
  1. 语言和文化中的尊右也是多种语言和文化中的一种普遍现象。

    Honoring right is a common practice in various languages and cultures .

  2. 中华武术博大精深,是中华民族的传统项目,道教是在中国土生土长的民族宗教,道教中的尊道而贵德;太极拳是我国优秀的传统武术项目。

    Chinese wushu is great and extractive and is the traditional item of China .

  3. 在装饰图腾的布局上,以「中轴对称」及「以中为尊」为构图上重要的原则。

    " Central axis " and " central emphasis " are basic principles of the decoration placement .

  4. 第三名在叠叠量体与轻透挺立的外壳中,尊生态环境、结构行为、空间功能考虑深入。

    Third Prize : Within the stacked volumes and light , porous and tall shell , the ecosystem , structure and functions of the tower have all been carefully considered .

  5. 执著的走下去,在细节上积攒经验,在别人的嘲笑下揣摩,在实力中找回尊言!

    Dedicated along this road , in detail the accumulation of experience , under the ridicule of others try to figure out , in the strength to get back on respect for words !

  6. 因为你们在寻的旷野,加低斯的米利巴水,在以色列人中没有尊我为圣,得罪了我。

    This is because both of you broke faith with me in the presence of the Israelites at the waters of Meribah Kadesh in the Desert of Zin and because you did not uphold my holiness among the Israelites .

  7. 陈列在现代艺术博物馆中的一尊引人注目的雕塑。

    A compelling sculpture at the Museum of modern art .

  8. 迦摩缕波神殿中有一尊据传是萨提女神外阴的红信石,在女神节期间会流出红色液体。

    At the Kamarupa temple , a stone of red arsenic , said to be the yoni of the dismembered goddess Sati , flows with red water during this time .

  9. 在附呈的两张相片中都出现一尊金观音。

    In the attached photos there appeared a golden Guan Yin .

  10. 在《华严经入法界品》中,善财尊者经过五十三参之后,终于悟道。

    In the Entering the Dharma Realm Chapter of the Flower Adornment Sutra , Sudhana obtains enlightenment after he learns from fifty three good knowing advisors .

  11. 一条国道从云冈石窟前穿过。云冈石窟的254个洞窟中有5.1万尊雕像,而每天经过的运煤卡车最多达两万辆,村民们也要烧煤,来做饭、取暖。[qh]

    A national highway ran in front of the grottoes , where 51000 statues stand in 254 niches and caves . Up to 20000 coal trucks passed each day . Villagers burned coal for cooking and heating . [ qh ]

  12. 山田真一从摧毁居所的海啸中逃出,后来在废墟中抢救出两尊佛像。但据山田说,当他把佛像带回自己的临时住房时,怪事开始接连发生了。

    Shinichi Yamada escaped the waves that destroyed his home and later salvaged two Buddhist statues from the wreckage . But when he brought them back to the temporary housing where he lived , he said strange things began to happen .