
  1. 在云计算时代提供免费的office软件是一个重要的战略转移。

    Offering free Office software from the cloud is a major strategy shift .

  2. 许多公司在云计算时代已经不再关注PC软件,但是鲍尔默却能继续靠他赚取巨额利润。

    Ballmer is succeeding at wringing profits from PC software that many had written off in the age of cloud computing .

  3. 最后,XMPP是新的云计算时代的一个完美协议。

    Finally , XMPP is a perfect protocol for the new era of cloud computing .

  4. 伴随着云计算时代的到来,Hadoop分布式计算平台,以其庞大的存储和计算能力,简便的计算模式,便捷的服务形式,得到了极其广泛的应用。

    With the era of Cloud Computing coming , the Hadoop distributed computing platform gets a very wide range of applications because of its huge storage and computing power , simple calculation mode , and convenient services .

  5. 虽然有着很高的使用率,但虚拟化平台无法消化使用前云计算时代网络服务器插件和代理的网络访问管理(WAM)带来的固定成本。

    With their high utilization rates , virtualized platforms cannot handle the overhead associated with precloud Web access management ( WAM ) use of webserver plug-ins and agents .

  6. 在云计算时代,网络服务的安全性、稳定性正变得日趋重要。

    In Cloud computation times , the safety and stability of network services become more and more important .

  7. 随着云计算时代的到来,云计算在我们的日常生活和工作中发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    With the development of cloud computing , cloud computing is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life and work .

  8. 在新的云计算时代,世界各大高能物理实验室结合自身的实际需求,启动了多个相关项目。

    In the new era of cloud computing , based on their practical demands , major international HEP laboratories have launched a number of research projects on cloud computing technologies and applications .

  9. 云计算时代已拉开帷幕,而苹果仍依赖于硬件销售、以及靠客户端设备运行软件的技术模式,这看上去像是在逆时代潮流而动。

    In the age of cloud computing that is just dawning , Apple , with its reliance on hardware sales and a technology model that depends on software running on client devices , looks like a throwback .

  10. 最后结合虚拟化技术提出一种新的构建可伸缩服务器集群的方法,其应用价值广泛,并充分说明了云计算时代网络服务的可扩展性在实际应用中具有重要意义。

    Finally , a new method to construct a scalable cluster is put forward with virtualization technique , which has widely application scenarios and sufficiently shows the importance of the elasticity of the network service in cloud computing era .

  11. 为了迎接云计算时代的到来,探讨图书馆对云计算的应用,尤其是探讨云计算在图书馆信息服务中的应用,有着非常深远的意义和价值。

    Libraries for the application of information technology has been far behind , in order to meet the cloud computing era , in this environment to explore cloud computing in the Library Information Service of research has far-reaching significance and value .

  12. 集群监控管理作为云计算时代的热点问题之一,受到了国际众多企业的广泛关注它能有效地解决企业在云计算道路中所面临的监控管理问题。

    Cluster monitor and management as one of the hot issues in cloud computing times , has aroused great attention from numbers of enterprises around the world , it can effectively solve the enterprises with the problems to monitor and manage the clusters on the way to achieve cloud computing .

  13. 这标志着云计算新时代的开始,该领域也首次出现了电信公司的身影,Verizon此举可能会加速未来云计算公司的并购。

    This marks the beginning of a new era in cloud computing , firstly emphasizing the presence of telcos in this space and possibly spurring cloud acquisitions over the course of the near future .

  14. 除了丢失的风险,这还相当于让时光倒流到没有云计算的时代——利用云技术,用户可以在不同设备上访问个人信息。

    Besides the risk of loss , it would be to turn back the clock on one of the main benefits of cloud computing : accessing personal information from different devices .

  15. 无论是对欧洲人还是对美国人而言,在一个社交媒体和云计算无处不在的时代,保护个人隐私至关重要。

    It is also essential both for Europeans and Americans to protect personal privacy in the age of pervasive social media and cloud computing .