
  • 网络local stories;Earth Story
  1. 第三部分,云南少数民族撑天支地故事中的文化内涵。

    Part three is about the cultural connotation of Yunnan minorities ' supporting heaven and earth story .

  2. 对全文进行总结,并提出要珍视云南少数民族撑天支地故事,弘扬故事中所体现出的探索、进取、协作、无畏、执着等精神。

    Basing on the summary of the thesis , we should attach importance to and give some suggestions about the Yunnan minorities ' supporting heaven and earth story , look forward of the spirit of exploration , be enterprising , collaboration , fearless , persistent in it .

  3. 接下来自己们会给大师带来愈加慌张而无动于衷地故事,会有新老面目面貌呈现,以至会愈加恐惧、残忍。

    We 've got another intense and epic story lined up for you , with some new faces and old , and even more horror and mayhem and mugs of tea .

  4. 我仍清楚地记得故事发生的时候

    I remember quite clearly nom when the story happed .

  5. 十多天前,我去观看了伦敦的一个表演,名字叫《TrueStoriesToldLive》。表演的内容是6个人站在那里,在不借助视觉辅助物的情况下滔滔不绝地讲故事。

    Ten days ago I went to a show in London called True Stories Told Live in which six people stood up and held forth without visual aids .

  6. IBMRationalRequirementsComposer实际就是一个需求定义产品,它能够让你有效地权衡故事板技术,从而驱使更好的需求并交付质量更高的产品。

    IBM Rational Requirements Composer is a requirements definition product that allows you to effectively leverage the storyboarding technique to drive better requirements and deliver better products .

  7. 你的大脑努力地编造故事时

    Your mind 's working so hard to make stuff up ,

  8. 布我仍清晰地记得故事发生的时候,秋叶翻飞,飘落一地。

    I remember quite clearly now when the story happened .

  9. 这会有助于你更好地理解故事和欣赏表演。

    It will also help you understand the story better and enjoy the acting more .

  10. 那将不爆任何冷门地成为故事的结局。

    That would be the end of the story were it not for an odd detail .

  11. 艾默里奇略带牵强地将故事建立在一个古玛雅传说之上&世界将在2012年毁灭。

    Emmerich loosely bases his story on an old Mayan legend that the world will end in 2012 .

  12. 一名英国影评人对本片的评价是:「严肃地叙述故事,欠缺高低起伏。」

    One British press reviewer remarked that the film was a'one-note'film with no variation on its grim storytelling .

  13. 在某个地方有个作家在巧妙地编写故事,讲述男人和女人之间那非常非常古老的问题;

    Somewhere there is a writer cunningly spinning out stories stating the old , old problem of man and woman ;

  14. 风吹落一地的故事,捻起枫叶一片,每片都有一段爱的语言。

    Wind down one place in the story , Nianqi Maple Leaf one , each piece has a language of love .

  15. 愉快地听故事、歌曲、韵文和诗歌。听的时候能保持注意力,并评点、提出问题或做动作。

    Listens with enjoyment to stories , songs , rhymes and poems , sustains attentive listening and responds with relevant comments , questions or actions .

  16. 也许你会发现温暖和关爱和照顾,一'人特别'谁在那里帮助您为中心,饶有兴趣地听故事和感受你的份额。

    Perhaps you 'll find warmth and affection and caring-a'somebody special'who 's there to help you stay centred and listen with interest to stories and feelings you share .

  17. 经常重复的短语像老实讲,相信我,和说实话往往就会清楚地表明故事里有蹊跷。

    Frequently used phrases like to be honest , believe me , and to tell the truth are often clear-cut indications that there is something wrong in the story .

  18. 突然,那些经常谈起的家族故事,她从小就听,尽管有点不耐烦但仍然似懂非懂地听着故事,现在像水晶般清晰起来。

    Of a sudden , the oft-told family tales to which she had listened since babyhood , listened half-bored , impatient and but partly comprehending , were crystal clear .

  19. 安徒生童话—无心插柳柳成荫如果你在一个晴朗的夏日漫步穿过纽约中央公园,你也许会碰见一群孩子在全神贯注地听着故事。

    If you are walking through New York 's Central Park on a fine summer day , you might come across a group of children enthusiastically listening to a story .

  20. 雅艾尔:根据这项研究,基本来说当你被一篇故事吸引时,大脑会详细生动地模拟故事情节。

    Yael : Basically , according to the study , when you read a story that engages you , your brain creates detailed and vivid simulations of the details in the story .

  21. 动漫作品可以将视觉表现和听觉表现融于一体,其创作者几乎可以运用所有艺术门类的各种表现手段来更好地表达故事情节和人物性格,这样才能塑造角色形象,才能引起创作者和观众的兴趣。

    Animation combines the visual transmission and the acoustical expression together , in which the producer needs to manage various artistic approaches to better present the story and the characters for audiences ' attention .

  22. 如果你在一个晴朗的夏日漫步穿过纽约中央公园,你也许会碰见一群孩子在全神贯注地听着故事。

    Once Upon a Time in Denmark If you are walking through New Yorks Central Park on a fine summer day , you might come across a group of children enthusiastically listening to a story .

  23. 但韦尔蒂在我们听的采访里和她的自传里说了,她写得最糟糕的故事,都是自己不熟悉的人或地的故事。

    But Welty said in the interview we listened to and in her autobiography that her worst stories were the ones where she tried to write about people or places that were unfamiliar to her .

  24. 《野草在歌唱》描述了一个发生在非洲殖民地的故事,白人玛丽由于对婚姻生活极其丈夫的失望,与黑人男仆摩西发生了关系。

    The novel exposes a story happened in Africa . Because of disappointment on her weak husband and boring marriage life , the white hostess , Mary , began a love affair with her black servant , Moses .

  25. 默多克天生喜欢低端市场的套路:不光热衷于小报式耸人听闻的报道手法,还会不怀好意地编造故事,侮辱别人尊严、抹黑有声望的机构,并把这一切伪装成反精英主义。

    All his instincts are downmarket ; he is not only a tabloid sensationalist ; he is a malicious myth-maker , an assassin of the dignity of others and of respected institutions , all in the guise of anti-elitism .

  26. 第一章主要探讨谭恩美是如何利用了中国传统文化中一些诸如麻将、风水、星相学和五行等一般要素,来巧妙地安排故事情节、揭示人物性格和铺陈矛盾发展。

    Chapter One probes how Amy Tan tactfully used such common Chinese cultural components as mahjong , Feng Shui , the Five Elements and astrology to arrange the novel 's plots , disclose the development of conflicts and depict the characters .

  27. 第三部分从思想政治课教学普遍存在的现象与长春希望高中政治课教学存在的实际困惑两个维度,客观而全面地分析故事教学法实施前高中思想政治课堂教学存在的问题。

    According to the current situation of politics teaching and the puzzles of politics teachers of Changchun Hope high school , Chapter three gives an objective and detailed analysis of the problems of politics classes of high school before the implementation of teaching through stories .

  28. 这种错误不仅使我们搞不清谁在以谁的观点讲故事,而且也难以准确地把握故事的错综复杂的细节和内容,以及充分地领略小说叙事技巧所显示的种种奥妙和效果。

    This error not only makes us unable to understand who is telling story from whose standpoint but also makes us difficult to master accurately the complicated details and contents of story and to comprehend fully various subtlety and effects showing by narrative skills of novels .

  29. 动画场景设计是动画角色表演的舞台、是假定性的空间,也是一门为了更好地展现故事情节、加强戏剧冲突、刻画特定空间环境的时空造型艺术。

    The animated scene design is the stage for the animated characters ' performances , a imaginary space , and also an art of space design in order to better show the story , to strengthen the dramatic conflicts , and to show the specific space environment .

  30. 黑斯廷斯先生在午宴上兴致勃勃地把这个故事向安德森先生详述了一遍。

    Mr Hastings gleefully retailed the story to Mr Anderson over lunch .