
dà qì cháo xī
  • atmospheric tide
  1. 大气潮汐全日振荡模本征值本征函数问题的数值计算

    Numerical calculations of the eigenvalue - eigenfunction problem for the diurnal mode of the atmospheric tide

  2. 大气潮汐风场诱导中纬突发E层的观测证据及理论模拟分析

    Observational Evidences and Simulation of Tide Wind Induced Mid-Latitude Sporadic E-Layers

  3. 基于中频雷达探测资料的中层大气潮汐

    Mesospheric tide using sounding data of MF radar

  4. 本文的结果还指出,在处理某些全球性发电机理论问题时,不能简单地假定电离层为距地面等高度的无限薄球壳,而必须同时考虑大气潮汐振荡的特性及电导率随高度的变化。

    It is pointed out that the assumption of thin shell conductivity is unreasonable even for global problems . It is necessary to consider the characteristics of atmospheric tidal oscillations and height variation of ionospheric conductivity .

  5. 大气太阴潮汐主要由月球引潮力引起,其源比较清楚,因而引起了学者们很大兴趣。大气太阴潮汐主要作用于密度高的低层大气,并以各种潮汐振荡模上传到高层大气。

    Its forcing is exactly known , so attractive for many interesting of scholar ' s. The lunar atmospheric tide concentrates mainly on the lower , denser regions of the atmosphere and then propagates upward to the upper atmosphere in the form of various tidal oscillation modes .

  6. 得出的主要结论有:1、武汉中层和低热层中大气太阴半日潮汐随季节和高度变化。

    The following main conclusions are gotten as follows : 1 . The lunar atmospheric semidiurnal tide at middle and lower - thermosphere over Wuhan varies with season and height .

  7. 武汉中层和低热层的大气太阴半日潮汐有季节变化,东向和北向分量均在1月份有最大值,在7-8月份期间,有次最大值。

    The lunar atmospheric semidiurnal tide at middle and lower thermosphere ( MLT ) over Wuhan has seasonal and height variations . Both of the eastward and northward components of the lunar atmospheric semidiurnal tide reach the maximum values in January , and during July-August , there is secondary peak .

  8. 大气和带谐潮汐对日长高频变化的影响

    Influence of Atmosphere and Zonal Tides on High - Frequency Variation of Length of Day