
  1. 系统以AutoCAD2000为图形支撑平台,按国家矿山测量规范结合凡口矿管理标准,用VISUALBASIC语言进行二次程序开发,集成AutoCAD强大功能又具有井下测量专项制图功能。

    The system base on AutoCAD 2000 , according to the criterion of Our country Mine Survey , using Visual Basic develop program , integrating all of CAD function and being provided with specialty function of Underground Survey drawing .

  2. 研究了广东省仁化县韶关凡口铅锌矿废弃地尾矿砂对银合欢(Leucaenaglauca)幼苗定居的影响。

    The effects of mine tailings in the Pb and Zn mine wasteland on seedling ecesis of Leucaena glauca are studied .

  3. 研究以宽叶香蒲(Typhalatifolia)为优势种的人工湿地系统对广东省韶关市凡口铅/锌矿采矿废水净化效能。

    The efficiency of Typha latifolia Linn man made wetland to treat the wastewater from a Pb / Zn mine at Shaoguan , Guangdong Province , was evaluated by monitoring water quality .

  4. 凡口矿矿山测量数字化的研究与实践

    Research and Practice on the Digitization of Mine Survey and Mapping

  5. 再论凡口矿区中上泥盆统叠层石及其地层沉积环境意义

    Secondary on the significance of Middle-Upper Devonian stromatolites and related sedimentary environment

  6. 凡口宽叶香蒲湿地植物群落恢复的研究

    Restoration of wetland plant communities dominated by Typha latifolia

  7. 凡口铅锌矿的形成没有岩浆活动直接参与;

    The magmatic process did not participate in forming of the Fankou lead zinc deposit .

  8. 计算机在凡口铅锌矿选矿厂的应用

    Application of Computers in the Concentration Plant

  9. 广东凡口铅锌矿床的主要金属矿物黄铁矿、闪锌矿和方铝矿均可分为四个世代。

    In this lead-Zinc ore deposit , the main ore minerals of each generationhave typomorphic peculiarities .

  10. 介绍电位调控浮选在凡口铅锌矿的应用情况。

    The paper introduces briefly the application of potential adjustment and control flotation in Fankou Lead-zinc Mine .

  11. 凡口铅锌矿深部矿床的开采,是凡口矿持续稳产发展的重要保证。

    The mining of deep deposit is an important guarantee for the sustainable and stable development of Fankou Lead-zinc Mine .

  12. 凡口铅锌矿一个很重要的、基本的地质特点是区域成矿地质环境。

    The most important and basic geological feature of the Fankou lead zinc deposit is the regional metallogenetic geological environment .

  13. 介绍了香蒲植物在凡口铅锌矿污水处理以及尾矿治理中的环保作用。

    The environmental effect of typha latifolia on disposal of sewage and tailing of Fankou lead zinc mine is described .

  14. 针对凡口铅锌矿狮岭顶板矿体和围岩极不稳固的牲,进行了机械化上向进路分层充填采矿工艺的试验研究。

    To overcome the difficulty of unstability of orebody and surrounding rock , the test of flat-back cut-and-fill drift mining is carried out .

  15. 介绍凡口铅锌矿采矿工艺的应用情况,并对几种采矿工艺进行分析和评价。

    In this paper , the present situation of mining technologies used at Fankou Mine is described and several mining methods are evaluated .

  16. 介绍了凡口铅锌矿选矿废水的构成、水质特点、废水处理技术研究成果及将其应用于生产的情况。

    This paper introduce the composition characteristics , the research of wastewater treatment and used it to production of the wastewater Fankou Lead-Zinc Mine .

  17. 介绍了凡口铅锌矿高浓度全尾砂胶结充填新工艺和装备的研究、工业试验和生产实践。

    Research , commercial test and industrial practice of the new process and equipments in Fankou Lead Zinc Mine are introduced in this paper .

  18. 应用水质-微型生物群落监测-PFU法,对位于广东省韶关地区的凡口铅锌矿废水处理系统中的原生动物群落进行研究。

    The protozoan communities in a man-made wetland system for treating waste water from a Pb / Zn mine were studied with PF unit method .

  19. 荷叶石墨矿是由二叠系煤层变质而成的石墨矿床,石墨与煤呈同层异矿关系。再论凡口矿区中上泥盆统叠层石及其地层沉积环境意义


  20. 介绍了凡口铅锌矿新副井延深贯通工程实践中的测量方法及其精度分析。

    The measuring method and its accuracy analysis for extension and piercing of new auxiliary shaft in Fankou Lead Zinc Mine are mainly introduced in this paper .

  21. 最后论文给出了凡口铅锌矿分布式管理信息系统实现的具体方法,三级系统的设备、结构与功能以及软件运行界面。

    At last the thesis proposes the implementation techniques of distributed MIS of Fankou Mine as well as the equipments , structures and functions of each level .

  22. 1997年7月,凡口铅锌矿与韶关冶炼厂实行强强联合,组建为广东韶关岭南铅锌集团公司。

    In july , 1997 , Fankou Lead-zinc Mine and Shaoguan smelting plant were practicing power-power Association and jointly set up Guangdong Shaoguan Lingnan lead-zinc group company .

  23. 该工艺在凡口铅锌矿等复杂铅锌多金属硫化矿矿山的工业应用表明,铅、锌各项选矿指标均得到较大幅度提高,显示出巨大推广前景。

    OPF techonology has been used successfully in lead-zinc sulfide minerals flotation , demonstrating a vast range of prospects for its extensive application to all sulfide minerals flotation .

  24. 凡口铅锌矿在选矿废水资源化综合利用方面做了大量的工作并取得了很大的成绩。

    A mass of comprehensive utilize technology research and practices on the mineral processing waster water have been done and got good progress in Fankou Lead Zinc Mine .

  25. 凡口铅锌矿选矿厂利用载体浮选工艺对矿泥浮选系统进行了改造,将较粗粒矿砂作为载体矿物,按一定比例加入到细粒铅锌矿泥中,使细粒铅锌矿得到有效回收。

    In the new process , coarse ore particles , used as the carrier , was mixed with fine particles Pb-Zn ore at a ratio to recover the latter effectively .

  26. 本论文主要针对凡口选厂选矿废水的形成特点,对锌尾、锌尾溢流和地沟污水进行沉降试验研究,以得到可以应用于工业生产的资源水。

    According to the peculiar way of wastewater outputting , settling experiments are conducted with zinc tailing and its overflow and ground wastewater in order to make it usable resource for producing .

  27. 凡口矿区中生代晚期热事件的加热和保温层的覆盖,使得早期贫矿体经历退火静态重结晶作用,使贫矿体向内部收缩和圆化呈截然边界,总体演变成为高品位的超大型铅锌矿床。

    Heated by the late Mesozoic thermal event and covered by thermal insulation beds , the early low-grade ore bodies underwent an annealing static recrystallization , and became a high-grade superlarge lead-zinc ore deposit .

  28. 以室内试验与凡口铅锌矿和冬瓜山铜矿现场试验相结合的方式研究爆破地震对充填体的影响,并提出合理的回采顺序及边孔爆破控制技术。

    The influence of blasting seismic wave on backfill was researched combined the ways of laboratory test and on-site test of Fankou 、 dongguashan , so the reasonable stoping order and control technique of furnace hole is presented .

  29. 本论文研究的主要内容及成果如下:(1)对凡口铅锌矿尾砂沉降特性试验研究,得出了不同尾砂料浆浓度的沉降特性,确定了尾砂沉降速度和沉积浓度。

    The main study contents and conclusions were as follows : ( 1 ) Through the experiment research of tailings settlement characteristics , the paper obtained different settlement characteristics , settlement velocity and settlement concentration with different kinds of tailings .