
  1. 忘记我曾踉跄踯躅不前

    Forget that I 've stumbled and blundered

  2. 她像一个岔路口的旅人,犹豫,徘徊,踯躅不前。

    Her like a fork in the road of Picnic , indecision , wandering around obstacles .

  3. 但在朝鲜去年10月份进行首次核试验之后,所有情况都改变了,国际社会重新迫切需要恢复踯躅不前的谈判。

    But everything changed last October after North Korea detonated its first nuclear device , giving a new urgency to the faltering talks .

  4. 大型机构投资者在对达成协议的缓慢进程感到沮丧之际,可能也会因报价降低而踯躅不前。

    Large institutional investors may also balk at the lower price amid frustration at the sluggish pace for a deal to be agreed .

  5. 如果斤斤计较于当前的利益,或是囿于眼前的困难而踯躅不前,那是不会做出最明智的决定的。

    If you allow yourself to become preoccupied by immediate interests or discouraged by current obstacles , you might not make the wisest decisions .

  6. 在此期间,政界被经济停滞搞得狼狈不堪,而这样的踯躅不前又为形形色色的民粹分子大开方便之门。

    In the interim , the political class has been flummoxed by stagnation , a hesitation that has opened the doors to populists of various stripes .

  7. 由于对收紧货币政策踯躅不前,孟加拉国、越南和印度的私人信贷增长了20%以上。

    This reluctance to tighten monetary policy faster has allowed private credit to grow by more than 20 % a year in Bangladesh , Vietnam and India .