
  • 网络Wuyi county
  1. 武义县有古树名木1454株,43种,隶属于25科38属。其中树龄最大者达1200a,径最粗者为270cm。

    There are 1 454 ancient and famous trees in Wuyi County , belonging to 25 families , 38 genera and 43 species , of which the oldest has an age of 1 200 and the biggest diameter reaches 270 cm .

  2. 武义县原是浙江省定的8个贫困县之一。

    Wuyi county was one of eight poverty counties in Zhejiang province .

  3. 现代化图书馆的建设&对武义县新图书馆设计的思考

    The Construction of Modern Library Building-Pondering over the new WuYi library design

  4. 武义县农机服务体系建设初探

    The Construction of Service System of Agri-machinery in Wuyi County

  5. 浙江武义县木本植物资源的开发利用

    The Exploitation and Utilization of Woody Plant Resources in Wuyi County of Zhejiang

  6. 武义县林种结构调整研究

    Study on Tree Species Structure Regulation in Wuyi

  7. 武义县农村老年人群生命质量相关因素分析

    Quality of Life and the Associated Factors of Rural Elderly Population in Zhejiang Province

  8. 本文选取浙江省武义县俞源村为研究个案,考察和研究欠发达地区农村村级组织的运转和互动。

    So this paper made a case study on the village organizations of Yuyuan Village Wuyi County in Zhejiang Province .

  9. 浙江省武义县溪里温泉地热地质条件及成因分析研究

    An analytic research on the geothermal geological condition and cause of formation of Xili spring in Wuyi county , zhejiang Province

  10. 以武义县为研究区,分析城市化进程中土地利用变化特征。

    With Wuyi county as the research area , we studied the characteristics of land use change in the urbanization process .

  11. 此后,各地借鉴武义县的经验,纷纷开展了建立村务监督委员会的工作。

    Since then , around the draw on the experience of Wuyi County , have carried out the work of establishing a village Oversight Committee .

  12. 第二部分以浙江省武义县为个案,分析武义县基础设施、教育卫生、公共服务供给现状。

    In 2nd part , Wuyi county in Zhejiang is a sample for analyze . Analyze status of basic establishment , sanitation , education , public service system .

  13. 村务监督的制度创新及其绩效&浙江省武义县后陈村村务监督委员会制度调查

    The Innovation and Effect of the Institution of Village Affair Supervising The Investigation of the System of Village Affair Supervising Committee of Houchen Village of Wuyi in Zhejiang

  14. 位于中国浙江省中部的武义县有宜人的温泉、悠久的养生文化,还有浓郁的畲乡风情和旖旎的自然风光。

    Wuyi County , located in the middle of Zhejiang Province , is home to agreeable hot spring , long-lasting health culture , characteristic lifestyle of the She People and charming natural scenery .

  15. 报道武义县珍稀濒危树种17种,其中国家级7种,省级10种;

    Wuyi County has 17 species of rare trees , in which 7 species are classified as rare trees of national level , 10 species as provincial level , and 2 species , i. e.

  16. 以政府为主导,以市场为依托实现山民下山脱贫&来自武义县政府扶贫工作的启示亚行副行长表示监测在减贫中扮演重要角色

    On Practice of Depart-the-Mountain-and-Poverty Program under the Leadership of the Government and Relying on the Market-Hints of Wuyi County Government 's Work in Poverty Alleviation The vice president of ADB claimed the significance of supervision in poverty reduction

  17. 然后以武义县试行村务监督委员会为案例,分析、评介了试行村务监督委员会的起因、制度设计与实施、内外动因、创新意义、运行的绩效等;

    Then , taking the Wuyi County 's tentative villagers affairs Committee of Superintendence as the example , analyzes the origin , system designing and implement , motive surfaces and internally , innovation significance , operation achievement of tentative villager 's affairs Committee of Superintendence .

  18. 武义是传统农业县,农业一直是国民经济发展的主导产业。

    Wuyi County is a county with a long history of traditional agriculture and agriculture has been its dominant industry of national economic development .