
ɡǎn jué chí dùn
  • as thick skinned as an elephant
  • bradyesthesia;disesthesia
  1. 我经历的那种恐怖已使我感觉迟钝。

    The horror of my experience has numbed my senses .

  2. “有毒单身汉”指的是自私、感觉迟钝、惧怕承诺的未婚男性。

    Toxic1 bachelor is an unmarried man who is selfish , insensitive , and afraid of commitment .

  3. 大量喝酒使得那个年轻司机感觉迟钝。

    Too much alcohol made the young driver 's sense blunt .

  4. 对于不平衡的执著使你变得感觉迟钝并且伪善。

    Your own obsession with false-imbalances has made you lethargic and hypocritical .

  5. 舍恩的缺点包括:判断力差、感觉迟钝、财务管理不善。

    His faults included poor judgment , personal insensitivity and financial mismanagement .

  6. 对病人的需要感觉迟钝。

    Brace countersink insensitive to the needs of the patients .

  7. •认为别人能力不足、感觉迟钝或者心怀不轨。

    • assess the other person as incompetent , insensitive , or malicious .

  8. 只有一个孩子才会这样顽固,这样感觉迟钝。

    No one but a child could be so headstrong and so insensitive .

  9. 粗鲁而且感觉迟钝的人的行为方式。

    The manner of a rude or insensitive person .

  10. 反应迟钝的,感觉迟钝的。理解力或领悟力迟钝的或薄弱的。

    Lacking sharpness or clarity of understanding or perception .

  11. 太多的酒精使你感觉迟钝。

    Too much alcohol makes all your senses blunt .

  12. 这些干片均对红光感觉迟钝。

    The plates are insensitive to red light .

  13. 总而言之男人经常是感觉迟钝的,行为举止不文雅。

    All in all men are often insensitive and behave in an uncivilized manner .

  14. 所以我不相信鬼就是感觉迟钝啰?

    So now I 'm being insensitive if I don 't blv in ghosts .

  15. 反应迟钝的,感觉迟钝的。敏锐[迟钝]的嗅觉

    Keen [ dull ] sense of smell

  16. 这些干片均对红光感觉迟钝。他的听觉因上了年纪而变得迟钝了。

    The plates are insensitive to red light . His hearing was dulled by age .

  17. 敏锐[迟钝]的嗅觉对病人的需要感觉迟钝。

    Keen [ dull ] sense of smell insensitive to the needs of the patients .

  18. 药使得他的感觉迟钝了。

    The drug blunted his senses .

  19. 结果观察组经补气活血汤泡足后,皮肤凉、麻木感、感觉迟钝等症状明显改善甚至消失,疗效优于对照组。

    Results The symptoms of skin anesthesia and hypoesthesia improved significantly or disappeared in observation group .

  20. 但是只有那些轻率的人才真正认为他的冷淡是因为他的感觉迟钝。

    But only the unwary could really suppose that his ' coolness'was because he felt too little .

  21. 不要忘记一个人最伟大的情感是需要是受人赞赏。对病人的需要感觉迟钝。

    Don 't forget that a person 's greatest emotional is to feel appreciated . insensitive to the needs of the patients .

  22. 美国人民那时将有一年半的时间去扭转他们对这种令人难以置信的恐怖行为感觉迟钝的状态。

    The American people will have had another year and a half to overcome their lag in awareness of this incredible horror .

  23. 可以去寻找那些会毫不犹豫在你感觉迟钝时指出来的参谋或导师。

    Seek out advisers or mentors who won 't hesitate to tell you ( privately , of course ) when you are being insensitive .

  24. 在永远挣脱了那双手的许多年之后,你又希望能得到它们:一双有力而柔顺,感觉迟钝却十分善于体贴的手。

    You would have had them back long after shrugging them off for ever : strong but submissive , insensitive , while abrasively solicitous .

  25. 在此作者建议一个简单的方法:先清洗被叮咬的地方,然后冷敷以抑制炎症并使神经感觉迟钝。

    The authors recommend a simple approach : clean the area , and use a cold pack to tamp down inflammation and numb the nerves .

  26. 他似乎无论如何也不会宽恕她了,既然已经没有什么可怕的了,也没有什么可盼的了,所以她就感觉迟钝地睡下了。

    Having nothing more to fear , having scarce anything to hope , for that he would relent there seemed no promise whatever , she lay down dully .

  27. 世界无法给予像它带走的那种乐趣,早期思想的光芒在感觉迟钝的凋谢中衰退

    There 's not a joy the world can give like that it takes away , / When the glow of early thought declines in feeling 's dull decay

  28. 一如所有优秀的经济学家,我生活俭朴,对于时尚也感觉迟钝,因此,那副破旧的老眼镜已经跟了我十几个年头。

    Like all good economists , I am both frugal and insensible to considerations of style , so my battered old spectacles are now more than a decade old .

  29. 为了拒绝这个生命的营养完全对佛显示了忘恩负义,更进一步,显示对感觉迟钝的征兆(因此是牛的形象)。

    To reject such vital nutriment is both to display ingratitude to the Buddha and , furthermore , to evince sure signs of spiritual obtuseness ( hence the image of the cattle ) .

  30. 这些妇女可能精神和食欲下降,他们可能对味觉和嗅觉的感觉迟钝,或者他么更加容易获得饱腹感。

    The women might have less initiative and lose interest in eating , they might develop a duller sense of taste and smell , or they might experience an earlier sense of satiety ( feeling full ) .