
  • 网络color depth;Depth of Color;bit depth
  1. LCD控制器接口驱动程序实现了对16位色彩深度、320×240像素解析度的TFT彩屏的驱动;

    LCD of 16-color depth and 320 × 240 pixels resolution is supported by LCD controller interface software ;

  2. 第一是色彩的深度、纯度如何提高的问题;

    The first is how to raise colorific deepness and purity .

  3. 让人们对你有所了解,比如为你的专业形象添加色彩和深度的一些个人细节。

    Let people know a little about you ; a few personal details add color and depth to your professional image .

  4. 当前,三个条件中仅具备社会大环境,而就更重要的两个条件来说,原创还缺乏现代作品的个性思维色彩与深度;

    At present , there exists only a favorable social environment which is in fact less important than the other two conditions .

  5. 色彩位、深度位、模板位、单精/双精度等。

    Color bits , Depth bits , Stencil bits , single / double , etc.

  6. 最显著的特征就是其对油画刀具、材料、色彩语言的深度把握,从而以其让人惊叹的技巧效果演绎出撼动人心的艺术表达。

    The most notable feature is the painting tools , materials , color language to grasp the depth , with its breathtaking skill effect deduce shake art expression .

  7. 这些颜色温暖沉实,令我们的知觉更集中于分辨两幅画在美学、色彩配搭、深度层次与笔法上的分别。

    These warm and grounded hues prompt our sensory experience into differentiating the aesthetics of the two paintings , the colour combination and the level of its depth and appliance .

  8. 但是,在对色彩文化高度和深度的拓展上,画家们仍然在探索过程中。

    But , to color culture highly with in depth development , painters still in exploration process .