
  1. 再怎样鼓励,他也不肯往游泳池里跳。

    No amount of encouragement would make him jump into the pool .

  2. 她站在水池旁边,正要往里跳。

    She was standing by a pool , about to dive in

  3. 她通过在自家农场里跳跨干草捆学会了跨栏。

    She learnt to hurdle by leaping over bales of hay on her family 's farm .

  4. 他是班里跳得最远的。

    He can jump the furthest in his class .

  5. 就在这时,一个年轻人从车里跳出来问我是不是珍妮。

    Just then a young man jumped out of a car and asked if I was Jenny .

  6. 人们在时髦的娱乐舞厅里跳这种舞蹈

    It was performed in fashionable Casino ballrooms .

  7. 一个事实显现出来:一位乘客,阿尔伯特·沃斯医生(Dr.AlbertVoss),在起火前从飞机里跳了出来。

    One fact stood out : A passenger , Dr. Albert Voss , jumped from the plane prior to the fire .

  8. 现在,我们有了菲利克斯·鲍加特纳(FelixBaumgartner)这样的勇敢者,能在128100英尺的高空,从热气球的小舱里跳下去。

    We now have guys like Felix Baumgartner sky-diving from a balloon-borne capsule at 128100 feet .

  9. 尽管唱片店很近,和录音棚都在同一条街上,但是能安全地从MJ开的车里跳出来还是让我感到十分高兴。

    Even though it was just up the road , I was glad to get out of MJ 's car and into the safety of the store !

  10. 办公桌由当地的一个木匠完成,而水族缸则由JesseDamman建造完成,他是一个制作水族箱的专业人员。偶尔会有鱼儿从水族箱里跳出来,但职员们都说这样挺好玩的。

    The custom desks were built by a local carpenter , and the fish tanks were created by Jesse Damman , a professional aquarium maker . Occasionally a fish jumped out of the tank , but workers reported that it was an enjoyable experience .

  11. 你是怎么从飞机里跳出来的?

    How do you jump out of an aeroplane like that ?

  12. 有人从最前面的一辆大车里跳下来,大声叫嚷。

    Someone jumped out from the foremost waggon and cried aloud .

  13. 他从汽车里跳了出来,敏捷得出奇。

    He leapt out of the car , with surprising agility .

  14. 她可以为了钱往火里跳。

    She will jump into fire if it 's for money .

  15. 猫从花瓶里跳出来扑向孩子。

    The cat jumped out of the vase at the kid .

  16. 但是还是有无数男人往火坑里跳。

    But there are countless men to jump in the fire pit .

  17. 有些鱼从水里跳出来捕食昆虫。

    Ome fish jump inside water catches and feeds on the insect .

  18. 她看着小羊羔在田野里跳来跳去。

    She watched the lambs gambolling about in the fields .

  19. 大鱼从网里跳出来逃走了。

    The big fish fled by jumping across the net .

  20. 乔治从车斗里跳出来,倒栽葱地摔倒在雪地里。

    George jumped from the basket and fell headlong into the snow .

  21. 从蛋壳里跳出来,接着飞出窗外。

    It jumped out of the shell and flew out the window .

  22. 那么你还在和她联系的话就是自己往火坑里跳

    then you 're putting yourself in danger by communicating with her .

  23. 他从黑暗的小巷里跳到她面前,使她吓了一大跳。

    He terrified her by jumping out at her from a dark alley .

  24. 我一阵狂喜,在房间里跳了起来,感到十分震惊。

    I leaped about the room ecstatically , shocked .

  25. 咱们到舞池里跳个舞吧。

    Let 's step out on the dance floor and shake a leg .

  26. 从电话里跳出来勒死你。

    Through this phone and I will strangle you .

  27. 我们在跳高活动里跳100次。

    We jump 100 times in the jumping game .

  28. 小羊在田野里跳来跳去。

    Lambs were skipping about in the fields .

  29. 鲍伯?海尔从一架飞机里跳了出来。

    Bob Hail jumped out of an airplane .

  30. 那儿有个果冻游泳池大家都往里跳

    There was a Jell-O pool , and everybody was just diving in it .