP门控性氯离子通道,表达于气道,消化道和生殖道上皮细胞的顶部质膜中。

    The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) is a cAMP-activated and ATP-gated Cl ~ - channel expressed in the apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells in the airways , digestive and reproductive tracts .

  14. 被称为PTC124的药物,已经在治疗Duchenne肌营养不良和囊性纤维化的病人中获得了激动人心的成果。

    The drug , known as PTC124 , has already had encouraging results in patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy and cystic fibrosis .

  15. 目的:研究天然黄酮类化合物黄芩素对囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节因子(CFTR)氯离子通道的激活作用。

    Abstract : Objective To study activation effect of a natural compound baicalein on cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) chloride channel .

  16. 对羟基苯甲酸丁酯激活囊性纤维化跨膜电导调节因子氯离子通道开放转录共激活因子OBF-1调节p300表达的初步研究

    Butyl-p-hydroxybenzoate stimulates cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator Cl ~ - transport Preliminary study on the effect of transcription-coactivator OBF-1 protein upon the expression of p300

  17. 囊性纤维化者CFTR蛋白变异,通常出现一个或更多的氨基酸缺失并因此错误折叠。

    In individuals with cystic fibrosis , the CFTR protein is mutated , often with one or more amino acids deleted , and consequently misfolded .

  18. CFTR蛋白缺乏使水分不能自由出入细胞,因而改变了气道环境,导致囊性纤维化。

    Loss of CFTR proteins stops water from flowing into or out of the cells , thereby altering the conditions in the airway , leading to cystic fibrosis .

  19. 认识IL-23在囊性纤维化病人中炎症途径中的重要作用对于进一步研究是一个重要步骤,它将导致新的治疗方法的出现并组织这种炎症过程。

    " Understanding the role IL-23 plays in the inflammatory pathway of CF patients is a major step forward that could lead to the development of new therapies to block this inflammation ," said Dr.

  20. 研究表明,CAVD的发病与囊性纤维化跨膜转运调节物(CFTR)基因突变和中肾管发育缺陷有关。CAVD患者可合并肾发育不全和其他泌尿系统异常。

    The etiology of CAVD is associated with the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator ( CFTR ) gene and defects in the Wolffian duct , and frequently complicated by renal agenesis and other urogenital abnormalities .

  21. 新生儿发汗试验阳性对囊性纤维化筛选的作用

    Sweat testing in newborns positive to neonatal screening for cystic fibrosis

  22. 高渗盐水对肺囊性纤维化患者黏膜清除率和肺功能的影响

    Mucus clearance and lung function in cystic fibrosis with hypertonic saline

  23. 新生儿囊性纤维化筛查与治疗强度减低有关

    Newborn screening for cystic fibrosis is associated with reduced treatment intensity

  24. 囊性纤维化的儿童需要高蛋白、高热量饮食。

    A.Children with cystic fibrosis require a high-protein , high-calorie diet .

  25. 在囊性纤维化患儿中中性粒细胞谷氨酰胺缺乏与基因型的关系

    Neutrophil glutamine deficiency in relation to genotype in children with cystic fibrosis

  26. 囊性纤维化跨膜转导调节因子在子宫内膜中表达的变化及其意义

    Expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in human endometrium

  27. 囊性纤维化肝病肝纤维化的血清标志物

    Serum markers of hepatic fibrogenesis in cystic fibrosis liver disease

  28. 囊性纤维化诊断和治疗的成本评估

    Assessing the cost of cystic fibrosis diagnosis and treatment

  29. 南亚裔加拿大移民中囊性纤维化的发生率和临床特点

    The prevalence and clinical characteristics of cystic fibrosis in South Asian Canadian immigrants

  30. 不育男中囊性纤维化跨膜转运调节物基因突变频率增加

    Increased frequency of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene mutations in infertile males