
  • Long Island;【地名】【朝鲜、韩国】Changdo
  1. 山东省的长岛和辽宁省的老铁山遥遥相对。

    Changdao of Shandong Province and Laotieshan of Liaoning Province face each other across a great distance .

  2. 这本书由长岛大学晢学教授迈克尔·斯皮奥斯和经济学教授帕诺斯·默多库塔斯合著而成。

    The book is co-authored by Long Island University 's philosophy professor Michael Soupios and economics professor Panos Mourdoukoutas .

  3. 现在,他在FutureTech工作,这是一家总部设在长岛的IBM业务合作伙伴。

    Today , he works for Future Tech , a Long Island-based IBM business partner .

  4. 论绿色GDP在建设全面小康社会中的地位&以长岛县为个案的实证分析

    The Status of Green GDP in Constructing Well-off Society : a Case Study on Changdao

  5. Chris很为我难过,让我去了长岛的80年代重聚夜。

    Chris stuck by me , booked me an ' 80s reunion night on Long Island .

  6. 乔安·雷塔诺(JoanneReitano)是皇后区长岛市拉瓜地亚社区学院(LaGuardiaCommunityCollege)的历史教授,著有若干关于长岛市和纽约州历史的佳作。

    Joanne Reitano is a professor of history at LaGuardia Community College in Long Island City , Queens .

  7. 科恩在长岛(LongIsland)出生长大,在埃默里大学(EmoryUniversity)念了一年医学预科之后,她回到了纽约,进入帕森设计学院(ParsonsSchoolofDesign)学习。

    After a year as a pre-med student at Emory University , the Long Island native moved back to New York to attend Parsons School of Design . '

  8. 来自长岛的土拨鼠MalverneMel确实看见了自己的影子,也就是说冬季还有6星期结束。

    Malverne Mel of Long Island did see its shadow , meaning another six weeks of winter .

  9. 在长岛的冷泉港实验室(coldspringharborlaboratory),一群统计学家、经济学家和医学研究人员最近在进行头脑风暴,试图找出衡量与应对癌症护理的创新途径。

    At the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in Long Island , there have recently been brainstorming sessions between statisticians , economists and medical researchers to develop innovative ways to measure and tackle cancer care .

  10. 2007年8月17日,周五,21位华尔街上最具影响力的投资者在乔治•索罗斯(GeorgeSoros)位于纽约长岛(LongIsland)东端南安普敦的家中会面吃饭。

    On Friday , August 17 2007 , 21 of Wall Street 's most influential investors met for lunch at George Soros 's Southampton estate on the eastern end of Long Island .

  11. 身为犹太裔的弗里德兰德在纽约出生并在长岛长大,他是一位素食主义者,并从杜克大学(Duke)拿到了一个物理学的学位。

    Born in New York City and reared on Long Island , Mr. Friedlander is Jewish and vegetarian and has a physics degree from Duke .

  12. 美联社(AP)的报道,估计暴风对长岛的影响将会更大,长岛现在正在搭建避难所并且关闭了所有的公园。

    The effects were expected to be stronger on Long Island , where emergency shelters were opened and parks were closed , the Associated Press ( AP ) reported .

  13. 根据婚前协议的条款,夫妇两人在长岛NorthFork买下的一笔投资性房产将由扎伦巴持股75%,杰克逊持股25%。

    Under the terms of the prenup , one investment property on Long Island 's North Fork that the couple purchased would be owned 75 % by Mr. Zaremba and 25 % by Ms. Jackson-Zaremba .

  14. 红十字会发言人SteveBayer正在纽约的长岛。他表示,该组织已经准备好了可以容纳数千人的避难所。

    Red Cross spokesman Steve Bayer is on New York 's Long Island , where he said the organization is prepared with shelters that can thousands of people .

  15. 在长岛大学布鲁克林校区(LongIslandUniversity'sBrooklyncampus)举办的一项名为“柠檬汁小摊101”(LemonadeStand101)的创业课程中,一群不到12岁的孩子遇到了一个难题:如何在拥挤的市场中使你的果汁摊位显得与众不同。

    In an entrepreneurship class at Long Island University 's Brooklyn campus called ' Lemonade Stand 101 , ' a group of children under 12 faced the problem of differentiating juice stands in a crowded market .

  16. 过去我总是支支吾吾,咕哝一些“Priceline网上竞价”之类的话,但现在我有了一个新答案:住在东河对岸的皇后区长岛市(LongIsland­City,Queens)。

    I used to hem and haw and mumble something about Priceline bidding , but now I have a new answer : Stay in Long Island ­ City , Queens , just across the East River .

  17. 他的服装部分基于美国梦的审美:美国西部以及盖茨比(Gatsby)版长岛的风格。

    The clothes he sells are , in part , based on the aesthetics of that dream : the West , and the Gatsby version of Long Island .

  18. 他的葬礼将于周五在长岛圣詹姆斯的圣斐理伯与圣雅各伯教堂(Sts.PhilipandJamesChurch)举行,消防局各部门也将举行盛大悼念仪式,组织大量消防员和官员参加。

    His funeral will be held Friday at Sts . Philip and James Church in St. James on Long Island , with the expansive pageantry and huge turnout of firefighters and officers that accompany all departmental ceremonies .

  19. 他说,我来自纽约长岛,你瞧,我不是乡下小子,所以能够驾驶约翰迪尔(JohnDeere)拖拉机感觉很酷。

    Im from Long Island , you know , Im not a country boy , so it was cool to be able to hop on a John Deere , he said .

  20. 也许这是34岁的安德烈娅·迪克斯坦(AndreaDickstein)不想要孩子的一个原因。她是一名电子商务和营销传播主管,住在长岛。

    Perhaps this is one reason that Andrea Dickstein , 34 , a director of e-business and marketing communications who lives on Long Island , doesn 't want children .

  21. 如果你没有从长岛的Bravo’sPrincesses抱怨声中听出趋势,那么告诉你,现在美国的结婚率处在一个最低值。

    If you haven 't already picked up on the trend from all the whining on Bravo 's Princesses : Long Island , marriage rates in America are at an all-time low .

  22. 零卡创建于2007年,由长岛的私人股本公司诺斯伍德风投公司(NorthwoodVentures)掌管。零卡抓住大公司犹豫不决的时机,在边缘化的饮料市场分得了一杯羹。

    But that hesitation has given Zevia , which was founded in 2007 and is held by Long Island-based private equity firm Northwood Ventures , time to build an edge .

  23. 他是长岛POWER-AIX用户组的创立者和负责人。

    He is the founder and group leader of the NY Metro POWER-AIX / Linux Users Group .

  24. 在长岛东端,23岁的肖恩弗雷泽(SeanFrazier)和四个同伴在阿曼甘塞特的鹌鹑山农场工作,他们都是20多岁的应届大学毕业生,彼此都是好朋友。

    On the East End of Long Island , Sean Frazier , 23 , and four others , all recent college graduates in their mid-20s , work on Quail Hill farm in Amagansett and have become close friends .

  25. 布鲁克林的布什威克(Bushwick)和威廉斯堡(Williamburg)以及皇后区的长岛市都是著名的艺术中心。

    Bushwick and Williamsburg in Brooklyn , and Long Island City in Queens , are well established as alternative art centers .

  26. 其他乐器制造商,比如雅马哈(Yamaha),把制造业务从美国搬到了成本低廉的亚洲国家,可是它依然只在皇后区长岛市和汉堡这两个主要基地设立工厂。

    And it kept factories in its two main bases in Long Island City , Queens , and Hamburg , even as other instrument makers like Yamaha moved manufacturing operations from the United States to low-cost Asian countries .

  27. 但这种正常是虚假的,因为还有73万居民(大多位于长岛和rockaways海边社区)仍然没有电力、供热或清洁水。

    But the normality is deceptive as 730000 residents , mostly on Long Island and in the Rockaways beach community , still have no power , heat or clean water .

  28. 在东河对岸的皇后区长岛市,埃里克在他参与创建的Songza公司担任首席内容官,提供经过策划的流媒体音乐服务。

    Across the East River in Long Island City , Queens , Eric works as chief content officer for songza , a company he co-founded that offers a streaming music service of curated playlists .

  29. 尼古拉•特斯拉是19世纪末20世纪初与托马斯•爱迪生相媲美的发明家。1901年,他从亿万富翁J.P.摩根那里获得资助,在纽约长岛修建了一座高达187英尺的无线电能传输塔——沃登克里弗塔。

    Backed by the financier J.P. Morgan , Nikola Tesla , the inventor and rival to Thomas Edison , built in the early 1900s the Wardenclyffe Tower , a 187-foot-high structure on Long Island , which he said could transmit electricity wirelessly .

  30. 我开车去了长岛,想想办法。

    So I drove out to long island , way out .