
  • 网络salami
  1. 斯特劳斯凭借《萨拉米斯之战》(TheBattleofSalamis)和《斯巴达克思起义》(TheSpartacusWar)确立了军事史学家的名声。在《恺撒之死》中,他写得最好的是恺撒遇刺后的军队组织。

    Strauss made his mark as a military historian in books like " The Battle of Salamis " and " The Spartacus War , " and he 's strongest here when tracking Caesar 's army units in the days after the assassination .

  2. 萨拉米斯表示:我关心的主要问题是消除一种看法即在委内瑞拉经商是有风险的。过去15年里LasCristinas发生的事情又加剧了这点。

    My main concern is removing the perception that Venezuela is a risky place to do business , which has been exacerbated by what has happened at Las Cristinas over the last 15 years , says Mr Salamis .

  3. 希腊人在波斯帝国发动的第三次希波战争中,因萨拉米斯海战的胜利而最终战胜波斯。

    Because of the victory in the Salamis naval battle , Greek triumphed over Persia Empire who launched the Greece-Persia War ⅲ .

  4. 这尊像还存在,就在萨拉米斯的维纳斯庙里,跟这位小姐的真人一模一样。

    The statue still remains , and stands in the temple of Venus at Salamis , in the exact form of the lady .

  5. 当特洛伊战争即将爆发时,他率领军队从萨拉米斯到达奥尔墨斯加入了希腊军队。

    When the Trojan War was about to break out he led his forces from Salamis to join the Greek army at Aulis .