
  • Leagues Under the Sea;twenty thousand leagues under the sea;Vingt mille lieues sous les mers
  1. 比如,在他的《海底两万里》中,你可能知道凡尔纳设想了一艘可以在海底穿梭的船——我们现在称之为潜水艇。

    For example , you may know that in his novel " Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea , " Verne imagined an enclosed boat that could travel underwater - what we now call a submarine .

  2. 这次行动是由法国海洋开发研究院(Ifremer)组织实施,派出三人潜艇鹦鹉螺号(以儒勒·凡尔纳科幻小说《海底两万里》中的潜艇命名),不仅带回了标本,而且个个活蹦乱跳。

    This was organised by Ifremer , France 's oceanographic institute . Its three-man craft , Nautile ( named after the submarine in Jules Verne 's novel , " 20000 Leagues under the Sea " ) , not only brought back samples , but brought them back alive .