
  • 网络The Rosary
  1. 法师今天要与我们分享他读《玫瑰经》的感想,同时对欢喜五端提出他特别的看法。

    This evening is sharing with us his reflection on the Rosary and Master has particularly points of the joyful mysteries .

  2. 有一次,在每日一次念玫瑰经时我请假去上厕所,结果在外面待的时间过长,惹了麻烦。

    I also got in trouble once for excusing myself to go to the bathroom and staying away too long during the daily rosary .

  3. 他现在每天念3次玫瑰经。

    He 's saying three rosaries a day .

  4. 你必须念八次玫瑰经赎罪。

    You must say the rosary eight times for your sins .

  5. 随便哪个星期天,等诵完玫瑰经,不妨见见。

    Could meet one Sunday after the rosary .

  6. 甚至到今天,她仍然承认罗马教宗的地位,并常常以玫瑰经与圣母一同祈祷,她非常敬爱圣母。

    And even today , she still acknowledge Roman Pope and usually pray with Virgin Mary by Rosary , she loves Mary very much .

  7. 不要怕向自己的父母和兄弟姊妹提议在家中一起诵念,因为玫瑰经能更新和强固家庭成员间的关系。

    Do not hesitate to suggest that it be recited at home by your parents and brothers and sisters , because it rekindles and strengthens the bonds between family members .

  8. 你们不要羞于诵念玫瑰经,你们可以在上学途中,在大学校园里或工作岗位上,走在街上或乘坐交通工具时诵念;

    Do not be ashamed to recite the Rosary alone , while you walk along the streets to school , to the university or to work , or as you commute by public transport .

  9. 香奈儿喜欢在她的作品中使用成串成串的珍珠,其怀旧风格类似天主教修女所戴的玫瑰经念珠和腰带。

    The pearls , which is so much a part of Chanel 's style , which seem very much reminiscent of the rosary beads the nun wore , the chains around the nun 's waist .