
  1. 简板上的汉隶远不像碑刻上的那样严整、肃穆、气势恢宏。

    The writing on these materials were not as formal and magnificent as those on the stone tablets .

  2. 在文化大冲撞、变革的背景下,隶书的创作与传统汉隶有了极大的区别。

    There is great difference between Li Shu creation and tradition Han Dynasty Li Shu under the background of cultural bump and change .

  3. 在书法上,他隶书、行、草、楷诸体都精通,尤其是他的汉隶著作在当时就深受世人的赞赏,在明清书法史上影响深远;在绘画上,他也博采众长而自成一家。

    In calligraphy , his official script , lines , grass , Kai were proficient , especially his creations of Han Li were appreciated by people at that time .

  4. 在以汉隶为尚的观念的引导下,宋人营造了隶书发展所需的良好氛围,并在实践上取得了初步成果。

    Under the guide of the idea that Han dynasty 's lishu are fashion , Song dynasty 's people built the good atmosphere needed in development of the lishu , and has made some achievement in practice .

  5. 笔者认为《张景碑》是汉隶典型碑刻,格调典雅,端庄遒逸,足可与《曹全碑》、《史晨碑》、《张迁碑》、《石门颂》等享有盛誉的汉碑同列。

    It has a classic style and civility and is comparable to the famous steles of Han dynasty such as Stele of Cao Quan , Stele of Shi Chen , Stele of Zhang Qian and Ode to Shimen .

  6. 借助于大数定律、重复抽样方法和非线性回归方法,分别建立了金文、小篆、汉隶和宋楷几个具有代表性的、不同时代的汉字系统直接构件关系模型。

    By means of the law of large number , repeated sampling method and nonlinear regression method , the direct component models are built up for Bronze Inscription system , Seal Script system , Official Script system and Song Dynasty Regular Script system .