
  • 网络pro-oxidant;prooxidant
  1. 但是,抗氧化剂在一定的条件下也能变成促氧化剂而加速脂质过氧化或者诱导DNA氧化性损伤。

    On the other hand , it was reported that an antioxidant might become a prooxidant to accelerate lipid peroxidation and / or induce DNA damage under special conditions .

  2. 抗坏血酸盐在药理学剂量下做为促氧化剂起作用并且减少小鼠中移植侵入性肿瘤的生长。

    Pharmacologic doses of ascorbate act as a prooxidant and decrease growth of aggressive tumor xenografts in mice .

  3. 在创面愈合的炎症阶段,氧化应激作为促氧化剂与抗氧化剂内环境平衡失调而导致的组织损害。

    In the inflammatory stage of wound healing , oxidative stress induced the damage of tissue because of the imbalance of prooxidant and antioxidant .

  4. 但是,在这项研究中,高剂量时,在这种癌细胞中,这种维生素表现为促氧化剂,攻击而不是保护细胞。

    But in this study , at high doses , the vitamin appeared to behave like a a prooxidant , attacking instead of protecting cells , in this case cancer cells .

  5. 资料综合:①氧化应激是机体促氧化剂和抗氧化剂稳态失衡,自由基的产生增多,和(或)机体或组织抗氧化能力下降的一种机体状态。

    DATA SYNTHESIS : ① Oxidative stress was a condition which was the imbalance of prooxidant and antioxidants , abnormally high levels of free radicals and / or the decline of antioxidant defense mechanisms .