
  • 网络chain destruction
  1. 协调各桩之间的受力和位移,避免局部受力过大引起各桩之间的连锁破坏现象。

    As the same time , top beam can harmonize the displacement and force of the piles and avoid the phenomenon of chain failure as one of the piles is destroyed .

  2. 然而传统教育把两者分离,使偶像行为成为游离于教育榜样之外,成为一种阻碍教育影响的消极力量,甚至还产生许多连锁性和破坏性的影响。

    Traditional education separates the both , dissociates the both and become one kind of the inactive strength hindering from educating effect , producing a lot of destructive influence .