
  • 网络Regina;Saskatchewan;University of Regina;Reggina
  1. 他对坐在观众席中的儿子和妻子里贾纳(Regina)表达了庄重敬意。

    He also paid a solemn , quite personal tribute to his son and his wife , Regina , who were seated in the audience .

  2. 自然·宁静·平和&加拿大里贾纳的城市规划与设计

    Natural , Quiet and Calm : Planning of Regina , Canada

  3. 共和党议员paulryan表示,“在所有思考该议题的人当中,里贾纳在华府最具影响力,而且她的观点在不断地赢得支持。”

    Paul Ryan , a Republican congressman , claims that " of all the thinkers on this topic , regi has the most influence in washington-and her ideas are gaining ground . "

  4. 里贾纳是本省首府和最大城市。

    Regina is the capital and the largest city . Population , 968,313 .

  5. 里贾纳就像我以前的芭比娃娃。我从未见人如此富有魅力。

    Regina 's like the Barbie doll I never had . I 'd never seen anybody so glamorous .