
xīn jì shù kāi fā
  • New technology development;development of new technology
  1. 采用新技术开发高质量网络课程的研究;

    The research into the development of new technology of the high-quality cyber courses ;

  2. 日本钢铁工业已进行着面向21世纪的新技术开发,坚信其即将获得成果。

    In fact , the industry is engaged in development of new technology toward the 21st century and is sure of the successful outcome .

  3. CCD平面探测X射线单晶衍射新技术开发及在调制结构研究中的应用

    New Techniques Development for CCD Detector X-ray Single Crystal Diffraction and Application in Modulated Structure

  4. 介绍了一种采用新技术开发的声表面波(SAW)振荡器,它具有优良的高频特性、温度特性和抗颤动性能,并且具有结构简单,体积小,质量轻等优点。

    We introduce a novel SAW oscillator made by a new technology with excellent high-frequency characteristic , temperature characteristic , jitter characteristic , simple structure , small volume and light weight , etc.

  5. 大型甲醇、二甲醚、合成油和IGCC联产新技术开发及工程化

    Development and Engineering Design of New Technology for Large-Scale Methanol , Dimethyl Ether , Synthetic Oil and IGCC Integrated Production

  6. 化工新技术开发过程评价与决策

    Evaluating and Decision-making on New Technology Exploiting Process of Chemical Industry

  7. 第五届全国塑性加工理论及新技术开发学术会议

    The 5th Symposium on plastic deformation theory and new technology development

  8. 谈建筑施工企业新技术开发和应用管理

    Discusses the Construction Enterprise New Technology Development and the Application management

  9. 对于新技术开发具浓厚兴趣。

    Strong interest on innovation and new device technology development .

  10. 具备设计和新技术开发能力。

    With the design and new technology development capability .

  11. 煅烧炉余热利用新技术开发

    Developing new technology of waste heat recovery from calcinator

  12. 机械旋转系统动态性能监测及新技术开发

    Development of New Technical in Monitoring the Dynamic Performance of Rotational Mechanical System

  13. 采用新技术开发新型纺织化学品;

    To use new technology to develop new products ;

  14. 工业循环冷却水水质稳定新技术开发与应用

    Exploitation and use of new technique to water stabilization for industrial circulating water

  15. 采用新技术开发肥料新品种提高化肥利用率

    Use new technology to develop new kinds of fertilizer and raise fertilizer utilization ratio

  16. 东湖新技术开发区发展与展望

    New Technology The Development and Prospect of Wuhan East Lake High Technology Development Zone

  17. 新技术开发与应用;

    The development and application of new technology ;

  18. 获得了混合干燥新技术开发的基础性数据。

    The results will be helpful for the development of new mixed drying technologies .

  19. 电站锅炉受热面除灰新技术开发与应用

    Development and Application of A New Technology for Cleaning Fouled heating Surfaces in Utility Boilers

  20. 新技术开发区,新技术就是从这里走向世界。

    The new technological development area is an area from which the new technology goes into the world .

  21. 气相一步法三聚氯氰生产新技术开发成果及工业化前景

    The Development Results and Industrial Prospect of New Technology of Cyanuric Chloride Production Based on Gas Phase One Step Process

  22. 如何采用新技术开发更具竞争力的门禁系统是有价值的研究课题。

    So it becomes a very valuable research subject to develop the more competitive access control system using new technology .

  23. 制定一套促进新技术开发和促进城乡初级卫生保健发展针的政策。

    Formulate a set of policies accelerating the development of new technologies and of urban and rural primary medical services .

  24. 企业采用新技术开发生产新产品的,可以依照国家的规定享受优惠待遇。

    Enterprises which apply new techniques to develop and produce new products may enjoy preferential treatment in accordance with the provisions of the State .

  25. 随着企业的不断发展,任何新技术开发的系统在交付时就变成了遗留系统。

    With the continuous development of enterprise , any system which developed by a new technology become a legacy systems when it begin to use .

  26. 近年来,国外正在研究如何将工程项目管理与实施的技术和方法应用于新技术开发和信息技术重组。

    Techniques and methods for engineering project management and operation have being introduced in the field of new technique development and information system construction in recent years .

  27. 文中阐述了此项新技术开发的意义,开发全过程各阶段(小试、概念设计、中试)的成果;

    The article describes the significance of development of this new technology and result of the whole development course ( test , concept design , pilot plant ) .

  28. 同时,旨为保护行人的汽车前部结构改进和主被动结合新技术开发等研究工作也得到相继展开。

    Accordingly , the researches of improving vehicle frontal structures or developing combination of active and passive technologies to protect pedestrians were carried out one after the other .

  29. 公司拥有一套完整的生产技术、检验、质控、供应、计量检测、新技术开发的管理组织系统;

    XHC has a complete management organization system including technical and production , quality control and insurance , materials and components supply and support , products development , etc.

  30. 将同相催化剂固定化为异相催化剂,同样成为新技术开发的方向之一;天然催化剂对污染物在多介质环境中行为影响的研究近年来也屡有发表。

    Immobilizing homogeneous catalysts to heterogeneous ones , and effect of natural catalysts on the fate of pollutants in multi-media environment , also become new directions of this field .