
  • 网络Gold;Gordes;Gorde
  1. 戈尔德先生正准备第二次离婚。

    Mr Gold is divorcing for the second time

  2. 丹尼尔与戈尔德的几次碰面都只是虚礼客套一番。

    Daniel 's few encounters with Gold had been characterized by a laboured politeness .

  3. 在相同的条件下,戈尔德码的干扰效果比CW的干扰效果好:距离近的比远的干扰效果好;

    Under the same condition , interference of Gold code is more effectual than CWs ;

  4. 正当我努力思忖着一个恰到好处的让人上火的回复时,我打开了一位名叫斯蒂芬戈尔德(StephenGold)的退休律师的邮件。

    Just as I was trying to think of a suitably inflammatory reply , I opened a message from a retired lawyer called Stephen Gold .

  5. 参照法因戈尔德饮食法(Feingolddiet)。

    Check into the Feingold diet .

  6. 由互逆特征m序列对逐次经过τ倍间隔移位、模二加可以生成一个大的戈尔德(gold)序列集。

    A binary gold sequence can be generated by modulo-2 addition between a reciprocal binary m-sequence pair . In stepping t point-by-point , a large number of gold sequences result in a finite set .

  7. 为该项目提供自己画作的明星还包括女演员艾玛阿特金斯、喜剧演员基思柠檬以及安萨默斯公司的CEO杰奎琳戈尔德。

    Other celebrities who have supplied their mini creations for the cause include actress Emma Atkins , comedian Keith Lemon and the CEO of Ann Summers , Jacqueline Gold .

  8. 那个场面就让我想到你。你总是情不自禁地对我紧追不放,就像你和你的董事会同伴斯坦利?戈尔德(StanleyGold)1984年攻击迪斯尼董事会一样。

    That reminded me of you , unable to resist going after me , the same way that you and your fellow director Stanley Gold went after the Disney board in1984 .

  9. 另一个普遍应用于治疗动症儿童的最基础的方案是“法因戈尔德饮食(Feingolddiet)”,即禁止各种人工味素、色素、防腐剂。

    Another common starting point for hyperactive kids is the Feingold diet , which bans artificial flavors , colors , and some preservatives .

  10. 来自俄亥俄州雅芳湖的美兰妮邓斯坦(MelanieDunstan)在过去的三年中一直为她患有过动症的8岁儿子亚历克斯(Alex)实施法因戈尔德饮食法。

    Melanie Dunstan of Avon Lake , Ohio , has kept her eight-year-old son , Alex , who has ADHD , on the Feingold program for the past three years .

  11. 在亚历克斯刚过完5岁生日时,行为如此的他根本无法应付上幼儿园这件事,于是邓斯坦开始为实践法因戈尔德饮食法(Feingolddiet)。

    " Well , that was Alex . " Realizing just after Alex 's fifth birthday that he simply was not going to be able to handle kindergarten , Dunstan began experimenting with the Feingold diet .

  12. m序列优选对的计算机实现及平衡戈尔德码组

    Realization of optimum m-sequence pairs with computer and balanced Gold code groups

  13. 西莉亚刚刚和塞恩?费恩戈尔德以及其他几个董事开了个会。

    Celia had just come from a meeting with Seth Feingold and several other directors .

  14. 戈尔德发现,当人们上了年纪之后,

    Gold found that as people age ,

  15. 最后,分析了平衡戈尔德码及产生的条件和方法。

    Finally , analysis of balanced Gold code and the generating conditions and ways is given .

  16. 这正是盖布里埃尔•戈尔德所偏好的,而且他愿意为此付款。

    That is what Gabriel Gold prefers , and he is willing to pay for it .

  17. 迈戈尔德花了2美元在阿尔伯森桦买了门票,并在艾尔卡米诺沿街找了处免费泊车的地方。

    Mangold bought $ 2 tickets at Albertsons and will look for free parking along El Camino Real .

  18. •得到了众议员罗恩•保罗,参议员伯尼•桑德斯,和前参议员罗斯•范戈尔德的政治支持。

    • received political support from Congressman Ron Paul , Senator Bernie Sanders , and former Senator Russ Feingold .

  19. 在2002年的《跨党派竞选改革法》,也就是人们所熟知的麦凯恩-法因戈尔德法案中就有相关法令。0。

    Among these laws is the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of2002 , better known as McCain-Feingold after its senatorial sponsors .

  20. 戈尔德:请您告诉我,我应当怎样做才能请人从伦敦把专款转帐到我这里呢?

    Gold : Would you please tell me what I should do to have funds transferred to me here from London ?

  21. 但与之前的激动相比,戈尔德这次变得比原来有礼貌了。谢谢你花时间回复我的邮件,他客气地写道。

    But instead of being incandescent , Mr Gold was more civil than before . Thanks for taking the time to reply , he wrote politely .

  22. 2012年的《财富》最具影响力女性峰会上,笔者的同事珍妮佛•莱因戈尔德采访了岱。

    My colleague Jennifer Reingold interviewed day at the 2012 fortune most powerful women summit , and the session was one of the highest-rated by our participants .

  23. 他告诉戈尔德,有些事情会让老年人放下过去的恩恩怨怨,更加关注于目前的需要,

    told Gold there 's something that let 's older people put aside the bad deeds of the past and focus a little on what we need now ,

  24. 而在第一夫人于本周三也来到七州之行的首站威斯康星州助威后,参议员范戈尔德的支持率立即升至参选以来的最高水平。她还帮范戈尔德募到超过15万英镑(合24万美元)经费。

    After the First Lady 's trip to the same state on Wednesday on the first stop of her seven-state tour , Senator Feingold 's popularity spiked to its highest level of his campaign and she helped him raise more than £ 150000 ( $ 240000 ) 。