
  • 网络Earthquake frequency;seismic frequency
  1. 不同震级范围的地震频度和频度比

    Seismic frequency and frequency ratio in different magnitude range

  2. 用地震活动性参数(地震频度N、地震能量E和地震b值)的二维空间等值线计算机扫描技术,系统地追踪了1983年菏泽5.9级地震前后三项地震活动性参数的空间动态演化情况。

    By computer scanning technique of two-dimensional space isogram of seismicity parameters ( seismic frequency N , seismic energy E and b-value ), we systematically traced the space dynamic evolution process of three seismicity parameters before and after the 1983 Heze M5 . 9 earthquake .

  3. C值、b值和地震频度这三个定量的参数能够描述过去36年里加州中部沿海地区的地震活动的基本特征。

    Variation in the three quantities : C-value , b-value and rate of seismicity with time , can describe the basic features of the seismicity along the central coast California during the past 36 years .

  4. 统计相关检验表明,从地震频度N或地震能量E变换得到的各种地震学指标,与N或E在描述地震活动性变化方面都在一定程度上相关。

    A statistical test for correlativity shows that seismicity indexes obtained from transformation of earthquake frequency N or energy E have correlation to a certain extent while they are used to describe seismicity changes .

  5. 燕山带地震频度的月相效应

    Lunar phase effect on earthquake frequency in the Yanshan seismic zone

  6. 广西历史强震前地震频度变化的震兆信息

    Precursor Information in Frequency Variation before Strong Earthquake of Guangxi Province History

  7. 地震频度、地震能量密度扫描程序在熊岳&盖县地区的应用

    An applicationof scan programme of seismological frequency and energy density

  8. 不同板块边界类型有不同的地震频度、强度、震源深度和分带性。

    Different focus depth and zonings of earthquakes .

  9. 最大熵原理与地震频度-震级关系

    Maximum entropy principle and seismic MAGNITUDE-FREQUENCY relation

  10. 地震频度衰减与地震预报

    Earthquake frequency attenuation and earthquake prediction

  11. 6级以上地震频度不高,但两次7级以上地震面波震级偏高。

    The frequency of M ≥ 6 earthquakes was not very high , but the surface wave magnitudes of two M > 7 earthquakes were higher .

  12. 特殊的构造部位和强烈的地壳运动使得该地区地震频度高、强度大、震源浅、分布广,成为中国大陆内部地震活动最强烈的场所之一。

    Because of special structural location and the intense diastrophism , the earthquake in the region has the characteristic of high frequency , high intensity , shallow hypocenter and wide distribution . It is one of the active earthquake regions in the Chinese mainland .

  13. 指出今后2a,太原盆地将出现地震活动频度高、应变能释放逐渐回升的现象。

    It was suggested that the seismic frequency and the released strain energy would be high in future 1 ~ 2 a.

  14. 地震震级频度的古登堡-里克特关系式(简称G-R关系式)一直是许多地震学问题研究的重要前提之一,然而实际分布常常与这一关系式有一定的偏离。

    The G-R relation between the earthquake magnitude and frequency has been an important premise in seismological study , but its actual distribution often deviates from its theoretic result .

  15. 1900~1980年全球6级以上地震的频度和能量

    Frequencies and energy of global earthquakes ( M ≥ 6 ) from 1900 through 1980

  16. 该带地震活动频度高、强度大、周期短,震源浅,是典型的强震多发地带,一直受到地学界的关注。

    It has been of concern to scholars with its frequent seismic activity with high intensity , short-cycle and shallow focal depths .

  17. 自有历史记载以来,地震活动频度有由西向东迁移的趋势,现代地震主要集中在该区的东部地区。

    The frequency of seismic activity in this area had migrated eastwards since the beginning of the historical recording , but the released energy was decreased eastwards .

  18. 在统计单元内的4级以上地震累计频度,随时间分别呈线性均匀增长和指教加速增长及幂函数衰减三种类型。

    The cumulative frequency of earthquakes with M ≥ 4.0 in the statistic unit increases smoothly in linearity , exponent acceleration and attenuates in power function with time , respectively .

  19. 地震震级&频度G-R关系的偏离度

    Deviation between magnitude - frequency statistics and G-R relationship

  20. 地震的震级频度分布与古登堡&里克特关系式的偏离:大震之前前兆异常的检测

    Deviation of magnitude frequency distribution of earthquakes from the Gutenberg-Richter law : detection of precursory anomalies prior to large earthquakes

  21. 地震震级-频度关系中小震端掉头现象解释

    Coal shaking ; An explanation of ″ fall ″ phenomena at the range of small earthquakes in the magnitude frequency relation

  22. 表明对川滇地区强震孕震区中等地震活动的频度面积S值方法的动态追踪,利用其变化规律可以为强震的预测预报提供一定的判定指标

    The study shows that one can make the dynamic tracing of S-value in the seismogenic area in Sichuan-Yunnan area and provide criteria for the earthquake prediction

  23. 震前一年云南及邻区5.0≤Ms≤6.0级地震的年频度为平均年频度的二倍;

    In a year before if , the yearly frequency for the events of 5.0 ≤ MS ≤ 6.0 in Yunnan and its vicinity was twice of the averaged yearly frequency .

  24. 在研究各类地震序列震级一频度客观分布的基础上,我们对45个地震序列的特征震级M0的普遍特征及差别作了进一步研究。

    Based on the research of practical magnitude-frequency distribution of various earthquake sequences , we have deeply studied the general features and difference of characteristic magnitude of 45 earthquake sequences .

  25. 并利用各地震期累计地震频度的指数型分布模型分区拟合,得到各时期增长率;

    We have fitted respectively using an exponential distribution model of the earthquake frequency in every period and got an increasing rate of each period .

  26. 现代板块边界是现代构造运动最强烈的地带,也是地震强度最大、频度最高的地带。

    Modern plate boundaries are the zones with the most intense tectonic activities , as well as the largest earthquake intensity and the highest earthquake frequency .

  27. 随着地震灾害发生的频度不断上升,应对地震灾害提高防震减灾综合能力成为政府需要面对的重大课题。

    With more and more earthquake disasters happening , how to improve the comprehensive ability of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction has become a major issue which the government needs to face .

  28. 黄河三角洲地区地震强度小,频度低,但与之相毗邻的渤海地区却是华北地区强震多发区之一,地震强度大、频度高,成为影响黄河三角洲地区地震危害性最大最严重的区域。

    Earthquake in Huanghe delta area has small strength and low frequency , while earthquake happeded frequently in Bohai area with large strength and high frequency , which is the largest and strongest area to effect Huanghe delta area .

  29. 每个地震带内地震的频度、强度及序列类型不同。

    Earthquake frequency , strength and sequence type in the four seismic belts are analyzed .

  30. 这些序列分属3个不同的地震带,地震的频度、强度及序列类型在各个地震带表现不一,各具特色。

    All these sequences distributed in three different seismic belts , and their frequency , intensity and type in each belt are different .