
shènɡ mǔ mǎ lì yà
  • Virgin Mary;Queen of Glory;Queen of Grace
  1. 这是最常见并通用于各种场合的英式惊叹词之一。从语言学上来说,“Bloodyhell”是一种避免爆粗的委婉表达。“bloody”应该是“ByOurLady”(即圣母玛利亚)的缩略语。

    One of the most common and versatile2 of British exclamation3 , ' Bloody hell ' is what we linguistics4 call a minced5 oath , as the word ' bloody ' is probably a shortening of ' By Our Lady ' ( i.e. the Virgin6 Mary ) .

  2. 西班牙一名艺术品收藏家花钱请人修复一幅17世纪名画的复制品,但修复后的画作令他震惊不已,画中圣母玛利亚的面庞已难以辨认。

    An art collector in Spain was shocked after the face of the Virgin Mary in a copy of a 17th century painting he paid to have restored was left unrecognizable .

  3. 在16世纪宗教改革之前,普通人通常会称圣母玛利亚为“OurLady(圣母玛利亚)”,而罗马的天主教徒如今仍这么做。

    Before the 16th century Protestant Reformation , ordinary people would commonly have referred to the Blessed Virgin Mary as " Our Lady , " as Roman Catholics still do .

  4. 比如圣母玛利亚的缩写——V和M就被用来祈求圣母保佑,十字架图案也被用来迷惑邪祟,以保护访问者不受伤害。

    V and M signs were made to invoke the Virgin Mary , and crisscross patterns were made as demon mazes - shapes meant to make evil beings get lost before they could harm visitors .

  5. 1917年,十岁的葡萄牙女孩LuciaSantos和她两个堂兄弟声称,一个形貌模糊、酷似圣母玛利亚的人拜访了他们,并聊了很多。

    In1917,10-year-old Portuguese peasant Lucia Santos , along with her two cousins , claimed that they were being visited by a hazy , chatty image of the Virgin Mary .

  6. 天主教的Marianist是由那些甘愿为上帝、为圣母玛利亚奉献一生的人组成的。

    The Marianists are a brotherhood of people who are all devoted to giving their life in faith of God and the Virgin Mary .

  7. 她立即赢得加拿大政界的圣母玛利亚称号。

    She immediately became known as the Madonna of Canadian politics .

  8. 圣母玛利亚都能用她漂亮的屁股跳舞。

    The Virgin Mary could come waltzing up with her fine ass.

  9. 但他总是随身带着一个圣母玛利亚的小雕像。

    But he carries arounda statue of the virgin mary .

  10. 我唯一知道的处子是圣母玛利亚。

    The only Virgin I know is the virgin mary .

  11. 拒绝圣母玛利亚和约瑟入住的人。

    Who would 've turned away Mary and Joseph from the inn .

  12. 圣母玛利亚、约瑟夫、婴儿耶稣

    The Holy Family , Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus .

  13. 圣母玛利亚并不知道,在她怀里的孩子。

    Virgin Mary did not know , the child in her arms .

  14. 大教堂内的一个小教堂;是用来纪念圣母玛利亚的。

    A small chapel in a church ; dedicated to the Virgin Mary .

  15. 上帝和圣母玛利亚与我们同在。

    God and the Virgin Mary are with us .

  16. 从圣母玛利亚到我们死去的人。

    From the Virgin Mary to our dearly departed .

  17. 在基督教里圣母玛利亚(耶稣基督之母)同样具有女神和神性能量。

    The same Goddess and Divine energy carried by the Virgin Mary in Christianity .

  18. 就像是见到了圣母玛利亚。

    It is like meeting the virgin mary .

  19. 你想打碎七座圣母玛利亚塑像?

    You want to breaks even virgin marys ?

  20. 向圣母玛利亚和耶稣企求吧。

    Ask baby Jesus or the virgin mary .

  21. 圣母玛利亚不久就旅行回来了。

    It was not long before the Virgin Mary came back from her journey .

  22. 圣母玛利亚禁止你打开它,你要是不听话,可能很容易遭到不幸。

    The Virgin Mary has forbidden it , and it might easily cause thy unhappiness .

  23. 你向圣母玛利亚祷告,祈求她不要叫你的鼻子变红。

    You prayed to the Blessed Virgin that you might not have a red nose .

  24. 天主圣母玛利亚。

    Holy Mary , mother of God .

  25. 丹布朗对于耶稣以及圣母玛利亚的全新看法,也曾引得众议纷纷。

    It triggered hot debates over Brown 's radical vision of Jesus and Mary Magdalene .

  26. 噢圣母玛利亚,你可知晓?

    Oh Mary did you know ?

  27. 奉献给圣母玛利亚的礼拜堂星期天,这所教堂将举行奉献仪式。

    A chapel dedicated to the Virgin Mary The new church will be dedicated on Sunday .

  28. 圣母玛利亚来到我的身旁。

    Mother Mary comes to me .

  29. 周末的养鸡课程也全部报满,而且据说连圣母玛利亚也养了一窝鸡。

    Weekend hen-keeping courses are fully booked and it is reported that Madonna herself keeps a brood .

  30. 我愿意领受圣母玛利亚所受的痛苦&看见天主子蒙难!

    I 'm willing to suffer the suffering that Maria suffered , to see Jesus Christ suffering !