
  • 网络South beauty
  1. 汪小菲是俏江南餐饮连锁店ceo张兰的独子,也是高端酒店北京俏江南兰会所的所有者。

    Wang is the son of South Beauty dining chain 's CEO Zhang Lan and the owner of high-end restaurant Lan Club .

  2. 据熟悉相关交易的知情人士透露,CVC为获取俏江南的控股权支付了3亿美元。

    According to people familiar with the transaction , CVC had paid $ 300m for a controlling stake in South Beauty .

  3. 对CVC来说,俏江南只占其第三只亚洲收购基金的不到2%,该基金是在2008年募集的。

    For CVC , South Beauty represents less than 2 per cent its third Asian buyout fund , which was raised in 2008 .

  4. 当时梁伯韬还表示,张兰将继续担任俏江南董事长,并与CVC团队合作,继续在设定俏江南的战略方向上发挥重要作用。

    At the time , Mr Leung also said that Ms Zhang would stay on as chairwoman and continue to play an important role in setting the strategic direction of South Beauty in partnership with the CVC team .

  5. 而俏江南蒸菜餐厅将以其时尚、健康、丰富、精致的内涵面向中高端消费人群。

    South Beauty Steam restaurant will aim at high-and-mid-end consumers with its rich fashionability , healthiness , abundance and exquisiteness .

  6. 俏江南此次进驻上海新天地,以此进一步展现这一国际品牌对时尚与美食的精准把握。

    South Beauty 's entry into Shanghai Xintiandi this time means the fully understanding of international top brands of fashion and cuisine .

  7. 多年来,俏江南以其时尚健康、品位创新的特色餐饮服务赢得了国内外广大消费者的喜爱。

    Over the years , South Beauty has won a great number of consumers at home and abroad with its high-qualified and fashionable environment .

  8. 长期以来,俏江南以创新的服务理念和国际水准的服务品质不断为中国高端餐饮市场树立着全新的品质与服务标杆。

    In all the years , with its innovative service concepts and international standards of service quality , South Beauty is keeping establishing new benchmarks of quality and service .

  9. 我们对张兰女士和安永先生领导的俏江南管理团队评价极高,并对他们深厚的行业洞察力和知识以及强大的执行能力留下深刻印象。

    We think highly of the South Beauty management team led by Ms Zhang Lan and Mr An Yong , and are impressed by their deep industry insights and knowledge as well as strong execution capabilities , Mr Leung said .