
sà kè sī fēnɡ
  • saxophone
  1. 我是骗子,是个萨克斯风手。

    I 'm a liar and a phoney . a saxophone player .

  2. 拉里可以弹奏许多种乐器,包括小提琴和萨克斯风。

    Larry can play many musical instruments , including the violin and saxophone .

  3. 演奏一曲萨克斯风,最多需要一个人加上十分钟;

    Playing a saxophone needs one person and ten minutes at the most .

  4. 你从这里加入,用你美妙的萨克斯风来吹奏这生日歌

    This is where you join in birthday song with your sweet-ass saxophone .

  5. 乔治对他的新萨克斯风爱不释手。

    George is mad about his new saxophone .

  6. 露西在星期天萨克斯风没有做家庭作业。

    Lucy doesn 't her homework on sunday .

  7. 你的萨克斯风吹得好。

    You play the saxophone well .

  8. 当她缓缓步上红毯,萨克斯风开始演奏“当男人爱上女人”。

    As she walked down the aisle a saxophone played " When A Man Loves A Woman . "

  9. 但是随著科技发达,萨克斯风的颜色已经持续在增加当中,甚至有彩色的萨克斯风。

    However , with new technologies , the numbers of colors have increased and even includes a multicolor sax .

  10. 萨克斯风乐手认为,泰山萨克斯风那流畅的发音,迷人的形态,饱满的音色,简直就是精品中的精品!

    Saxophone players consider smooth sound , charming shape and full tone color of Taishan saxophone are absolutely the best !

  11. 正当在他欣赏他的萨克斯风了不起的成就时,一个晴天的霹雳临到他!

    As he was enjoying the success of Saxophone playing , all of sudden , a nightmare fell upon him .

  12. 我不会觉得困扰啊。而且我很想有个能练习萨克斯风的地方,又不用担心打扰到别人。

    Doesn 't bother me . And I 'd love to have a place to practice my saxophone without worrying about disturbing people .

  13. 她于2009年成立澳门首个萨克斯风合奏团,随即获邀在《澳门艺术节》及《澳门管乐缤纷》演出。

    In2009 , he founded the first saxophone ensemble in Macao , which has since performed at the Macao Arts Festival and Macao Band Fair .

  14. 神藉著他童年的困苦生活,在他不认识神时,神引导他走向了学习萨克斯风的道路。

    Through the suffering and hardship of his childhood , it is God 's hand that led him to go on the way of learning Saxophone before he even knew Him .

  15. 就像整个宇宙都在说,还记得你十四岁时你满脸粉刺还戴着牙箍,在乐队里吹萨克斯风,没人愿意请你去冬季舞会吗?其实一切都未曾改变

    It 's the universe saying , " Look , remember when you were 14 , and you had cystic acne and braces , and you played the saxophone in the marching band , and no one would invite you to the winter formal ? Well , nothing 's changed . "