
  • 网络sino-vietnamese;Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary
  1. 越南现代新闻语言中的汉越词

    Sino-Vietnamese Words in the Modern News Language of Vietnam

  2. 汉越词及其汉越读音系统是汉-越两种语言接触的结果。

    Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary and Sino-Vietnamese pronunciation system are the results of contact of Chinese and Vietnamese .

  3. 越语从汉语中借用的词汇(汉语借词、汉越词),现仍大量保留在越语中,并经常使用。

    The borrowings from Chinese are still frequently used in Vietnamese .

  4. 研究汉越词到目前为止不是一个新鲜的题材。

    Studying Sino-Vietnamese is not a new research field so far .

  5. 论汉越词对越南人学习汉语词汇的词影响

    Influence of Sino-Vietnamese Words upon Vietnamese Learning of Chinese Lexion

  6. 现代越南语中的汉越词及其变异研究

    On Sino-Vietnamese Words in Modern Vietnamese and Their Variations

  7. 略论双音节汉越词与汉语双音节词的异同

    Discussion on Similarities and Differences between Disyllabic Words of Sino Vietnamese and Chinese

  8. 上千年时间,汉越词不断地发展不断地变化、完善。

    Over a thousand years , Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary has grown and perfected continuously .

  9. 研究汉越词是越南语言研究者特别重视的问题。

    Vietnam language researchers focus on Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary .

  10. 越南语的汉越词跟汉语词有相同、相近的特征、又跟汉语词有一定的差别。

    Sino-Vietnamese and Chinese vocabulary have the same or similar features , but also differences .

  11. 越南语中的汉语借词主要包括“古汉越词”、“汉越词”和“越化汉越词”三个部分。

    There are three sorts of Chinese loan-word : Ancient Chinese-Vietnamese , Chinese-Vietnamese , Vietnamized Chinese-Vietnamese .

  12. 经过对比后发现,无论是用汉语表达还是用汉越词表达,这类名词都具有较强的固定性。

    Through comparison , we found that the usage of these nouns is fixed both in Chinese and Vietnamese .

  13. 从而可见,汉越词对越南学生学习汉语有多么深远的影响。

    So we know that the Sino-Vietnamese words give a profound effect on the Vietnam students ' Chinese learning .

  14. 一提到汉越词,人们就会不由自主地把中国和越南、汉语和越南语&这两个要素联系起来。

    Meanwhile , the Sino-vietnamese words usually remind people of Han and Vietnam of the two key factors of Chinese and Vietnamese .

  15. 结合偏误分析,本文认为,汉越词在对越汉语教学和对华越语教学中基本上起到正迁移的作用,但也要注意两种语言词义的差异,避免可能出现的偏误。

    Combined with pragmatic failures analysis , we believe Sino Vietnamese words will contribute to teaching Chinese and teaching Vietnamese as a second language .

  16. 第四部分:将现代越南语中的人体部分词与汉语相当的汉越词(汉越同义词语)进行比较,找出同异点。

    A further comparison has been made between the existing modern Vietnamese language body parts lexemes and the Chinese language ones corresponding to Han Viet dialect .

  17. 仅词汇而言,越南语中就存在着大量来源于汉语的词语,即所谓的汉越词。

    As far as vocabulary is concerned , Vietnamese has now a large number of words derived from Chinese , or the so-called " Sino-Vietnamese words " .

  18. 汉越词占越南语总量的60%以上,成为越南语不可缺少的组成部分。

    The Chinese loan words , which held more than 60 percent of the whole Vietnamese vocabulary , became an indispensable part in the Vietnamese words ' structure .

  19. 另外,通过分析理解汉语词与相应汉越词之间的异同点可以帮助学习者对越南语有深刻的了解。

    In addition , via understanding and analyzing the similarities and differences between Chinese vocabulary and Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary , learners can also have a better understanding of the Vietnamese language .

  20. 由于汉越词和越语自身的特点,以及越南历史、地理、文化等方面的原因,汉语在越语术语制定的过程中起来到不可替代的作用。

    Due to the characteristics of the Simo-Viet words and the Vietnamese language , and also the nation 's historical , geographical , and cultural factors , Chinese has played an irreplaceable role in standardizing Vietnamese nomenclature .

  21. 可以说汉越词给学习者以及从事汉越翻译工作的人带来了极大的影响,同时,由于汉越词在越南语里也有其各种各样的特点所以常常给学习者及译员带来了不少麻烦。

    In a manner of speaking , Sino-Vietnamese words bring the enormous influence to learners and interpreter of Sino-Vietnamese . Meanwhile , it has various characteristics , so it often gives a lot of trouble to learners and interpreters .

  22. 本文主要包括以下内容:1.引言:介绍越南语中关于汉语词的概念及越南国内外关于汉越词的研究状况;界定本论文的研究意义、目的、理由、范围、具体方法以及相关的研究现状。

    Introduction : in the Vietnamese concepts about words and Vietnam and the research situation on words , This paper defines the research significance , objective , reason , scope , specific methods and research status of related . 2 .

  23. 汉越词在越南语当中作为最引人注目的一部分正跟着越语的不断地发展而日益变化。在学习汉语过程中,本人发现汉越词本身在各个方面对汉语教学来说都是利弊并存。

    Sino-Vietnamese vocabulary , as the most striking element in the Vietnamese language , is gradually changing following by the diverse development of the Vietnamese language . Nevertheless , there are pros and cons in all aspects of Sino-Vietnamese on Chinese learning .

  24. 对汉越词词义的概述:本文在这一章中对越南语和汉语的接触问题,对越南语里汉越词的概念、范围及类型以及对汉越词词义的形成、发展与现状作一概括。

    The meanings of the summary : in this chapter of Vietnamese and Chinese , Vietnamese contact problem in the concept of words , and the word of han type and the formation , development and the meaning of a word . 3 .

  25. 汉越度量形容词特定句法框架之比较

    Comparison on Specific Syntactic Frameworks of Measure Adjectives between Chinese and Vietnamese

  26. 论文以汉-越语形容词程度表示法为研究对象,在句法、语义、语用三个面进行了对比分析。

    This research attempts to , from the aspect of syntax , semantic , and pragmatic , analyze the indications of degrees of adjectives in Chinese and Vietnamese .

  27. 借助汉越音、汉越词对越汉语词汇教学

    On the Teaching of Vietnamese and Chinese Vocabulary with the Help of Chinese and Vietnamese Phonetics and Words

  28. 在交流过程中,有许多语言、文化方面的因素从汉文化和汉语中引进越南文化和越南语(汉越词是最为明显的跨文化痕迹)。

    In the exchange process , there are many factors of language , cultural aspects of the introduction of culture of Vietnam and Vietnamese from Chinese culture and Chinese ( Sino-Vietnamese words is the most obvious traces of cross-cultural ) .

  29. 笔者本身是一名越南汉语学习者,既已经在课堂上学过汉越翻译这门课又曾经当过翻译,所以笔者想对汉越词对汉译越的影响进行探讨。

    The author is a Sino-Vietnamese learner that has learned Sino-Vietnamese translation in the class and has been a interpreter , so the author wants to discuss the effects for Sino-Vietnamese words to the translation from Chinese to Vietnamese .

  30. 汉越词语与其相对应的现代汉语词语及古代汉语词语的对比:作为本论文的研究重点核心,以词义对比标准,对汉越词、现代汉语词语及古代汉语词语进行对比。

    The corresponding Chinese words and expressions of modern Chinese ancient Chinese comparison : this thesis studies as the core , with heavy point of comparison , the meaning of the word han standard modern Chinese words , phrases and comparison of ancient Chinese words .