
  1. 陆家嘴区域还包含海洋水族馆,滨江大道等。

    Lujiazui Area also has Ocean Aquarium and Riverside Promenade , etc.

  2. 生马实业,经营地上海陆家嘴。

    Raw horse industry , operating in Lujiazui , Shanghai .

  3. 从浦东国际机场乘坐磁悬浮列车到陆家嘴金融区。

    Take the Shanghai Maglev Train from Pudong International Airport to the Lujiazui financial district .

  4. 特殊周边环境下上海地铁2号线陆家嘴路车站结构设计

    Structural Design for Lu Jia Zui Station of Shanghai Metro Line No. 2 in Special Surroundings

  5. 在总结前人研究以及实地调查的基础上发现,上海已经形成了虹桥开发区、陆家嘴金融贸易区、静安南京路、卢湾淮海路和黄浦外滩5个办公中心。

    Based on former studies and field investigations five major office centers were found in Shanghai .

  6. 中国证监会主席易会满在上海举行的陆家嘴论坛上发表讲话。

    China Securities Regulatory Commission chairman Yi Huiman made the remarks at the Lujiazui Forum in Shanghai .

  7. 外滩观光隧道连接上海两个最主要景观:外滩和陆家嘴。

    The Bund Tourist Tunnel connects two best attractions of Shanghai : The Bund and Lu Jia Zui .

  8. 我很荣幸代表陆家嘴社区来宣读《创建国际安全社区承诺书》。

    I feel very honored to represent Lujiazui sub-district to announce the commitment to establish a safe community .

  9. 上海国际金融中心超过同为于浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区的高421米金茂大厦。

    The Shanghai World Financial Center dwarfs the421-meter-tall Jin Mao Tower in Pudong 's Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone .

  10. 在定调“政府推动型”后,政府如何借鉴伦敦金融城崛起的经验推动陆家嘴金融城建设是文章研究的重点。

    How to construct the financial center of Lujiazui becomes the key issue after it was confirmed as Government-motivated Model .

  11. 中国联通也开始在一些门店销售,包括在浦东陆家嘴的旗舰店。

    China Unicom also started sales in several outlets , including the flagship store in Lujiazui in the Pudong New Area .

  12. 以小陆家嘴地区为研究对象,提出精品电网的考核体系。

    The grid in the Small Lujiazui area is evaluated with the standard of " refined grid ", and relevant retrofit plan is proposed .

  13. 坐落在浦东的陆家嘴商务区中,这家酒店在步行至市内的最好的餐馆。

    Located in the heart of Lujiazui business district in Pudong , the hotel is within walking distance to some of the city 's best eateries .

  14. 在陆家嘴论坛一个关于大宗商品的小组讨论会上,彭俊衡和其他与会者阐述了中国急需开展原油期货交易的原因:定价权。

    He and other speakers on a panel about commodities made clear the reason China is eager to pursue crude oil futures trading : pricing power .

  15. 介绍了浦东世纪大道、陆家嘴金融贸易区、竹园商贸区、花木地区的绿化调整和建设规划概况等。

    A survey of planting adjustment and plan for the Century Way , Lujiazui Finance and Trade Area , Zhuyuan Bussiness Area and Huamu Area is introduced .

  16. 东方明珠塔位于冰山在浦东陆家嘴地区,由黄浦江一侧,对面的上海外滩。

    TheOriental Pearl Tower is located at the tip of Lujiazui in the Pudongdistrict , by the side of Huangpu River , opposite The Bund of Shanghai .

  17. 邻近的大连路、新建路两条越江隧道使浦东陆家嘴金融贸易区近在咫尺。

    While two cross-river tunnels become superb transportation links to the Lujiazui Financial and Trade Zone , the Qinghuangdao EXPO Park River Entrance covers only a few minutes'walk .

  18. 它位于浦东新区陆家嘴金融贸易区,集商务、酒店、娱乐、观光、购物于一体。

    Overlooking the Lujiazui Finance and Trade Zone in Pudong , Jin Mao is an intelligent building offering services for business , hotel , recreation , sightseeing and shopping .

  19. 上海中心大厦位于上海市浦东区陆家嘴中心商务区,紧邻上海国际金融大厦和金茂大厦。

    Shanghai Tower is located in the central business district of Lujiazui , Pudong District of Shanghai , close to the Shanghai World Financial Center and Jin Mao Tower .

  20. 环球金融中心与其说是一幢建筑,不如说是一件巨型雕塑更为合适。代表上海未来、楼高580米的最高建筑上海中心在不远的将来也将出现在陆家嘴。

    However , the height record it has set will be broken by the upcoming Shanghai Center , a giant building that will reach a new height of580 meters .

  21. 繁华的中心商业区有黄浦江东岸的陆家嘴商业区,黄浦江西岸的外滩和虹桥商业区。

    Prominent central business areas include Lujiazui on the east bank of the Huangpu River , and The Bund and Hongqiao areas in the west bank of the Huangpu River .

  22. 本文以上海陆家嘴中心区道路绿化调整规划设计的研究为例,对高密度城市中心区街道绿地景观规划设计中的若干问题作一探讨。

    This article takes " Landscape Adjective planning of Shanghai Lujiazui central district " as case , to probe into the design approaches of street greenbelt in high density central district .

  23. 过去十年中,苹果零售店越来越引人注目。他们在巴黎卢浮宫内开设了店铺,而上海陆家嘴的一个直营店则位于40英尺高的玻璃柱体之下。

    Over the past decade , Apple 's stores have become even more dramatic , from a location inside the Louvre in Paris to one located under a40-foot-high glass cylinder in Shanghai .

  24. 7月初,一批卓有见地的中外政策制定者、学者以及市场从业者齐聚上海,参加一年一度的陆家嘴金融论坛。

    At the beginning of July , a mix of the most thoughtful Chinese and foreign policy makers , academics and market practitioners gathered in Shanghai for the annual Lujiazui financial forum .

  25. 森稔补充道,仅由上海政府建造一个甚至更高的摩天大楼(定于未来5年内在陆家嘴完工)将无法满足需求。

    The construction of an even taller skyscraper by the Shanghai government , slated for completion in Lujiazui in the next five years , would not alone satisfy demand , Mr Mori adds .

  26. 除了迪士尼乐园,2015年华特迪士尼中国公司还将在上海开设世界上最大的迪士尼专卖店,该专卖店位于上海金融中心陆家嘴,占地约5000平方米。

    Besides Disneyland , in 2015 , the Walt Disney Company China will open the world 's largest Disney Store , which will cover about 5000 sq m in Lujiazui , Shanghai 's financial hub .

  27. 通过工程地质勘察,对陆家嘴滑坡的成因机制进行了深入分析。

    Based on the above conditions , the topography and landform character of landslide were major introduced . ( 3 ) According to the engineering geological investigation , the genetic mechanism of landslide was deep analyzed .

  28. 比起高楼耸立的曼哈顿,人们更加喜欢佛罗伦萨红色穹顶下被阳光淹没的古老巷道;比起在夜晚光辉璀璨的陆家嘴,人们会更喜欢充满孩子们打闹嬉笑的万航渡路。

    Compared with the towering buildings in Manhattan , people prefer the ancient alleys which are showered with sunlight under the red vault in Florence ; compared with sparkling and brilliant Lujiazui in the night , people prefer Wanhangdu Road which resounds the laughter of children at play .