
hàn huà
  • be sinicized;be assimilated by the Chinese
  1. 于是开启了沃德米尔汉化计划(WaldmeirSinicisationproject)。

    And thus began the great Waldmeir Sinicisation project .

  2. 拓跋氏将他们重新命名为元氏,这也是体系汉化的一部分。

    The Tuobas renamed themselves the Yuans as a part of systematic Sinicization .

  3. 因为和中原人离得近,契丹人很快就汉化了。

    Due to the proximity of the Chinese , the Khitan were quick to become sinicized .

  4. 对于孝文帝来说不幸的是,他的汉化政策也存在副作用,换句话说,他采用了晋朝的社会分层法,

    Unfortunate for Emperor Xiaowen , his sinicization policies had their downsides ---- namely , he adopted the Jin Dynasty social stratification methods ,

  5. 孝文帝实施了彻底的汉化政策,想要使权力更加集中到中央政府并更好地管理这个多民族的国家。

    Emperor Xiaowen implemented a drastic policy of sinicization , intending to centralize the government and make the multiethnic state more easy to govern .

  6. 旧都的人民依旧非常保守,而洛阳的人民则更乐于采纳孝文帝汉化的政策。

    The population at the old capital remained fiercely conservative , while the population at Luoyang was much more eager to adopt Xiaowen 's policies of sinicization .

  7. 要想避免汉化、译出比较地道的英文,重点要掌握两方面的知识:一是熟知英语词形的屈折变化、词的习惯性搭配和固定短语的用法;

    To avoid Chinglish and learn to use good English , it is necessary to master following knowledge : ⑴ the changes of English morphology , collocation and the usage of set phrases ;

  8. 清朝的第二代、第三代皇帝懂得,只有满人汉化才能统治中国。所谓的汉化,不仅仅是种族上,关键是文化和思想意识。

    The second and third generation emperors of the Qing learned that it was only possible to rule China if the Manchu became Chinese themselves , not racially , but culturally and mentally .

  9. 北魏前期以平城(今山西大同)为都,孝文帝大举实行汉化,政治中心也迁徙到中原腹地洛阳。

    In its early years , Pingcheng ( now Datong in Shanxi ) served as the capital . After Emperor Xiaowen ascended to the throne , he removed the capital to Luoyang and vigorously promoted the learning of the Han culture . Therefore , the political center was brought to the central plain as well .