
  • 网络Teh Tarik;Tarik;Masala Tea
  1. 食物方面,你可以在横街里享受印度煎饼和拉茶。

    For food , you can enjoy roti prata and teh Tarik in the side streets .

  2. 这是所谓的“印度拉茶”,点了两杯。

    This is what we call " Teh Tarik "( Pulled tea ?), two glasses .

  3. 作为一个台北本地人,Kao从没去过印度,也承认自己并不知道真正的印度玛莎拉茶到底什么味道,不过她对台湾夜市版的拉茶很满意。

    Although Ms. Kao , a Taipei resident , has never been to India and admitted she doesn 't know what real Indian masala tea tastes like , she is happy with the Taiwanese version .

  4. 即使是在有重力的情况下,泡制拉茶也是存在诀窍和危险的。

    Making teh tarik ( pulled tea ) can be tricky and dangerous , even with the help of gravity .

  5. 马来西亚人泡制拉茶时两手一高一低各持一容器,然后将滚烫的奶茶快速、反复地在两只容器间倾倒,从而使茶产生一层特殊的泡沫。

    Malaysians pour boiling-hot milky tea swiftly and repeatedly from one vessel held high in one hand into another held low , producing a distinctive layer of froth .

  6. 茶吸收了全世界各种不同的方式&加或不加牛奶,如印度拉茶、绿茶、冰红茶、红茶或如草本茶来减轻喉咙疼痛或严重感冒。

    Tea is imbibed around the world in various ways-with or without milk , as " masala chai ", green tea , iced tea , black tea or as a herbal tea to ease a bad throat or severe cold .