
  • 网络Diplopterygium glaucum;hicriopteris glauca
  1. 你在学校里白学了吗?

    You studied all that crap in school for this ?

  2. 温度的高低也会影响到里白孢子的繁殖情况。

    Temperature also affects the white spore reproduction .

  3. 其寄主植物涉及7科,即蕨类植物中的里白科、裸子植物中的杉科和松科以及属于被子植物的茶科、冬青科、槭树科和杜鹃科。

    The host species included 7 families , which were Theaceae , Aceraceae , Ericaceae , Aquifoliaceae , Pinaceae , Taxodiaceae , Gleicheniaceae .

  4. 澜惠暗地里白了个眼,很想摇着四阿哥的领子咆哮一下:谁害怕了?

    Lan Hui secretly white eye , actually want to vibrate four the elder brother 's neckband howl for a while : Who Be getting more scared ?

  5. 要求面试官解释可以体现你很细心,从而说明你在没有提前得到一个棘手项目的详细解释之前,是不会在办公室里白忙活一番的。

    Asking for clarification shows you are thoughtful and won 't go on wild goose chases in the office if difficult projects aren 't spelled out for you in advance .

  6. 香蕉外黄里白&对于人来说,这用来形容那些看上去是中国人但是“内里”也就是举止、个性都是“白人”式的。

    Bananas are yellow-skinned but with white insides-for people , this is meant to describe individuals who look Chinese but whose " insides ", that is , their behavior and personality , are " white " .

  7. 最近,英国公布的新大纲禁止在医院里穿白大褂和长袖服,希望这一举措能够降低以上带上细菌到处传播的几率,尤其是MRSA,也就是耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌。

    Britain recently issued guidelines that banned white coats and long sleeves in hospitals in the hope that the move would decrease the chances of picking up and transferring bacteria , especially the of MRSA : - resistant .

  8. 在这一夜里,白星海芋会让花粉落在苍蝇身上。

    During the night , it drops pollen on them .

  9. 在个人档案里,白金色、黄金色及红色的心代表的是什麽?

    What is Platinum , Gold and Red Heart means ?

  10. 在加拿大的曼尼托巴省骑马山自然公园里,白桦树长得直入云霄。

    White birch trees stand tall in Riding Mountain National Park , in Manitoba , Canada .

  11. 在买断以后的岁月里,白肋烟的需求远大于供应。

    In the years following the buyout , demand was greater than supply for burley tobacco .

  12. 在肺气肿病人受损伤的肺组织里,白细胞数量比一般情况多得多。

    Emphysema patients had far too many powerful white blood cells in their damaged lung tissue .

  13. 威斯康星州森林里的白尾鹿找寻一面朝南的斜坡来以便上午去晒太阳。

    White-tailed deer in these Wisconsin woods search out a south-facing slope to catch the morning sun .

  14. 在他骑上自行车是,我看见他飘在风里的白头发。

    In his on the bike is , I saw him floating in the wind of hair .

  15. 如果某一部位里中性白细胞数量过多,那它们不仅能消灭有害的细菌,而且还会破坏健康的细胞组织。

    Too many neutrophil white blood cells in one area can destroy healthy tissue as well as harmful organisms .

  16. 我仿佛看到了一个干净利落的小老太太生着红里透白的面颊,从早到晚手脚不停闲。

    I saw a neat little old woman , with cheeks like apples , toiling away from morning to night .

  17. 肺组织里中性白细胞过多,积聚的年月太长,就会造成肺严重损伤,最终导致肺气肿。

    Too many neutrophils in the lung tissue for too many years can cause serious injury to the lungs , resulting in time in emphysema .

  18. 咖啡放在小白瓷杯里,白瓷很厚,和中国人爱用的薄瓷相比另有一番稳重笃实的感觉。

    Coffee was put in a little white china cup , which is even thicker compared with the thin one popular in China and really gives you a feeling of steadiness and religiousness .

  19. 烟囱里冒着白烟。

    White smoke rose from the chimneys .

  20. 在上海中药制药一厂(shanghaino.1tcmfactory),引人注目的不是压力控制室里在身着白大褂的技师监督下、从锃亮的机器里生产出的棕色小药丸,而是药品的成份。

    It is not the small brown pills that stand out at the Shanghai No.1 TCM factory , produced by shiny machines inside pressure-controlled rooms and supervised by technicians in white coats . It is the ingredients .

  21. 看来校园里终於有白皮肤的可看了。

    Looks like we finally about to get some snow on campus .

  22. 他脑子里只有那个白妞。

    He 's all about the white girl now .

  23. 敦敦实实的烟窗里冒着白烟黑烟,象黑沉沉天空上在变魔术一样。

    White and black smoke rose up in steady columns , magic within the dark air .

  24. 哈利只顾埋头在《千种神奇药草和蕈类》里查找“白鲜”,

    Harry , who was looking up " Dittany " in One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi ,

  25. 但我要先在这酒瓶里装上白水,免得他趁我没注意真的喝了。

    But first I 'm going to refill this with water in case he gets past me .

  26. 他们不愿意给详细地址,只说是在小商城里,有白城堡标识。

    They won 't give out their exact address , but I know they 're in a mini mall with a white castle .

  27. 在街边老农的箩筐里,看到白棉线捆起一小把一小把的花。

    By the roadside , lay some small bundles of Gardenia tied up with white cotton thread in an old peasant 's bamboo basket .

  28. 当你躺在墨西哥里维埃拉的白沙滩上时,你身上原来承受着世俗压力仿佛飞到了一百万英里之外。

    When you 're lying on the white sands of the Mexican Riviera , the stresses of the world seem a million miles away .

  29. 爱情的火焰越烧越旺,于是他们相约在城外树林里那棵白桑树下见面。

    As love 's flame burnt ever hotter the lovers agreed to meet each other under a white mulberry tree in the woods outside the city .

  30. 最新研究显示,头发变白是一化学链式反应的结果,正是这一反应导致头发自身从里向外变白。

    New research shows that hair turns gray as a result of a chemical chain reaction that causes hair to bleach itself from the inside out .