
  • 网络African Development Bank;AFDB;African Development Bank Group
  1. 根据非洲发展银行集团首席经济学家mthulincube的介绍,从整个非洲大陆的角度看,中国在这里的经济渗透步伐已经远远超过了美国。

    On a continental scale , china 's deal-making pace far exceeds the u.s. 's , according to mthuli ncube , chief economist at the African Development Bank group .

  2. 它是由多边发展银行(MDB)共同资助的,其中包括世界银行、非洲发展银行和国际金融公司。

    It comes with co-financing from the Multilateral Development Banks ( MDBs ) that include World Bank , the African Development Bank and the IFC .

  3. 非洲发展银行AFDB担心“经济增长危机”可能会转化为“发展危机”,这将导致贫穷和营养不良的人口大幅度增加。

    The AFDB fears that " a growth crisis " may be turning into a " development crisis ", leading to sharp increases in poverty and malnutrition .

  4. 本月初,非洲发展银行在上海举行年会。

    The Development of Aged Persons in Shanghai and Its Inspiration ;

  5. 非洲发展银行对于该地区医疗保健和养老制度的不健全也深感担忧。

    The African Development Bank is raising concerns over the lack of health insurance and pensions .

  6. 中国银行业非利息业务与银行特征关系研究本月初,非洲发展银行在上海举行年会。

    On the Relationship Between Non-interest Business and Bank Features of the Commercial Banks in China ;

  7. 亚洲发展银行成立于1966年,比非洲发展银行晚两年。

    The Asian Development Bank was created in 1966 , 2 years after the African Development Bank .

  8. 这些组织里有世界银行、世界经济论坛、亚洲非洲发展银行等。

    These include the World Bank , the World Economic Forum and the Asian and African development banks .

  9. 我们必须同心协力迎接这些挑战,非洲发展银行时刻准备发挥作用。

    Together we must rise to these challenges ; the African Development Bank stands ready to play its part .

  10. 就如非洲发展银行行长最近说的,“非洲不能在黑暗中前行”。

    and as the President of the African Development Bank said recently , Africa cannot develop in the dark .

  11. 世界银行、非洲发展银行及欧洲投资银行正帮助投资在沙特阿拉伯所建造的太阳能综合设施。

    The World Bank , the African Development Bank and the European Investment Bank are helping to finance the solar complex , built by Saudi Arabia .

  12. 为了完成这个项目,津巴布韦和南非财长将于下个星期跟非洲发展银行行长会面,研究有关细节。

    To this end , the Zimbabwean and South African finance ministers will meet next week with the director of the African Development bank , to work out the details .

  13. 丰特斯补充道,到2006年年底,非洲发展银行计划对已经授予非洲国家但未使用的基金进行重新分配,佛得角可从中获利。

    Fontes added that Cape Verde may also benefit from supplementary help at the end of2006 when the bank plans to redistribute funds that have been granted to African countries but have not been used .

  14. 非洲发展银行和联合国预测目前的岗位增长率已经不足以跟上现在的人口增长,而这些新生代的非洲人将很难找到工作。

    The African Development Bank and the U.N.predictthe current rate of job creation , already insufficient , will not keep pace with the population boom and this next generation of Africans will struggle to find work .