
huánɡ bìnɡ dú
  • flavivirus;flavovirus
  1. 由于黄病毒和HCV均属黄病毒科,这种在同一科内具有相类似的异常的信号序列加工,其生物学意义值得深入研究。

    As both flavivirus and HCV are classified into the same Flaviviridae family , this downstream sequence related cleavage of signal sequence worths further studying .

  2. 西尼罗病毒(Westnilevirus)属于黄病毒科黄病毒属,该病毒感染人类可导致西尼罗热、西尼罗脑炎、脑膜炎等严重疾病。

    West Nile virus ( WNV ) within the Flavivirus genus of the family Flaviviridae , cause human severe diseases ranging from West Nile fever to West Nile encephalitis or meningitis .

  3. 虫媒黄病毒包膜E蛋白的研究进展

    Advances in researches on the envelope protein of arthropod - borne flaviviruses

  4. 库尔勒香梨脉黄病毒RT-PCR检测技术研究

    Studies on RT-PCR Detection Technology of Viral Diseases in Kuala Pear

  5. BUN与试验的披膜病毒和黄病毒科病毒血清学关系较远。

    BUN have no serological relation with virus of Togaviridae and Flaviviridae .

  6. 以dsRNA为模板的梨脉黄病毒RT-PCR检测技术研究

    Study on the RT-PCR Detection System for Pear vein yellow virus by Using dsRNA as Template

  7. 结论:HCV可以感染滋养层细胞,并导致滋养层细胞的超微结构发生类似黄病毒科病毒感染后的改变。

    CONCLUSION : Trophoblastic cells could be infected by HCV , and the cellular ultrastructure changed dramatically following infection of HCV .

  8. 猪瘟病毒(classicalswinefevervirus,CSFV)是黄病毒科瘟病毒属的一个成员,所引起的猪瘟是一种高度传染性和致死性的疾病。

    Classical swine fever virus ( CSFV ) is a pathogen for highly infectious disease as swine fever , belongs to Flaviviridae pestivirus genus .

  9. 甲病毒属的东部马脑炎病毒和西部马脑炎病毒之间,及与黄病毒属的黄热病毒均无交叉反应,表明建立的RTPCR检测方法特异性强。

    No cross reactions were observed between eastern equine encephalitis virus , western equine encephalitis and yellow fever virus strains , which suggested a high specificity of established RT_PCR method .

  10. 目的庚型肝炎病毒(HGV)与丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)同属黄病毒科,且传播途径相似,重叠感染率高,本研究旨在建立一种同时检测HGV与HCV感染的方法。

    Hepatitis C and G viruses belong to the flaviviridae family . They have similar modes of transmission . The dual infection of HGV and HCV were reported .

  11. BVDV属于黄病毒科瘟病毒属成员,与其同属的有猪瘟病毒(CSFV)、羊边界病病毒(DBV)及部分未分类瘟病毒。

    BVDV and classical swine fever virus , sheep border diarrhea virus and some unclassified virus belong to Flaviviridae .

  12. 其病原为猪瘟病毒(CSFV),属黄病毒科瘟病毒属成员。

    The causative agent of the disease is classical swine fever virus ( CSFV ), a member of the Pestivirus genus within the Flaviviridae family .

  13. 其中E蛋白Ⅱ区中第98-111位氨基酸残基组成的cd环,富含甘氨酸且具有很强的疏水性,序列组成在几乎所有的虫媒黄病毒中高度保守。

    The CD rings which composed by the98 ~ 111bit amino acid residues in the area of domain II of E protein rich in glycine and has great hydrophobic , and the sequence composition in almost all the worm virus is highly conservative .

  14. 西尼罗河病毒(Westnilevirus,WNV)属黄病毒科黄病毒属成员,是一种通过蚊子传播的嗜神经病原体。该病毒常常可引起人和大量动物的发病和死亡。

    West Nile Virus , a member of the genus Flavivirus , family Flaviviridae , is a mosquito-borne , neurotropic pathogen that has caused substantial morbidity and mortality in animals , often including birds , horses and humans .

  15. 猪瘟病毒(classicalswinefevervirus,CSFV)是一种带有囊膜的单股正链RNA病毒,与牛病毒性粘膜腹泻病毒和羊边界病毒同属于黄病毒科瘟病毒属。

    Classical swine fever virus ( CSFV ), which is an enveloped , single-and positive-stranded RNA virus , with bovine viral diarrhea virus and border disease virus , belongs to the members of the Pestivirus genus within the family of Flaviviridae .

  16. HCV为一单股正链RNA病毒,属于黄病毒属嗜肝病毒科,其基因组编码的糖蛋白E1、E2构成了其高度有序的表面结构,其上可能存在与宿主细胞受体结合的配体表位。

    HCV is a positive strand RNA virus of the flaviviridae family . Glycoprotein El , E2 on HCV envelope structurally form HCV highly ordered surface structure , where there are maybe ligand epitopes which combined with host cellular receptors .

  17. 属于黄病毒科(Flaviviridae)、黄病毒属,日本脑炎病毒广泛分布于亚洲南部和东南地区,其中包括中国、印度、日本等地。

    Japanese encephalitis virus is widely distributed in the south and southeast regions of Asia , including China , India , Japan , et al .

  18. 这种依赖于上下游序列的信号序列加工目前仅发现存在于IL12信号序列加工和黄病毒C/prM位点(prM信号序列)的加工。

    To date , similar observations were only reported for the processing of IL 12 signal sequence and the C / prM site of flavivirus .

  19. 登革病毒(DEN)是黄病毒科的重要成员,分4个血清型,均可引起登革热、登革出血热和登革休克综合征,广泛流行于世界100多个国家和地区。

    Dengue virus is one of the most important members of the flavivirus family , the diseases caused by which range from dengue fever , dengue hemorrage fever to dengue shock syndrome . It has put populations of more than 100 countries or areas at risk .

  20. 黄病毒科的黄病毒和肝炎病毒研究进展

    Advances in researches on flaviviruses and hepaciviruses of the family Flaviviridae

  21. 黄病毒逆转录-聚合酶链反应检测技术的建立和应用

    Detection of flaviviruses by reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction with universal primer set

  22. 黄病毒属病毒复制子载体研究进展

    Research Advancements of RNA Replicon-Based Vectors of Flavivirus Virus

  23. 黄病毒的分子生物学&进展与展望

    Molecular Biology of Flaviviradae & Progress and Perspective

  24. 虫媒黄病毒嵌合疫苗研究进展

    Progress of Arbo-Flavivirus Chimeric Vaccines Study on Continuous Multi-Harvesting Process for Measles Vaccine Production

  25. 氧氟沙星对黄病毒增殖的影响

    Effects of ofloxacin on flavivirus multiplication

  26. 逆转录套式聚合酶链反应快速诊断黄病毒感染

    Detection of flavivirus infection by RT-Nested-PCR

  27. 分子生物学技术在黄病毒属病毒疫苗研制中的应用及该类疫苗的研究进展

    Application of Molecular Biological Technique in Preparation of Flavivirus Vaccines and Development of Research on The Vaccines

  28. 意义该项目将发现有前途的药物先导化合物,阻断黄病毒家族的病毒复制。

    This project will discover promising drug leads that stop the replication of viruses within the Flaviviridae family .

  29. 黄病毒属包括70多种病毒,其中绝大多数是节肢动物传播的人类病原。

    The Flavivirus genus consists of more than 70 viruses , many of which are arthropod-borne human pathogens .

  30. 证明安徽省已经存在鸭源黄病毒的感染。其次,对分离株进行鸡胚、鸭胚的致病性试验。

    And it proved that there are duck flavivirus infection in Anhui Province . Then , the pathogenicity tests for chicken and duck embryo .