
  • 网络International;International Version;GO Keyboard;international edition
  1. 无法加载office国际版dll。

    Could not load Office International dll .

  2. 在门罗教授的一门MBA课程上,有一本教科书的国际版比官方美国版的价格便宜得多。

    In one of Prof Monroe 's MBA courses there has been an international version of a textbook that was significantly cheaper than the official American edition .

  3. 众所周知,NYT与快报传媒集团合作,在巴基斯坦发行《国际版纽约时报》,并从集团获取回报。

    It is clarified that NYT in Pakistan is partnered with Express Media Group to publish International NYT in Pakistan and receive earnings from the group .

  4. 丝网版画作品《记忆》参加中韩国际版画展。

    Silkscreen block printing Memory participated in Sino-Korea International Block Print Exhibition .

  5. 大地卫星有关产品和服务目录:国际版;

    Directory of Landsat-related products and services : international edition ;

  6. 国际版的发行量迅速超过了英国版。

    International circulation soon outstripped that of the UK Edition .

  7. 罗斯:那好吧,那,给我国际版。

    Ross : All right . Uhh , international .

  8. 英国版的新国际版圣经与美国版比较,只有少数俗语和拼字上的不同而已。

    British edition reflects the comparatively few differences of significant idiom and of spelling .

  9. 去年秋天,他上了《时代》杂志国际版的封面。

    Last fall , he appeared on the cover of Time 's international edition .

  10. 他是国际版的主编。

    He is chief of the foreign desk .

  11. 这个故事唯一让人觉得有点意思的就是它上了国际版的报道。

    What is somewhat encouraging is the fact the story got into the world press .

  12. 微信是中国目前最受欢迎的平台,国内版和国际版共有4.68亿活跃用户。

    Weixin is now the most popular forum in China . Weixin and its international version WeChat together have 468 million active users .

  13. 如今,公司在不同的国家都有记者,而且国际版是以三种语言发行的。

    So now you have correspondents in different countries , as well as international editions that you translate into a three different languages .

  14. 该目录介绍了各种我们的产品。大地卫星有关产品和服务目录:国际版

    The catalogue contain illustrations and description of the large variety of our supplies . Directory of Landsat-related Products and Services : International Edition

  15. 圣经里也告诉“基督爱教会,为教会舍己。”(以弗所书5:25B新国际版)

    The Bible also tells us that " Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her . "( Eph . 5:25B NIV ) .

  16. 译者和修辞顾问们努力想达到的,就是文体要清楚而自然&新国际版圣经使用的英文必须口语化而非习语化,现代化而非时代化;

    Concern for clear and natural English-that the New International Version should be idiomatic but not idiosyncratic , contemporary but not dated-motivated the translators and consultants .

  17. 腾讯旗下的微信和微信国际版是类似的聊天软件,上一季度二者合计拥有6亿月度活跃用户,同比增加37%。

    Tencent 's WeChat and Weixin , both similar chat apps , boasted 600m monthly active users last quarter , up 37 per cent year on year .

  18. 门罗教授说,因此,有相当多的学员从海外网络图书零售商那里“海淘”该书的国际版,将其寄送到美国。

    As a result , he says , significant numbers of his students buy the international version from online book retailers based overseas and have it shipped to the US .

  19. 泰瑞阿达姆森,另一名美国国家地理学会专门负责法律事务和政府公关的行政副总裁主要负责杂志的国际版所有事务。

    Adamson , Society Executive Vice President who also is the Society 's chief legal officer and heads governmental relations , has overall responsibility for the Society 's international publications .

  20. 这些标题不是新国际版圣经正文的组成部分,不作口头朗读之用,也不是对它们所引领段落的解释。

    They are not to be regarded as part of the NIV text , are not for oral reading , and are not intended to dictate the interpretation of the sections they head .

  21. 该注释取自马太福音23:37,书中耶稣这样形容耶路撒冷,他说他渴望保护子女就像母鸡将小鸡保护在羽翼之下一样。(新国际版圣经)

    This is taken from Matthew 23:37 , where Jesus says of Jerusalem that He has longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings ( in the New International Version ) .

  22. 这可能有助于说明,为什么亚马逊周一在100多个国家推出了国际漫游版电子书阅读器kindle,而中国却不在其列。

    This could help explain why China is not on the list of 100 countries where Amazon plans to launch the Kindle , its e-reader , on Monday .

  23. 对比SCI光盘版、网络版及Dialog国际联机版三种版本的基本检索方法,评价三种版本的各自特性,引导读者选择使用SCI的不同版本。

    This paper compares the basic retrieval methods of the three SCI versions-CD , web and dialog online . The features of each version are studied . So readers could select the different versions according to this paper .

  24. 试谈新形势下地方报纸国际新闻版的编辑工作

    Talk Aout Editorial Work of Page of International News Under New Situation

  25. 结核病控制定义的国际修订版

    Revised international definitions in tuberculosis control

  26. 1961年《韦氏新国际词典第三版》出版。

    In 1961 , Webster 's Third New International Dictionary of the English Language was published .

  27. 看看,我在学习《李阳国际音标(小学版)》。妈妈在辅导。

    Hey , look ! I am learning the International phonetic symbol while my mom teaching .

  28. 修订的口服补液盐新配方专论将在国际药典第四版中发表。

    The revised monograph for the new ORS formula will be published in the fourth edition of The International Pharmacopoeia .

  29. 《高野良雄之死》曾译载于《国际文学》法文版。

    " The Death of Takano Yoshio " was translated into French and published in " International Literature ", French Edition .