
  • 网络Baroque Era;Barockzeit
  1. 其意义在于可用音乐体现巴洛克时代开始注意的对比、竞争的原则。

    Its significance can be used to reflect the Baroque era of music began to pay attention to the contrast , the principle of competition .

  2. 特雷弗是个好人当初他还帮我写巴洛克时代异常性取向的论文

    Trevor was a good man , helped me with my dissertation on sexual deviance in the baroque period .

  3. 从巴洛克时代到古典、浪漫直到近现代的一些大作曲家,有许多影响深远、脍炙人口的精美的歌剧重唱。

    Most of the celebrated composers of baroque , classic , romantic and modern times wrote good operatic ensembles in their influentially appealing works .

  4. 与巴赫相对于巴洛克时代的总结与里程碑意义相比,多梅尼科·斯卡拉蒂凝聚在其五百余首古钢琴奏鸣曲中的创作特点则彰显了开拓前古典时代的意义。

    Comparing with Bach as the summation and the milestone of the Baroque period , creative characteristics presented by Domenico Scarlatti 's more than 500 harpsichord sonatas have such significance as to have exploited the pre-classical period .

  5. 巴洛克音乐时代是文艺复兴运动在新历史环境中的继续,文艺复兴时期音乐艺术的先进理念和优秀成果毫不例外地被巴洛克时代所传承。

    The era of Baroque music is the continuum of Renaissance movement in the new historic environment . The advanced concept and superior achievement of music art in the period of Renaissance are unexceptionally inherited in the era of Baroque .

  6. 教授:到现在我们在课堂上对巴洛克早期时代的讨论和阅读,大多集中在相对较狭窄的上层社会所光顾的音乐的风格、类型及其发展上。

    Professor : Up until now in our discussions and readings about the broken early classical periods , we 've been talking about the development of musical styles and genres within the relatively narrow social context of its patronage by the upper classes .