
sāng zǐ
  • one's native place;ones native place
桑梓 [sāng zǐ]
  • [ones native place] 古代常在家屋旁栽种桑树和梓树。又说家乡的桑树和梓树是父母种的,要对它表示敬意。后人用桑梓比喻故乡

  • 维桑与梓,必恭敬止。--《诗.小雅.小弁》

  • 桑梓之地,父母之邦

  • 造福桑梓

  • 世先生同在乡桑梓。--《儒林外史》

桑梓[sāng zǐ]
  1. 试论桑梓在园林绿化中应用的历史与前景

    History and Prospects of Mulberry and Catalpa Kaempferi Applied in Landscape Greening

  2. 徽州是朱子桑梓之邦,是程朱理学的厚实沉淀区。

    Huizhou is the hometown of the Chu His , and a thick precipitate district of Neo-Confucianism .

  3. 近代第一批民族英雄、湘西凤凰籍抗英名将郑国鸿及其桑梓地、美丽小城凤凰就曾与鸦片战争这一改变中国命运的大事件相关联。

    Zheng Guohong , who is among the first group of national heroes in modern times , is from the beautiful small town of Fenghuang .

  4. 另一方面,更多的普通民众,为了躲避战乱,免受兵燹之苦,在地方士绅的带领下,纷纷组织团练,以此保卫桑梓。

    On the other hand , more ordinary people organized civil corps under the leadership of local gentry in order to avoid war and defend their hometown .

  5. 本文解析了王宽诚捐资助学的方式、特点,认为王宽诚的捐资助学在路径上始于惠及桑梓,终于报效国家;

    This paper analyzes the mode and the features of KC Wong 's donation to education and discusses the reasons and motives for the donation in order to gain an insight into his spiritual ambit .