
  1. 清代采风民族志中台湾熟番的社会文化

    The Social Culture of Aboriginal Tribes from the Ethnographic Description during Qing Dynasty

  2. 福建入境旅游市场中台湾客源市场特征分析

    An Analysis of the Feature of Taiwanese Tourists in Fujian Inbound Tourist Market

  3. 在其最新的电视广告中,台湾的中华电信(chunghwatelecom)热烈宣称:欢迎顾客进入“光世代”。

    In its latest TV advertisement , Chunghwa Telecom welcomes its customers to the " era of light " .

  4. 在即将上映的电影《嫌疑人X的献身》中,台湾明星苏有朋和林心如再次联手合作。该电影改编自日本作家东野圭吾的同名代表作。

    Taiwan stars Alec Su and Ruby Lin team up again in the forthcoming thriller The Devotion of Suspect X , adapted from Japanese author Keigo Higashino 's award-wining novel with the same title .

  5. 在上周公布的Pisa科学排名中,台湾排名第四,但阅读排名仅为第16。

    Taiwan also earned fourth place in the parallel Pisa science rankings , published last week , though in reading it was in 16th place .

  6. 农业产业一体化经营中的台湾农民合作组织

    Cooperative association of Taiwanese peasant in the integrative management of agricultural industry

  7. 调整、发展中的台湾汽车工业

    The Adjusting and Developing Taiwanese Auto Industry

  8. 在中国早期近代化的探索中,台湾的近代化建设占据着重要的地位。

    Among the early modernize exploration , Taiwan 's modernize construction occupied the important status .

  9. 两岸一中与台湾海峡经济区

    " Two Sides , One China " and the Economic Zone Across the Taiwan Straits

  10. 评1928年台共政治大纲中的台湾民族论

    On " Taiwanese nationality " in the 1928 Political Thesis of the Taiwanese Communist Party

  11. 中国当代文学中的台湾文学

    Taiwan Literature seen in Contemporary Chinese Literature

  12. 国际事务中涉及台湾的几个问题

    Several Questions Involving Taiwan in International Relations

  13. 中西比较视野中的台湾商业话剧台湾铸造业

    A Study of Taiwan Commercial Theatre from a Sino-Western Comparative Perspective The Foundry Trade in Taiwan

  14. 这张宣传照中,台湾当代传奇剧场演员正演出「等待果陀」。

    Actors from the Taiwanese Contemporary Legend Theater perform Waiting for Godot in this handout picture .

  15. 福州将军与清朝中后期台湾满洲军事体制研究

    The Research of Fuzhou General and Manchu Military System in the Middle and Later Qing Danasty

  16. 在过去15年中,台湾推出了针对所有学生的9年制课程。

    Over the past 15 years , the island has introduced a nine-year curriculum which is followed by every student .

  17. 历史文献中对台湾原住民人口比较系统的记录始于荷兰殖民统治时期。

    With the advent of Dutch colonial rule we start to find relatively systematic demographic records of the indigenous population of Taiwan .

  18. 的确,在上述四个地区中,台湾经济的年增长速度最慢,其预测增长率略高于4%。

    Indeed , of the four , the island faces the slowest annual growth , forecast at just over 4 per cent .

  19. 但公众已开始意识到,对中国大陆进一步开放经济,或许并不能从愈来愈具挑战性的全球经济环境中拯救台湾。

    But the public has started to realise that further opening the economy to China may not save Taiwan from an increasingly challenging global economic environment .

  20. 我的焦点放在台湾参与跨政府组织的情况,以及评估在这些组织活动中,台湾加入的可能性。

    The paper focuses on Taiwan 's participation in intergovernmental organizations and assesses the possibilities of the country 's increasing involvement in the activities of these organizations .

  21. 但是,在美国对台技术援助的过程中,台湾也出现了严重的人才流失现象,给台湾的社会经济造成了较大的损失。

    But during the process of the American technical assistance to Taiwan , the phenomenon of brain drain in Taiwan also brought some damage to the economy of Taiwan .

  22. 本文主要目的在从空间与制度的角度,检视在全球化发展过程中的台湾科技产业发展与政策。

    The aim of this paper is based on institutional and spatial perspectives to examine Taiwan 's hi-tech industrial development and policy in the growing process of globalization development .

  23. 本文在广泛查阅清代各类台湾文献的基础上,对这些文献中关于台湾城防政策的资料进行梳理和阐析。

    Extensively consulted the literature on the basis of the Qing Dynasty in Taiwan , this paper sorted out and analysed the materials about the Taiwan city defense policy .

  24. 17世纪2060年代,在以巴达维亚为中心的众多贸易网络中,台湾巴达维亚为主的贸易航线是荷兰东印度公司贸易的生命线。

    From 1620s to 1660s , in many trade networks with Batavia being the center , the trade route of Taiwan-Batavia was the lifeline of the Dutch East India Company .

  25. 这个月,英国从苏里南进口的一只鹦鹉在隔离期间死于禽流感,但是兽医说,这只鹦鹉可能是被同一隔离设施中的台湾鸟类传染的。

    This month , a parrot imported from Surinam died from bird flu while in UK quarantine but vets there say it probably got the infection from Taiwanese birds in the same facility .

  26. 在2001年科技泡沫破裂后的经济衰退中,台湾私人消费大幅下降,目前仍未恢复到危机前的水平,机关就业增长恢复到了历史平均水平。

    Private consumption , which plummeted during the 2001 recession following the bursting of the tech bubble , has not recovered to pre-crisis levels , even though employment growth returned to its historical average .

  27. 地区第三大经济体韩国正在困境中挣扎;台湾和泰国的表现也远低于它们的潜力。

    South Korea , the third largest , is floundering . Taiwan and Thailand are performing well below their potential .

  28. 到八月中,由于台湾海峡局势紧张,以及再次传出人民币贬值谣言,息差扩阔至超过100基点。

    The differential then widened to over 100 basis points in mid-August amid tension across the Taiwan Strait and renewed rumours of RMB devaluation .

  29. 中白鹭是台湾乡间田野中常见的鸟儿,全身雪白,有长长的颈、喙及长脚是它们的特征。

    The snow white intermediate egrets are very common picture in the rice fields in Taiwan , with characteristics of long neck , long bill and long legs .

  30. 经济日报中提到的台湾苹果合作生产商代表鸿海精密有限公司和智能手机摄像头生产商大立光电股份有限公司均未做任何回应。

    Representatives for Taiwanese iPhone contract manufacturer Hon Hai Precision Industry Co Ltd and smartphone camera lens maker Largan Precision Co Ltd , both mentioned in the Economic Daily News report , had no comment .