
  • 网络radio communication equipment;GMDSS
  1. 海上导航和无线电通信设备及系统的EMC要求

    EMC for Maritime Navigation and Radio Communication Equipment and Systems

  2. 本文详细介绍了IEC60945:2002标准中的EMC项目对海上导航和无线电通信设备及系统的特殊要求和测量方法。

    This paper introduces the special requirements and testing methods of EMC for maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems .

  3. GB15304-1994全球海上遇险安全系统(GMDSS)船用无线电通信设备技术要求

    Aeronautical communications log Global maritime distress and safety system ( GMDSS ) & Technical requirement for marine telecommunication equipment

  4. 频谱管理是保证无线电通信设备有效工作的行政行为。

    The normal work of radio communication tool was ensured by spectrum management .

  5. 无线电通信设备的防雷措施

    The lightning prevention measure for radio - communication device

  6. GB/T13705-1992船用无线电通信设备一般要求

    General requirements for shipboard radio communication installations

  7. 综合治理,净化空中电磁环境,确保各类无线电通信设备的可靠运转和使用;

    Comprehensive measures will be taken to provide a clean electromagnetic environment so as to ensure the smooth operation of all radio communication devices .

  8. 随着移动通信业务的快速发展,数字蜂窝移动台等无线电通信设备在人们的日常生活中应用越来越广泛。

    With the rapid development of mobile communication , wireless communication device , such as mobile phone for digital cell , is widely used in daily life .

  9. 这种骚扰脉冲有很宽的频谱,可能会对周围的无线电和通信设备造成干扰。

    Usually , this kind of pulse has a wide frequency spectrum , which can interfere with radio equipments nearby .

  10. 基于软件无线电的船舶通信设备功能的综合

    The Function Synthesis of Shipping Communication Equipment Based on Software Radio

  11. 由于无线电通信设施和电子设备快速地朝着小型化方向发展,这使得天线的小型化适应通信的发展趋势,小天线问题的研究成为当今世界的热点课题。

    As radio communication facilities and electronic equipments quickly developed in the direction toward miniaturization , antenna miniaturization becomes the trend to adept the development of communication system . Research on small antenna issues become a hot topic in nowadays .

  12. 然而,现代无线电通信的电磁环境越来越复杂,短波无线电通信设备大量增加,信号越来越拥挤,导致电台相互之间产生干扰,甚至产生阻塞而无法使用。

    However , the electromagnetic environment is more and more complex , and short-wave radio communication equipments are increasing , so the short-wave signals become more and more crowded , which leads to radio disturbance among each other and even produces obstruction .