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  • image file
  1. 另一个常见任务是确定图像文件的尺寸(dimension)。

    Another common task is to determine the dimensions of an image file .

  2. 选择刚才保存的图像文件,然后单击ok。

    Select the image file that you have just saved , and click ok .

  3. 包装CAD系统中对位图图像文件的处理方法

    Methods About Quickly Displaying Bitmap Images of Packaging CAD System

  4. net实现了发送、接收图像文件的整个方案。

    The scheme of sending and receiving image documents is implemented by VC + + . net .

  5. 指出在图像文件中找不到指定的源语言id。

    Indicates the specified resource language ID cannot be found in theimage file .

  6. 如果将任何图像文件作为公开web内容提供程序终结点的应用程序的一部分包括在内,则此目录将包含这些文件。

    If any image files are included as part of an application that exposes web content provider endpoints , this directory contains those files .

  7. 您还可以用convert将多个图像文件转换为PDF。

    You can also convert image files into PDFs with convert .

  8. SunRaster格式图像文件数据存储结构详解

    The Data Structure Description of Sun Raster Image File

  9. GDI+是通过调用COM组件来实现图像文件的访问。

    GDI + achieves the visit of the image file by calling COM .

  10. convert命令还能够转换图像文件的格式。

    The convert command is also capable of converting the formatting of the image files .

  11. 基于混沌映射的JPEG图像文件加密方法的研究

    Study on JPEG graphic file encryption method based on chaos mapping

  12. AUTOCAD的图像文件输出

    The Output of AutoCAD Image File

  13. JPEG文件交换格式,图像文件格式标准。

    JFIF – JPEG File Interchange Format , image file format standard .

  14. 这是一个包含了所有图标的垂直图像文件,可以使用css来定位不同的图标。

    It is a vertical image containing all icons placed one above the other .

  15. 用BMP图像文件合成多光谱遥感图像的简单方法

    Simple Method to Compose Multi spectral Remote Sensing Data Using BMP Image File

  16. DICOM医学图像文件格式解析与应用研究

    Research on the File Format Analysis and Application of DICOM Medical Image

  17. Destiny截取了制造规范表单的一幅屏幕截图并将其保存为一个图像文件。

    Destiny takes a screen capture of the manufacturing specification form and saves it as an image file .

  18. SPT图形文件转换成BMP图像文件的研究

    The Research on Translating SPT Graphic File into BMP Image File

  19. 修改CSS和图像文件

    Modify the CSS and image files

  20. 利用虚拟打印生成JPEG图像文件

    Generate JPEG File by Virtual Printer Diver

  21. 按照DICOM标准制定核医学图像文件格式

    Defining nuclear medical file formal based on DICOM standard

  22. 由DICOM医学图像文件获得设备无关位图的方法

    Way of DIB Derived from DICOM Medical Image File

  23. 它还包含用于创建GWTWeb界面的其他几个接口、类和图像文件。

    It also contains several other interfaces , classes , and image files that are used to create the GWT Web interface .

  24. 将下面的场景作为一个示例:用户希望更新Web站点徽标图像文件,并且将原始文件作为.war文件应用程序的一部分进行存档。

    Take the following scenario as an example : a user wants to update the Web site logo image file and the original file is archived as part of a.war file application .

  25. 除了嵌入图像文件外,还可以方便地嵌入包含XML、SQL或JavaScript的基于文本的文件。

    In addition to embedding image files , it can be convenient to embed text-based files containing XML , SQL , or JavaScript .

  26. TIFF图像文件转换为PDF文件的实现

    Implement of Converting the TIFF Image File into the PDF Document

  27. DICOM标准医学图像文件解析及工具软件的研制

    A Software Tool for the Analysis of Medical Image Files Conformed to DICOM Standard

  28. 利用BMP图像文件进行秘密储存

    Secret storage using BMP image files

  29. 实现DICOM医学图像文件读取进度显示的方法

    Approach to Display the Progress of Reading DICOM Image Files in Medical Image Visualization System

  30. DICOM图像文件解析及程序设计

    DICOM Image File Parser Design and Programming