
  • 网络Kevin Rudd;Rudd;Kevin Michael Rudd
  1. 澳大利亚外交部长陆克文(KevinRudd)观看视频之后表示非常愤怒。

    Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd expressed after watching the video .

  2. 澳大利亚总理陆克文(KevinRudd)拒绝就具体投资发表评论。

    Kevin Rudd , the prime minister , declined to comment on specific investments .

  3. 57岁的陆克文曾长期从政,是一名亚洲问题学者,普通话流利。他将于明年1月成为亚洲协会政策研究所(AsiaSocietyPolicyInstitute)的首任负责人。

    Mr. Rudd , 57 , a longtime statesman , Asia scholar and a fluent Mandarin speaker , will become the first president of the Asia Society Policy Institute in January .

  4. 陆克文表示,从加利福尼亚(California)海岸向西极目远眺,亚太地区注定将在全球范围内作为一个强有力的经济引擎以惊人的速度蓬勃发展。

    Looking westward from the California coast , Rudd said the Asia-Pacific region is destined to flourish and thrive as a powerful economic engine with global reach .

  5. 澳大利亚每个小学生都知道,该国总理陆克文(kevinrudd)是中国以外少数几个普通话流利的领导人之一。

    Kevin Rudd , as every Australian schoolboy knows , is one of the few Mandarin-speaking leaders outside Beijing .

  6. 讲一口流利的汉语、曾担任驻华外交官的陆克文,最初因批准有关气候变化的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)而赢得了国际社会的喝彩。

    Mr Rudd , who speaks fluent Mandarin and worked in China as a diplomat , initially won international plaudits for ratifying the Kyoto Protocol on climate change .

  7. 2008年,陆克文(KEVINRUDD)表示,澳大利亚愿同中国发展长期合作夥伴关系。

    In2008 , Kevin Rudd ( KEVIN RUDD ) said that Australia is willing to work with China to develop long-term partnership .

  8. 澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevinrudd)则提出另一个构想:“亚太共同体”(asiapacificcommunity),似乎是以亚太经合组织为基础,并向美国敞开大门。

    Kevin Rudd , the Australian Prime Minister , suggested an alternative , the Asia Pacific community , which appears to be based on APEC and would be open to Washington .

  9. 我约好与53岁的陆克文在他布里斯班郊区的格里菲斯(griffith,brisbane)选区会面。

    I have come to meet Rudd , 53 , in his constituency of Griffith , a Brisbane suburb .

  10. 中国竞购力拓(RioTinto)或收购其大宗股权,将对工党的、能讲一口中文普通话的澳大利亚总理陆克文(KevinRudd)构成考验。

    A Chinese bid or purchase of a large stake in Rio Tinto would test Kevin Rudd , Australia 's Labor prime minister , who speaks Mandarin .

  11. 由于澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevinrudd)本人与中国之间的长期关系,此案在澳大利亚引起了异常的政治关注。

    In Australia , the case is generating particular political heat , because of the longstanding ties with China of Kevin Rudd , the Australian Prime Minister .

  12. 上个月,对中国持友好态度的陆克文(kevinrudd)当选澳大利亚总理,但澳大利亚过去一直阻止外资收购该国旗舰能源资产。

    The country last month elected Kevin Rudd , a Sinophile , as prime minister , but has in the past blocked foreigners from acquiring flagship energy assets .

  13. 今年早些时候,陆克文在挑战现任总理吉拉德(JuliaGillard)时再次失利,他如今在澳大利亚的民调中人气依然很高。

    In Australia , he remains popular in opinion polls even as he was again defeated in a challenge against incumbent leader Julia Gillard earlier this year .

  14. 为了消除这些质疑,陆克文提议的机构不仅仅需要与APEC的寿命相配,而且需要改善论坛无效空谈的记录。

    To confound the sceptics , Mr Rudd 's proposed institutions would need not just to match APEC 's longevity , but to improve on its record as an ineffective talking-shop .

  15. 同时也已邀请陆克文今年7月访日,列席八国峰会(g8)中关于气候变化议题的一个会议。

    Mr Rudd has also been invited to Japan in July to attend a session on climate change on the sidelines of the group of eight industrialised nations summit .

  16. 但在目前,陆克文回避了关于中国铝业公司(chinalco)的问题该公司近期收购了英-澳矿业公司力拓(riotinto)9%的股份。

    But for the moment Mr Rudd ducks questions on Chinalco , the Chinese metals company that recently snapped up a 9 per cent stake in Anglo-Australian mining company Rio Tinto .

  17. 但是澳大利亚总理陆克文(KevinRudd)发誓要推动该提案获得通过。近几个月来陆克文支持率大幅下降,而且他在一年内还面临着竞选压力。

    But Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd , who has seen his popularity drop in recent months and will have to face an election within a year , vowed to press on .

  18. 布朗和澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevinrudd)提出,不受限制的全球化越过了道德界限,破碎市场的重建应该建立在所有宗教信仰都珍视的价值观上。

    Mr Brown and Kevin Rudd , Australian Prime Minister , argued untrammelled globalisation crossed moral boundaries and the rebuilding of shattered markets should be founded on values held dear by all faiths .

  19. 陆克文所指定某隶属于SirRodEddington(商人)的机构将于近期上报更多需要公共资金的项目,如铁路、港口和电站。

    A body Mr Rudd appointed under Sir Rod Eddington , a businessman , is due to report soon on much bigger demands for public cash , such as for railways , ports and energy grids .

  20. 亚洲协会(AsiaSociety)周二宣布,澳大利亚前总理陆克文(KevinRudd)将领导协会创立一家专注于亚洲事务和决策的新研究机构。这反映了亚洲日益增长的国际影响力。

    The Asia Society announced on Tuesday that Kevin Rudd , the former prime minister of Australia , would lead a new research institute it has created that specializes in Asian issues and policy making , a reflection of Asia 's increasing global influence .

  21. 陆克文在接受提名的讲话中向年轻选民示好:请回来吧,再次聆听吧。有了你们的活力,我们就能重焕生机。站在陆克文身边的是他的副手安东尼•阿尔巴内塞(AnthonyAlbanese)。

    The new leader reached out to young voters in his acceptance speech : Please come back and listen afresh , he said , standing next to his deputy Anthony Albanese .

  22. 吉拉德昨日就任澳大利亚总理,此前陆克文(kevinrudd)辞去工党领袖,并在告别记者会上含泪承认,他失去了议会同事们的支持。

    Ms Gillard was sworn in yesterday after Kevin Rudd stepped down as leader of the labor party , acknowledging in a tearful final press conference that he had lost the support of his parliamentary colleagues .

  23. 在吉拉德知会陆克文将挑战他后,陆克文于周三晚间召集了党内选举,就他的领导地位进行表决。陆克文原定周四飞赴加拿大出席20国集团(G20)会议。

    Mr Rudd , who had been due to fly to Canada today for summit of G20 nations , called the vote on his leadership late on Wednesday night after being informed by Ms Gillard that she would challenge him .

  24. 澳大利亚前总理、长期关注中国的陆克文(KevinRudd)周四说,中国新一代领导人将极具经济改革思想,并将在亚太地区开启新的外交时代。

    China 's incoming leadership will be strongly reform minded on the economy and usher in a new era of diplomacy in the region , Australia 's former prime minister and longtime China watcher Kevin Rudd said Thursday .

  25. 澳大利亚参议院昨日否决了420亿澳元(合274亿美元)财政刺激的法案,未理会该国工党总理陆克文(KevinRudd)的警告:推迟实施该刺激方案,将把该国经济进一步推向衰退。

    Australia 's Senate yesterday blocked legislation authorising a fiscal stimulus worth A $ 42bn ( US $ 27.4bn ), ignoring warnings from Kevin Rudd , the Labor prime minister , that any delay would push the economy closer to recession .

  26. 在外交人员想方设法搜寻同中国谈话的方式之际,许多人注意到澳大利亚新总理陆克文(kevinrudd)两个月前在北京对学生发表的演讲。

    As diplomats scramble in search of ways to conduct this sort of conversation , a lot of attention is being paid to the speech Kevin Rudd , the new Australian Prime Minister , gave to students in Beijing two months ago .

  27. 日本是澳大利亚在贸易和安全方面的一个重要合作伙伴,陆克文的警告是在日本外相冈田克也(katsuyaokada)访澳前夕发出的。

    The warning to Japan , an important trade and security partner , was delivered on the eve of a visit by Katsuya Okada , the foreign minister .

  28. 中国引领的经济热潮令许多人揣测,澳大利亚能否与美国经济放缓脱钩,这可能是澳大利亚新任工党总理陆克文(KevinRudd)18天环球之旅期间可能受到关注的一个话题。

    The China-led boom is leading many to ask whether Australia can decouple from an American economic slowdown – a topic likely to be receiving attention during the 18-day world tour that brought Kevin Rudd , the new Labor prime minister , to Brussels yesterday .

  29. 陆克文是虔诚的基督徒,他告诉我一个故事:在罗马,他有位聪明绝顶的耶稣会(jesuit)朋友,对方的主要工作就是做他所谓的“肤浅问题全球化”。

    Rudd , who is a devout Christian , is telling me a story about an " enormously intelligent " Jesuit friend in Rome whose main preoccupation is with what he calls " the globalisation of superficiality " .

  30. 但与会领导人注意到,无论是日本首相鸠山由纪夫(yukiohatoyama),还是澳大利亚总理陆克文(kevinrudd),都未能阐明各自的提议将如何运作,以及美国是否会参与进来。

    Summit leaders noted , however , that neither Yukio Hatoyama , the Japanese Prime Minister , nor Kevin Rudd , his Australian counterpart , had spelt out how their proposals would work , or whether the US would have a role to play .