
sānɡ bā
  • samba
  1. 座点没被修理;你能安装一个CD磁盘或者使一个桑巴舞共享相等至你有适当的许可的任何的空目录。

    Mount points are not fixed ; you can mount a CD drive or even a Samba share to any empty directory where you have appropriate permissions .

  2. 没有巴西就没有桑巴舞和狂欢节,也感受不到足球的魔力。

    Without Brazilians we wouldn 't have samba and Rio carnival ;

  3. 其中斑状花岗闪长岩(TW1530)的SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为117.2±1.6Ma,黑云母花岗岩(TW1637)年龄为121.2±1.7Ma,表明桑巴区花岗岩体形成于早白垩世。

    The SHRIMP U-Pb dating results of zircons from porphyritic granodiorite ( TW1530 ) and granitite ( TW1637 ) are 117.2 ± 1.6 Ma and 121.2 ± 1.7 Ma , respectively , suggesting that Sangba granitoids were formed in early Cretaceous .

  4. 馆内庭院由巴西乐队接管,其中包括随着披头士经典歌曲跳桑巴舞的嘉年华流行乐团SargentoPimenta乐队(葡萄牙语,意为麻辣长官)。

    The courtyard has been taken over by Brazilian bands , including Sargento Pimenta ( Portuguese for Sgt. Pepper ) a popular Carnival ensemble that takes a samba approach to Beatles classics .

  5. 有数百个桑巴舞学校的市镇。

    There are hundreds of Samba schools in the town .

  6. 如何学习桑巴舞易为你的文件服务器?

    How to study samba of Yi You File Server ?

  7. 每当跳起桑巴舞的时候,太阳就悬得老高。

    And when the samba played , the sun would set so high .

  8. 数千名球迷正在一刻不停地敲着桑巴鼓。

    Thousands of fans are beating Samba drums non-stop !

  9. 他是个优秀的桑巴舞者步法无懈可击

    His footwork was impeccable . Incredible samba dancer .

  10. 但人们仍可以免费享受里约的阳光、海滩和桑巴舞。

    Rio 's recipe of sun , sea and samba is still free .

  11. 闻名世界的桑巴是欧洲进行曲和非洲鼓点的混合。

    The world knows samba , a mix of European marches and African drumming ;

  12. 另一条标语则是给巴西队助威,写的是:放进去吧,桑巴军团。

    Put it in , Selecao ! went another exhortation to the Brazil side .

  13. 相约桑巴之国&中巴妇女文化与发展周纪行

    MEETING IN THE NATION OF SAMBA & Sino-Brazilian Women 's Culture and Development Week

  14. 说着只见一位老人与一名护士利落地跳起了桑巴舞。

    An old man stands up with a nurse and begins a determined samba .

  15. 而波萨诺瓦是慢节奏的桑巴,融合了法国印象主义与美国爵士风格。

    and bossa nova , a slower samba infused with French impressionism and American jazz .

  16. 让我们来跳桑巴吧!

    Let 's dance the samba !

  17. 如今,贝尔蒙特老爷子已经85岁高龄,他希望能够看到祖国重拾桑巴荣耀。

    Belmonte , 85 , hopes he 'll get to see his country regain its honor .

  18. 桑巴学校的集训太令人惊叹了。

    Samba school concentration is marvelous .

  19. 通常,桑巴舞比赛的入场券会在一个月前就售光。

    Generally the tickets for the Samba competition would be sold out a month in advance .

  20. 在世界杯的角逐中,桑巴军团在与非洲球队的对阵中,保持着很高的胜率。

    The Samba Boys from Brazil maintained their perfect record against African opponents in World Cup competition .

  21. 工作之余,我上了桑巴舞课,最终以第一人称记录了这一经历。

    On the side , I took samba-dancing lessons , and eventually wrote a first-person article about this experience .

  22. 电视画面显示,大量的烟羽在桑巴歌舞团准备和存储道具的仓库上空升起。

    Television pictures show large plumes of smoke rising above warehouses where samba groups prepare and store their props .

  23. 桑巴是巴西一种独特的音乐和舞蹈形式,是由非洲裔的巴西穷人们创造出来的。

    The samba is a unique Brazilian music and a dance form that was begun by the poor Afro-Brazilians .

  24. 巴西有机会展示,除了桑巴舞,、狂欢节和海滩之外,他们还有许多独特之处。

    It has an opportunity to show there is more to it than samba , carnival , and beaches .

  25. 在纽约,还有一种“桑巴寿司”,这种寿司融拉美风味和生鱼片于一身。

    In New York you can find " sushisamba " , which mixes Latin American cuisine with that raw fish .

  26. 会后,我抽出短暂的时间在伊帕内玛海滩上散了散步,走着走着我想到了一件事:跳桑巴舞得要两个人。

    As I took a brief post-conference walk across Ipanema beach I was reminded that it takes two to samba .

  27. 当一种新的舞蹈从巴西介绍进来时,它的葡萄牙语名称桑巴舞同时也被接受了。

    When a new dance was introduced from Brazil , the Portuguese name " samba " was adopted along with it .

  28. 更糟糕的是,队长桑巴希望转会去或者热刺或者阿森纳,将使得黑烧后防线的问题更加严峻。

    Worse still , skipper Chris Samba could join either Tottenham or Arsenal , ripping out what was left of the Rovers defence .

  29. 桑巴舞旋律、迷人的舞者、华丽的服装、鲜活的色彩以及漂亮的女人构成了这场盛大比赛的主旋律。

    Samba rhythms , fantastic dancers , splendid costumes , live colors , and beautiful women are the main ingredients of this great competition .

  30. 故事从日出时分的巴西丛林中展开,鸟儿醒来,拍动彩色翅膀,跳起桑巴舞。

    It opens in the jungle of Brazil at sunrise , when the birds wake up and flap their colorful wings to the samba .