
tú jí
  • atlas
图集[tú jí]
  1. 这本地图集有40幅地图,其中包括三幅英国地图。

    The atlas contains forty maps , including three of great britain .

  2. 基于数据库和GIS支持的渔业捕捞环境图集制作

    Image atlas of fishing and environment based on database technology and GIS

  3. 非退化扩散过程象集和图集的Packing维数

    Packing Dimension of Image Set and Graph Set of a Nondegenerate Diffusion Process

  4. N指标d维广义Wiener过程的图集和水平集的Hausdorff和Packing维数

    Hausdorff and packing dimensions of graph and level sets for n parameter d Dimensional Generalized Wiener process

  5. 多维非退化扩散过程的象集与图集的一致Hausdorff维数

    The Uniform Hausdorff Dimensions for the Image Sets and Graph Sets of the Nondegenerate Multidimensional Diffusion Processes

  6. 论文针对RNA二级结构图提出一种图语法,该语法由初始结构图集和重写规则集构成,用重写规则在初始结构图上的不断重写得到的结构图都是该语法的语言。

    The author proposes a kind of RNA secondary structure graph grammar which composed by the set of initial structure graphs and the set of the rewriting rules .

  7. CSAVSP算法通过克隆、变异、选择三个算子多次迭代作用最终得到满足代价模型的物化视图集。

    CSA_VSP algorithm eventually obtains materialized view set meeting cost model through interactive process of clone , variation and selection operators .

  8. 本文介绍城市规划专题图编辑设计方法,并对数字规划图(图集)与规划GIS的结合作简要的展望。

    The paper introduces the method of editing and designing of thematic map of city planning , and then the brief prospect toward combination the planning map ( atlas ) and planning GIS is introduced .

  9. 结合涂料外墙EPS板外保温系统在苏州某住宅小区中的应用,通过设计、图集、规范的系统对照研究,找出施工中存在矛盾。

    The improved schemes for paint exterior wall external insulation with EPS plate are suggested through analyzing influence factors of paint exterior wall smoothness and leakage .

  10. 该图集在CERN控制中心是整洁的外观与物理学相适应的作品。

    The exterior of the Atlas control center at CERN is spruced up with physics-appropriate artwork .

  11. 运用有限元软件ANSYS,对在编制《方钢管屋架国家标准图集》过程中遇到的次应力问题进行分析。

    For solving the problem of the secondary stress of square steel tube trapezoid roof truss when compiling national standards drawings , the finite element analysis program ANSYS is used to calculate and analyze .

  12. 从苏维脱到速微特&《旋式速微特单立管排水系统安装》标准图集简介硬聚氯乙烯螺旋单立管(PPI)的应用与发展

    Brief on the Album of Standard Drawings of Spiral Single Stack Discharge System The Application & Development of the Pipe Material-PPI in Building Drainage System

  13. 随着打印的RGB和图集的PDF的CMYK文件中键入您收到完整的印刷效果色彩匹配的参考色。

    With printable RGB-and CMYK atlases in the type of PDF files you receive complete colour references for the colour matching of your printing results .

  14. 提出基于谐波分量Bode图集表示的三维谱图自动识别算法和振动故障瞬态诊断策略。

    An automatic identification method and a strategy for fault diagnosis are discussed based on the waterfall diagram represented by the Bode diagram set of harmonic components .

  15. 本文采用标准任务图集STG作为任务优化模型,STG图是早稻田大学实验室针对基于多处理器和众核系统的任务分配与任务调度的研究,提供的一组基准程序测试用例。

    The graphs are set of benchmarks provided by Waseda University research laboratory for multiple processors and many-core systems task allocation and scheduling .

  16. 目前,大多数火电厂的过热汽温控制仍然普遍采用传统的PID串级控制方法。本文提出一种新型的过热汽温控制方案,力图集智能控制与传统控制的优点于一身。

    Currently , the superheated steam temperature control system in most power plants still adopts the conventional PID cascade control scheme . A new superheated steam temperature control system design scheme is proposed in this paper , which tries to combine the advantages of both intelligent control and conventional control .

  17. 论文将以《太平洋大眼金枪鱼延绳钓渔场与SST叠加分布图集》和《东海中心渔场预报图》为例,简要介绍海渔况信息产品的制作原理及其应用。

    This article will gives the execution process of how to make fishery information products based on " Pacific big eye tuna fishing ground and SST superpose distribution graphs " and " Forecast of the central fishing grounds of The East China Sea " .

  18. 即将物流信息用图来表示,用户根据自己的兴趣,对图集进行相关的OLAP操作,获得有用的图信息,从而提高查询效率。

    Based on FlowGraph thought that apply graph to the logistics , which means using graph to represent logistics information , users can do relevant OLAP operations on graph sets according to their own interest , so to get useful results , to improve query efficiency .

  19. 针对静态物化视图集动态适应能力的不足,提出一种动态cache优化算法DCO(dynamiccacheoptimization)。

    Because the static materialized views lack of better response performance for dynamic query , an optimized algorithm DCO ( dynamic cache optimization ) is proposed , which generates a dynamic materialized views set to cooperate with the existing static materialized view set by cache .

  20. 在分析图像半调模型的基础上,应用LUT逆半调算法对LUT数据训练图集进行了充分的实验,统计和分析了训练图集对LUT逆半调图像质量的影响,给出了其选择依据。

    The LUTs are derived by various image training sets and are applied to inverse halftoning . By statistically analyzing the influence of image training sets on the quality of LUT inverse halftoning a guideline is proposed on selection of image training sets .

  21. 结合建筑结构设计规范和建筑平法图集(03G101),提出三段工程量计算模型;

    Based on current building structure code and standard drawings ( 03G101 ), it is presented a three-part model to calculate the volume of beam .

  22. 本文简要介绍钢筋混凝土倒锥壳水塔标准图集(04S802)国标集修编和所考虑的问题。

    Briefly account of revision and problems taking into consideration of " national standard drawing far reinforced inverted - cone type water tower ( 04S802 ) " are introduced in this paper .

  23. 应用《1:1000000中国植被图集》数据,按照Guenther等提出的最新算法,结合土地使用情况,对中国植被VOC的排放情况进行了比较全面和系统的研究。

    Applying 《 1:1000000 vegetation atlas of China 》 data , the relatively comprehensive and systematic study of vegetation VOC emission state in China was carried out according to the newest calculating technique suggested by Guenther et al , and combining with the land using state in China .

  24. 扫描矢量化的数据质量控制与评价方法浅析&以《中国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查图集》为例

    On the Quality Control and Evaluation Method of Scanned Vector Data

  25. 试论《中国自然地理图集》的特点

    Features of " An Atlas of Physical Geography of China "

  26. 基于图集的机械结构部件信息建模

    Information Modeling on Assemblies of Mechanical Structures Based on Graph Set

  27. 农村供水工程设计图集数据库的构建

    Study on construction database of drawings of rural water supply engineering

  28. 基于频繁模式树的频繁连通闭图集挖掘算法

    An Algorithm for Mining Connected Closed Frequent Subgraphs Based on FP-Tree

  29. 《长春市城市总体规划》图集的编辑制作

    The Compilation of Atlas of General Urban Planning of Changchun City

  30. 《中国热带气旋气候图集》的设计与编制

    Design and Compilation of " Climatological Atlas for China Tropical Cyclones "