
  • 网络Ramadi;Ar-Ramadi
  1. 美国军方说,美国和伊拉克部队星期二在西部城市拉马迪开始了新的行动。

    The U.S.Military says American and Iraqi forces began a new operation in the western city of Ramadi tuesday .

  2. 军方说,正在调查一架美军直升机星期三在拉马迪城外坠毁的原因,机上两名海军陆战队军人丧生。

    The U.S.Military says it is investigating the cause of a helicopter crash Wednesday near the city of Ramadi that killed two marines .

  3. 空袭发生前,伊拉克特殊部队和武装分子之间的争斗引发了越来越多的担忧,武装分子掌控着费卢杰市和拉马迪市。

    The strike comes admitting increasingly fears of fighting between Iraqi Special Forces and insurgents who control of cities of Fallujah and Ramadi .

  4. 伊拉克内政部官员称,巴格达西部拉马迪警察局总部外发生两起汽车爆炸事件。

    Iraqi interior officials say two car bombs were set off outside police headquarters in the city of Ramadi , which is west of Baghdad .

  5. 联合国难民署表示,伊拉克中部安巴尔省又有一批民众离开,争斗双方争夺的费卢杰市和拉马迪市就位于安巴尔省内。

    The UN Refugee Agency says there is a new flood of Iraqis leaving central Iraq 's Anbar province , home to the contested cities of Fallujah and Ramadi .

  6. 造成伤亡人数最多的爆炸发生在东南部的城市库特和巴格达市,但是在基尔库克、巴士拉、拉马迪、卡尔巴拉及费卢杰也相继发生了爆炸事件。

    The heaviest casualties were after explosions in the southeastern city of Kut and in the capital Baghdad , but there were also attacks in Kirkuk , Basra , Ramadi , Karbala and Falluja .