
  • 网络standardization principle
  1. 尽管连锁企业跨国经营的动因不一,但其管理模式都是在选择全球化战略或多国化战略的基础上,既坚持标准化原则,又要根据不同市场的不同特征作一定程度的适应性调整。

    Despite diverse motivations , the Chain Store 's transnational management modes are based on selecting the globalization strategy or multinational strategy , which adhere to the standardization principle , with adaptability adjustment of a certain extent according to the diverse characteristics of different markets .

  2. 以情景兴趣理论为研究背景,对初中生进行问卷调查,编制初中生体育课堂情景兴趣量表,而后根据测验量表标准化原则进行项目分析以及信、效度检验。

    On the basis of analysis and examination of the situation interest table for the P.E.

  3. 它要遵循实用性原则、用户至上原则、系统性原则、标准化原则等。

    We should adhere to the principles of practicality , " user is the god ", systematicness and standardization .

  4. 绿色食品的开发应该坚持生态化原则、标准化原则、产业化原则、品牌化原则和市场化原则。

    We should adhere to the ecological , standard , industrial , brand and market principles in the green food development .

  5. 依据可复用类建立过程中所遵循的复用原则、分类原则、标准化原则,给出了可复用类的基本模型和建立方法。

    According to reuse principles , classify principles , standardization principles in the course of establishing the reusable class , a model of reusable class and methods of establishment are given .

  6. 法律术语标准化的原则与方法

    Principles and Methods of legal Terms standardization

  7. 教学档案的前期处理工作要遵循统一的规划和总体目标,要严格遵守规范化、标准化的原则。

    The former treatment of teaching files should observe unified planning and total target , as well as normalized and standard principle .

  8. 其次,必须按照应用性、实践性、标准化的原则更新重组教学内容。

    Second , we must update and reorganize the teaching content according to the principles of utilization , practice , and standardization .

  9. 并以诺基亚手机产品价格预测为例,说明了样本功能数据标准化的原则及模型的计算过程。

    The case of Nokia cellphone product price forecasting was adopted to illustrate the principle of samples function data standardization and the procedure of calculation .

  10. 坚持规范化、标准化生产经营原则;

    Persist in the principle of standardization production and management ;

  11. 提出了城市地理信息系统基础数据库标准化的基本原则和方法。

    This paper outlines the fundamental principles of establishing the basic database for urban GIS .

  12. 本文介绍了在产品型号研制工作中开展综合标准化的主要原则以及研制各阶段标准化工作的主要任务和内容。

    The article introduces the main principle of comprehensive standardization in developing products types , as well as the main duties and contents of standardization in every stage .

  13. 并且进一步以标准化理论为原则,探索定制家具的模块化设计,并论述模块化设计对于解决个性化定制需求和大规模批量生产的矛盾。

    It continues to regard the standardization as the principle and analyzes the modular furniture design , and it proves the reality that modular furniture design can solve the paradox between individual customization and mass production .

  14. 其中我本人重点参与设计了软件相关部分的工作,包括编写了在该系统的编译环境下的大量基础实验,规范了本系统软件编程范例以及标准化的注释原则。

    During the course , the author mainly participated in software related work , including composing a large number of basic experiments within the complied environment of the system , standardizing the software composition methods and rules of annotation .

  15. SOA促进松散耦合、问题分离、实现封装和标准化合同等设计原则。

    SOA promotes design principles like loose coupling , separation of concern , implementation encapsulation , and standardized contracts .

  16. 试论地名标准化语文标准的原则问题

    Preliminaries on the Principles on Literate Standard of Toponym Standardization

  17. 软件设计方面,采用功能模块化,遵循可靠性、可扩展性、标准化及简单性原则。

    Design Software , using functional modular , following thereliability , scalability , standardization and the principle of simplicity .

  18. 并结合我军野战卫生装备的实际,提出了我军野战卫生装备标准化评估的基本原则和发展趋势。

    In com-bination with the fact of our field medical equipment , the principle and development trend for its standardization evaluation are brought out in this paper .

  19. 本文作者从目前地图表达语言中存在的问题出发,对地图语言规范化和标准化所遵循的原则及其管理和贮存技术从理论上加以探讨,旨在起到抛砖引玉之功效。

    Starting from the existing problem of map language now , the author discusses the principle of standardizing and normalizing and its management and storage technology in the theory , the aim in at throwing out a minnow to catch a whale .

  20. 在构建体育文献目录体系的过程中,除科学性原则外,还应当遵循可靠性与实用性原则、先进性与安全性原则、标准化与开放性原则、经济性与可扩充原则。

    In addition to scientific principles in the process of sports Information Bibliography System constructions , it should follow the principles of reliability and usability , advanced and security policy , standardization and openness principle , the principle of economy and can be expanded .

  21. 介绍了文件工作标准化的定义,针对电子政务环境,详细论述了文件工作标准化的原则及其组织管理系统。

    This paper introduces the definition of E-record standardization , and in the light of E-government environment , expounds the principle and organization management system of E-record standardization .

  22. 对体育院校教学标准化管理的概念与教学标准化的形式、教学管理标准的体系、标准化管理的原则与程序及基本方法进行了探讨。

    The concept of the standardized teaching administration , the pattern of the standardized teaching , the system of the teaching administration standards , the principle and process of the standardized administration and its basic methods in colleges and universities of physical education were discussed .