
yào zhōu yáo
  • Song ceramic kiln
  1. 耀州窑是我国古代著名瓷窑。

    Yaozhou kiln is one of the famous ancient kilns .

  2. 耀州窑遗址粘土及其古瓷的初步研究

    A study on clay and ancient celadon of Yaozhou Kiln

  3. 不同历史时期耀州窑碗器型结构特征之研究

    Study on the configuration characteristics of the Yaozhou porcelain bowl in different periods

  4. 甘肃省博物馆藏耀州窑瓷器精品

    The Most Exquisite Porcelain Products of the Grassroots Yaozhou Kiln in the Gansu Provincial Museum

  5. 耀州窑天青釉瓷与景德镇窑青白瓷的比较

    Comparison between Celeste glazed porcelain from Yaozhou Kiln and greenish white porcelain from Jingdezhen kiln

  6. 对93个耀州窑瓷胎与83个耀州窑瓷釉的化学组成数据分别进行对应分析。

    The chemical compositions for 93 bodies and 83 glazes of ancient Yaozhou porcelain in different time periods were treated by statistical analysis .

  7. 耀州窑作为我国名窑群芳中的一朵奇葩,它创烧于唐代,到宋代发展到鼎盛时期。

    Yaozhou kiln , as an exotic flower in famous kilns of our country , started burning in Tang Dynasty and developed to its peak in Song Dynasty .

  8. 旬邑茶叶末瓷属耀州窑系,其釉的熔剂含量较高,主晶相为普通辉石和钙长石。

    The Xunyi tea dust wares belonged to Yaozhou ware system , the flux in the glaze was fairly high , the main crystal phases were augite and anorthite .

  9. 作者认为,耀州窑延烧时间跨越千年,瓷器产品的艺术风格转变多样,呈现出复杂多变的艺术面貌。

    The author thinks that YaoZhou kilns has leaped over about one thousand years , and the artistic style changed variedly , presents a complicated and challenging artistic feature .

  10. 而民间青瓷也是异常繁荣,以北方的耀州窑和南方的龙泉窑为代表,形成独特风格的民窑青瓷的流派。

    With five impe-rial kilns paying tributes to the royal court with their fine celadon products , several plebeian kilns , best represented by Yaozhou kiln in North China and Longquan kiln in the south , also prospered with their unique designs in cetadon making .